Chapter 15











Chapter 15



Everyone of us are trying to get use to our stage names since this will be a start for our career.




YOON’S POV – The Next Day


Finally! It’s our debut day and all of us are busy like hell. Practice and rehearsals everyday even though there is our pre-debut show to film. We were happy and excited for today and we have our seniors, Seventeen, After School, NU’EST and Hello Venus who came down to our showcase venue to support us.


Our showcase starts at 1800 hours at KST and our debut stage is on the next day. 2016, 26th March is our official debut date. We did not expect a lot of fans. In either way, we were nervous and excited. We hope there are fans that like us.


Now it’s 1755 hours and its just 5 minutes before our showcase. We get even more nervous while waiting. We went near the stage for standby and to our surprise, we heard noise. And it was really noisy. I peep out my head out a little from the side not letting any fans notice.


 I was so shocked and nudged Feby and Han to look outside. They all stood in awe. The venue was filled with fans. We have our showcase where Seventeen had theirs. Now it’s surprising to see that many fans we have and cheered on us.


I felt overwhelmed. “WOW! OH MY GOSH!” I covered my mouth expressionless and shocked. My eyes started to fill up with tears. Just to recap, we had our pre-debut show with Seventeen seniors in only two of the episodes (Horror special). We have 12 episodes in total.


HAN: “This is amazing!” she said in awe.

ELLY: “I think I’m gonna cry.”

EUN: “I can’t believe what I just saw.”


Everyone of us are overwhelmed by how many fans came. “So, this is how you feel when you get lots of fans at the beginning of your idol life.” Some of us exclaimed.


After our intro video shown, it’s time for us to get up on the stage. We performed Snowflakes first then Flame Stars. We showed our talents and performed our last 2 songs, 전부 다 알아 (Know Everything) then our title track, AA (Ace Angel).


Our fans cheered for us when we perform our title track and my tears drop. The cheers were really loud that even our seniors are so proud of us. This showcase also means the last episode of our pre-debut show. It was so meaningful to us.


The hosts ask us some questions before we end our showcase.


LIZZY: “So, how do you feel right now with so many fans that cheer and support for you all?”


The microphone was passed to me so I have to answer.


YOON: “Firstly, I’m really grateful for all the fans that came here for our showcase.” Starting to choke on my tears.


YOON: “We really didn’t expect that many fans to be here. Thank you so much.” I bowed and tears started falling and could not stop.


YOON: “Lastly is that we MOUNTEEN are very happy to have our seniors who came down to support for us especially Seventeen. Thank you so much.” Crying while thanking everybody.


FEBY: “We also want to thank our CEO who accept us into PLEDIS and train us even though it’s only a short time.”


YOON: “We will work hard for the future and will always love our fans forever! Thank you and Sarang hae~” all of us thank and bowed.


Some of us were crying and the fans were chanting “Uljima. Uljima!” Lizzy and Nana came up to us and hug us to comfort us. We finish up with the closing sentence and ended the showcase.


We came down from the stage and walk to the boys who were coming towards us to hug and comfort us.


We hug all of them each and they said we did great for our showcase. In the waiting room, I went to Jeonghan and hug him with the seniors looking at us.


“Wu~” some of our seniors didn’t know the fact that we were dating. And by seeing us so imitating they kept making sounds that annoy us.


JH: “Hyung, noona, please stop that.”

He looks down at me and wipe off my tears flowing down. When I still can’t stop crying, he presses me onto his chest and hug me once again. He my head to calm me down and I did. After sometime, my tears stop dropping and I push myself away from his chest and I look up at him.


Coups then made a clap making all of us looking up at him. Beside him was Doogi oppa smiling widely like a proud father.


DOOGI: “Girls, you did great. Totally awesome on the stage. I’ve saw some interviews at the side by for our pre-debut show and all were compliments. Some said they didn’t expect that much from you girls and all your vocals were great. Visuals, dance and rapping skills totally thrown it off stage and they said you girls are the best. Best out of all rookies who just debut. They will definitely spread out or get new and more fans for you girls. I’m really proud of you girls. Come here.” Signaling us to come to him and hug us.


This time, we were overjoyed and we hug each other with Doogi oppa.




-The Next Day-


We went to Inkigayo for our first debut stage. We arrived earlier than we expected and when for our rehearsal. Just only a day apart, our seniors told us that there were numerous of news on us and our showcase.


We are happy that we get our fame by our talents and sure we were overjoyed. We greet all the staff and step up the stage for rehearsal. Since there are 13 of us, we need time to know where our spot is on stage. We wear on the name tags for us and get ready.


We rehearse the intro song and our title song. Everything went well and we head to the waiting room to prepare for our stage.


We pass by VIXX and BAP and greet them. We stop for a bit and chat with them.


N: “I’ve saw your rehearsal, it’s so awesome! Fighting!” he gave us thumbs up and we bowed thanking him.


HB: “You girls are really pretty and beautiful. Hope we will be friends alright?” giving us his angel smile.


Ravi nudged Hongbin out of his thoughts and apologized. We shake our heads and smile. Leo was beside just clapping for us. As expected of Leo oppa. They left and we met BAP. We greet them and they praised us for the rehearsal performance.


ZELO: “Jalhanda!” smiling with his smiley eyes with two thumbs up.


Himchan came up and hug us. We thank them and YoungJae with Daehyun approve our singing skills by clapping and giving thumbs up making us blush.


MOUNTEEN: “Gomabseubnida!” we all bowed and BAP left.


We head back to our waiting room and start our make-up and hair-styling. Everyone went to change to our performance outfits and had our make-up. We took longer since there are 13 of us. Some slept while waiting.


Han and I slept since we spend all night arranging the music for our intro. The girls then played around and snap photos of us sleeping. We didn’t until we saw them doing it to Feby and Kyo.


YOON: “GIRLS! IF YOU EVER SNAP A PHOTO OF ME OR HAN SLEEPING, YOU BETTER DELETE IT BEFORE I COME AND CHASE AFTER YOU AFTER MY HAIR’S DONE!” I shouted and the girls flinched. The hair-stylist who was making my hair startled. I apologized to her and explain. She just smiled and said, “You girls are exactly the same as SVT.”


Time passes so fast since we took up a long time changing, making up and hair styling. We got to rest without hindrance for ten minutes then we were called to standby.


YOON: “Finally, today has come.”

KYO: “I’m so nervous.”

EUN: “Same here.”


We all help to calm our members’ nervousness away and gathered for our team cheer before we head up.


Our senior came down and we greet them before going up. We took our positions and get ready. The music starts and we start our intro. Just the start of our intro only and we hear lots of fan chants for us. We keep up being professional on stage and some of us did fan services.


Some fans gave shock expressions because most of the singers who just debut or have their comebacks don’t sing on their first stage. But for us, we told each other no matter it’s a comeback stage or our debut stage, we MUST sing. This is what we promised to each other and to the fans.


After our debut, we have been busy promoting our album and some went DJing or hosting.




-3 weeks into our career-


All of us including SVT were busy with our schedules. We had basically no time to meet up and tried to rest in between breaks.


We have another week of promotion before it is over and we did our best in any variety shows we gone to. We were very lucky for Running Man PD-nim to invite us on Running Man. Since our group is too big, only two of us went and that was Jo and me.


We get to know many of our seniors and exchange numbers to know them well. We got really a lot of phone numbers and get to know them well.




-Another week past-


Today is our last day for our promotions and we are able to rest for a month. Well, Han and I can’t because we have to work on our next album songs whenever we can.


After our schedule, we finally start our rest period. We head back to our waiting room when I suddenly heard a familiar voice.


UNKNOWN: “Yoon Jeongeun?” I turned around and was shock to see someone I know here.


 My eyes widen in shock. “Oppa?! What are you doing here?” I asked. Yes, the boy that called my name was my elder brother, Yoon Sung Hyun. That was his Korean name stage name. He is the leader of SONIC that debut in 2010. His English name is Xavier.


He run to me and hug me tightly. I return him by hugging him tighter. I was so glad to see him ever since he left for South Korea back in 2006. I missed him so much and now I see him. But the thing is that he didn’t tell our parents that he became an idol.


During that time, SVT came to see us as they have a day off Jeonghan saw me hugging and kissing my brother whom he only now that is his senior. His expression change from joy to jealousness. His face stiffens and Feby and Vernon saw it.


I bid farewell to my brother and bowed to his group members and left. I turned and saw Jeonghan and ran up to him. I wanted to hug him but he rejected. I was dumbfounded by his actions and ask the rest what happened.


FEBY: “He saw you hugging and kissing that SONIC leader. Who is he by the way?”

YOON: “That’s my brother. I haven’t seen him in like 10 years ever since he came here to study. That’s why I hug and kissed him. Don’t let me he’s (pointing to Jeonghan) jealous.”

FEBY: “Oh. Glad for you.” With Vernon at the back listening.


VN: “You better explain to him before anything gets worse.” I nod and head towards the jealous Jeonghan.


Feby went to the girls and help me explain while some of them still look suspicious at me. I mouthed back saying it’s the truth and they nodded.


I turn to Jeonghan and shake him. He didn’t respond to me. I suddenly felt scared. It’s my first time seeing him acting this way, really weird.


YOON: “Baby~ I have something to tell you.” I pulled his sleeve and he pushes my hands away. I was shocked and look at coups for help.


He mouth back to me to try aegyoing to him and I nod in reply.


YOON: “Baby~” I aegyo while squatting down pulling his sleeve.


YOON: “Just now…. What you saw…. Was a misunderstanding.”


Jeonghan didn’t move and kept his face looking straight.


I tried to put my face in front of his and he turned away. I totally felt really sorry and worried for him instead of being angry. Since he didn’t budge, I left and walk towards Eun.



EUN: “Why are you so kind and soft-hearted, unnie? You should be angry instead of worrying for him.” she questions me as I walk to her. My head was down and I didn’t answer her. Eun bend her head down and saw me crying. She flinched and put my head to her shoulder. She mouth for help and told them that I was crying.


The atmosphere became so intense after this happen.





Hi! Finally another chapter done! XP Do support and comment~ Sorry for the cliff hanger portion. ;P

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3