Chapter 12








Chapter 12




ELLY: “Now, we are going to the company and record our songs.” She says in a joyous tone.


We all waited outside the dorm and hop up into the van. We reach the company in no time and went straight to the recording studio. We open the door and saw a familiar back view.




YOON’S POV – Recording Studio


HAN: “UJI~ Hyung!!!!” she run to Woozi and hug him tightly and gave him a peck on his cheek.


KYO: “What’s Woozi oppa doing here?” she turns to Jean.

JEAN: “I thought both our unnies (pointing to Han and me) are recording for us?” she turns to Ann.

ANN: “Oppa, mind explaining?” questioning Woozi.


WZ: “I’ll be your mentor for today’s session. I’ll be helping and watching how you girls record.” He said smiling.


Una and Eun widen their eyes in shock because they, no we all know that Woozi is one serious and scary composer when it comes to recording. It’s no joke. We all get ready and Han and I sat in front of the recording monitor. We go through the lyrics first together then get ready for our official recording.


HAN: “Ready Rin?” she asks in a serious tone.

RIN: “Yes, I’m ready. Let’s start please.” Taking a deep breath to relieve her nervousness.


Suddenly the atmosphere changes since this is our recording session and we want to record it properly. Everyone has their serious face on and I was sitting there hearing for any mistakes like a professional vocal trainer.


Han stop the music and pressed on the speaker button. “Rin, at the last few words, you should hit ‘Sol’ not ‘Fa’. Let’s try again.” Rin nods and record again.


I stop the music this time and pressed the button. “Rin, please, mind your pronunciation.” Rin was shocked at my seriousness. We continued and Woozi was smiling where I could see him at the corner of my eye.


Rin finishes and it is Feby’s turn. Feby went into the room and adjust the microphone a little. “We’ll start now.” I stated and start the music.


HAN: “Your pronunciation is a bit off. Fix that.”

YOON: “Your tune is a bit off. ‘La’ not ‘Sol’.”


It was Min’s turn and she started rapping.

YOON: “Your rapping is a bit too mono tone. Try it with a little tune in it.”

WOOZI: “You’re the same as Seungcheol hyung.” He cuts in.


We finish one song in more than 3 hours and we continued with the second song. We don’t have any sub-units because we have not yet to finalize who will be rapping, dancing and singing. In our debut mini album there are four tracks with what is shown below.



Album Title: ACE IT


  1. Snowflakes
  2. AA (Ace Angels)
  3. Flame Stars
  4. 전부 다 알아 (Know Everything)
  5. AA (Ace Angels) Instrumental



All the songs were written and composed by both of us, Han and me. We were tried from the whole day of recording and fell asleep while waiting. We were happy that we finish 3 songs and we just need to record just one more song. Both of us spend the time arranging the members’ parts together and the rest are in the dance studio with Seventeen practicing their Korean.


We finish up and head to the dance studio together.


HAN: “Omma, We did well just now right?”

YOON: “Yup! Didn’t know that we all can be that fast too!” I was surprise with our progression.

HAN: “So, what’s tomorrow’s schedule? Recording again?”

YOON: “It’s our pre-debut reality show recording. There’s some special episode.” I took out the schedule I put in my pocket and scan through it.


We have reach and open the door. Jeonghan and Woozi ran towards us and hugged us. We were pulled away after a minute and Woozi started complimenting with Jeonghan in front of me.


WZ: “You girls did well today. I don’t even need to speak up or do anything in our place. Well done.” He gave thumbs up to us. Jeonghan was glad to hear that and smile widely. “Good job baby~” he told me and gave me a peck on my cheek.




YOON’S POV – The Next Day


I woke up early as my alarm rings but the moment I walk to all the rooms, Eunhee was nowhere to be seen. “Eun? Where are you?” I call out softly to find her. No response. “Weird. She’s always the 2nd half to wake up but where is she now? So unlike her.” I say to myself and went to Feby’s room and wake her up.


We have filming today so we need to wake up early to prepare. Then the door bell rings. I hurriedly finish my wash up and went to open the door. It’s Seventeen. I wasn’t surprise since this isn’t the first time Seventeen joins us.


I quickly let the door go and went straight to call my members up coolly. They gave me a slight glare and turn to our living room.


Some of the members weren’t barging so I shouted, “GIRLS!!! WAKE UP!!! BEFORE I GET SEUNGKWAN TO SING YOU GIRLS UP!!!!” I was fed up by the fact they didn’t listen to me last night.  






Last night, we reach back at around 9:30pm and I was really tired from all the lessons and recording. The girls were hungry so they decided to call delivery for supper. They ate fried chicken and were energized by the food.


I went to wash up after eating and headed to bed since I am really worn off. Feby followed me as she was tired too.


The girls were beside the work studio in our dorm.

[Below is the rough structure of MOUNTEEN’s bungalow dorm]






The circled portion is where the girls were seated and where I stood to wake them up. The sofa area is where the Seventeen boys are.


The girls stayed up late until around 1am in the morning. Our manager oppa hurried them to sleep since it was late. They really can chat a lot.


DOOGI: “GIRLS! Go & sleep now! It’s 1am in the morning and the 11 of you are still awake?! GO NOW! You have schedule later!” he yelled at them. The girls just listen to Doogi oppa and went to bed.


*End of flashback*




-In The Morning at 9am-


Eunhee is nowhere to be seen but Myungho is with Seventeen. The girls finally woke up to my loud threatening morning call and washed up. Feby and I went downstairs to the living room where the boys are.


15 of us are ready without Eunhee. “Seriously, anyone of you know where did Eunhee gone to?” I turn to the boys and ask them.



They all look around giving each other looks to know who knows where Eunhee is. Surprisingly, Myungho did a good job on acting. “Eunhee?! Where? Where’s my baby?!” he started whining. I smell something fishy when Myungho did that so I just act with it.


Elly come down with Jo & Kyo while Lyn, Una and Jean come in strolling behind them. Ann comes running down the stairs behind Jean.


YOON: “The twins and Han! Come down this instance!” I shouted from downstairs. Doogi oppa was about to shout but stop since I was a step faster.


SC: “Twins?!” he said with confused eyes looking at me. The others did the same.


FEBY: “It’s a long story, we will tell you later.” She replied for me.


It’s already 9:45am and we are definitely late for our schedule. It starts at 9:30am and we are still stuck at the dorm where I waited for more than 2 hours already.


The door bell rang and it was the PD nim and the writers for our pre-debut show. First episode only and we get a special episode. Scary~


They said it was alright since they were just waiting outside our dorm. I apologized for being late to the crew along with Doogi oppa. They started filming us since they want it to be reality show along with the Seventeen boys. Eunhee was still nowhere to be seen. Gosh.


Just then, Eunhee came back and I started scolding her. I was worried sick of her since she went missing this morning.




YOON: “I’ve been worried sick, do you even know? I’m so scared that something happen to you!” I hugged her tightly.


The crew, Doogi oppa, the boys and the girls including the twins with Han coming down flinched at the sight I scold Eunhee.


After all that drama, I calmed down and the PD-nim passes me a mission card. It’s stated, ‘Go to the location we have secured for you with the hints below. XXXXㄱㅁI scratch my head with S.coups doing the same.


YOON: ㄱㅁ? 건물? Building? What building?” I look really confused.


We head off with 4 vans. The boys with 2 vans and we have 2 vans also. Doogi oppa drive one of the van and the other was me driving. We all split up and head to the destination we have discussed earlier.


We stopped at some stops for toilet breaks and lunch break. It was out of Seoul so we need some time to reach. We all have our bags packed with clothes.


When we arrived at our destination stated on the mission card, I instantly know what The8 and Eunhee are up to. We came out of our vans and I stared at Eunhee the moment she steps down.




Hi there! I know you did wait for some time and I’m sorry since I was busy with stuff. Thanks for all the subscribing and votings! Please do comment and support! I really have to cut it since I still have chores undone. Bye! :P

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3