Chapter 18









Chapter 18




The PD gives an official statement or rather rule before they start the full course.


PD: “Okay. Today’s mission is to find blah-blah-blah.” It ended so suddenly and all of them gave a confused and question marks starts to pop out from all of their heads.


DK: “That’s all?” questioning while being a little suspicious of the atmosphere.

PD: “Go. Go on~ St…tart!” ushering them into the special haunted house.


Everyone has their head tilted to the side since they couldn’t compose what is going on.


-At the filming site; Haunted House-


DK: “That’s all?” questioning while being a little suspicious of the atmosphere.

PD: “Go. Go on~ St…tart!” ushering them into the special haunted house.


Everyone has their head tilted to the side since they couldn’t compose what is going on.


Unlike S.coups, he was hanging to Joshua since he was scared.


TEAM A: “Hyung!” all of them yelled as they saw what S.coups was doing.


Team B was waiting since they need to get much more inside before they can go in.


MG: “Err~ Can’t they please hurry?!” suddenly he was rushing to get in there.


Jeonghan turns his head and look at Mingyu thinking ‘what’s wrong with this dude?’


-In the haunted house-


Slowly both teams are in the haunted house but not deep enough for us to scare them yet.


TEAM A: “AHH!!!”

SC: “Ah!!!! Get away!”

JOSH: “Hey!”

HS: “Argh!!!”

DK: “YAH!”

VN: “OH MY! What the ---!”

DN: “OMMA~~”


You can hear all the screams even you are a mile away from this haunted house. What’s worse is that we haven’t appeared yet and they are screaming so much!


JH: “Aishh!!!!”

MG: “Mwo ya?!”

WW: “Ya!”

SK: “UMMA!!!!! Save me~” he cries.

THE8: “OUMMA!!!”

JUN: “AHH~~~”

WZ: “Ah~ ii~”


Now even they are swearing inside here. Since they didn’t know we are here, we are getting ready for action when Team A is just a foot away.


EUN: “BOO HA!” she jumped out with her hands wide open and hides back quickly.


If you didn’t know, S.coups flinched and jumps a step back. Eun was trying to keep her laughter in but she couldn’t. All of them got a shock from Eun’s scare.


They fasten up their steps and Min came out. Her long black hair covers her face and she starts to run and chase them causing all of them to run around and scream at the top of their lungs. S.coups runs in circles like he was being chased by some devil spirit.


Min couldn’t stand it and fell on the floor laughing out loud. S.coups then stops and sees clearly and closer. His girlfriend was the one causing him to run like a kid in circles. He immediately stares hardly at Min and the rest just stare blankly at her.


Min suddenly notices S.coups stare and went back to her hiding spot quietly. They found her and she plead for her life.


MIN: “Please don’t tell the rest yet. I need to do my ‘mission’ if not I am gonna stay here for punishment later!”


The rest idioticly believed her and left. If she did lie about the ‘mission’ she is so going to be killed by her boyfriend and his friends.


Whereas the other team is getting used to it and the staff kind of freak out at the sudden situation. Some staff used the walkie talkie to pass the information while rest whispered to us.


HAN: “What!?”

JO: “Really?”

YOON: “Huh!?!”


We started to flinch and worry about what will happen in a while. One by one our boyfriends found us and they find it totally absurd.


At the last corner, I was hiding behind a cupboard as a werewolf with colored contact lenses. I hoped out of my spot and start my acting as a fierce wild werewolf hunting for preys to devour.


Seungkwan and The8 hid behind Jeonghan while he was looking at me wondering if it was really me since the make-up change my appearance quite a lot. Before they could get near me, I suddenly rush to them causing them to run as fast as they could.


Some of them were out while those inside were screaming like hell. You could tell who they are now.


All of them finally finish their trail and wanted to get back in but was stop by the staff.


PD: “You are not allowed to go in anymore. Once you are out means you are LITERALLY out.” Followed by a laugh.


PD: “So, did you do your mission? Please hand out what you are supposed to take or do now.”


Team B gave what they are told to whereas Team A didn’t do their mission since they were screaming all the way inside there.


PD: “Now, go and get your ‘mission’ now all of you. I told you to get them but you didn’t.” Seems like the actual mission isn’t what Team B gave.


S.coups and Jeonghan suddenly have a light bulb on top of their head and went in to get their ‘mission’. The rest stand and stare blankly at the staff not knowing what to do.


Jeonghan came in through the exit door and came up near to me. I just started acting since I don’t want to get out. Being a stubborn girl at this timing out of all times. He pulled me but I continued to act.


JH: “Stop it and I know your mission. Just follow me now.” He said sternly. I still refused and stay at my spot. He couldn’t pull out so he kissed me on my lips with cameras still filming.


I was shock and dumbfounded at what he did and he just pull a shock ‘werewolf’ out of the haunted house.


JH: “Now you know what I mean now? So go and get them now.” Telling the kids and pointing at me as a hint.


S.coups did the same thing to Min and Min just froze there. Why are they doing this to us? All of us thought.


Slowly, all came out with their girlfriends and stood in a line. We all stood up and return to normal.


PD: “Now, anything to tell your girlfriends?” smirking at all of us.


HS: “Okay, this is sudden.”

WZ: “Why do we need to do this?” questioning the staff.

DK: “Yes, you didn’t even ask us for permission and now you are doing this.” Causing the staff to flinch at what he said.


PD: “Now, I have something to announce.”


There was a pause of silence and awkwardness throughout until the PD-nim continues.


PD: “For the next episode, you will have a day off with your girlfriends’ individually. So now let’s finish up and wrap up the film.”


We stared at the PD-nim with our eyes wide open and one of the staff just did the slate to end it up. But it was just the start of the show as they record us secretly with several mini cameras being installed in our dorm and the tour bus. We didn’t expect this to happen but everything went smoothly for us.


The fans congratulate us and support us which we were not expecting.  Lucky for us, no sasaeng fans appeared and no harm events happen.


-4 months after revealing-


It was almost a year since MOUNTEEN debut and we all had a lot of schedules due to the fame that rose up really fast. We got even more fans when we revealed our relationship with SVT.


It’s just 3 days before our first anniversary and we were just busy with our last promotions for our first full length album. 2 days just past by and it’s our first year anniversary of MOUNTEEN. Although we revealed something, there were some ups and downs at that time.


We were all tired after we finished up our last performance. We all fall onto the floor of the dance practice studio in PLEDIS. Although we all know it’s our anniversary, we were really dead tired because of the hectic schedule we have.


DOOGI: “Well done, good job girls!”


Our manager praised us and we smiled a bit. Doogi oppa can see how tired we are by the expressions we have. Some passed out after they lie on the floor. We rest and slept for 3 hours and we woke up to Doogi oppa’s singing.


 One by one, we wake up and we practice a little to stall time. When all of us are practicing for the last time before we leave, the door bag opened.


We all turn our heads towards the door and the lights suddenly switched off. We screamed for 2 seconds then saw the cake with candles lighted coming in.


SVT: “Happy 1st anniversary MOUNTEEN~” they started singing while coming in the studio.


We were so touched by what they did and we didn’t expect DK to be recording it through V app.


Jeonghan came towards me and hugged me by my waist.


JH: “Happy 1st anniversary baby~ you did a good job on being a leader and worked hard. Love you!” he kissed me in my checks and hugs me.


I squired in joy and was touch by SVT.


YOON: “Thank you! I love you too baby~” I peck on his lips.


MG: “Baby, happy 1st anniversary~ I love you!” he gave Rin a big hug and kisses on her lips.


S.coups did the same to Min and came up to me.


SC: “Jeoungeun noona, you did great! I know it is hard to look after 12 younger brothers/sisters but you are good. I don’t see anybody as caring, nice as you. I love you as a younger brother and Happy Anniversary for you and MOPUNTEEN!”


I smiled and thank S.coups and gave him a hug. The twenty-six of us are so close now and we don’t mind hugging each other. Jeonghan brought me to the corner of the practice studio and we chit chat together and tears just started to flow since I am an emotional girl.


We get lovely dovey and the rest had their time together as a couple. I look around before I start to talk and saw the rest kissing. I couldn’t resist myself and I put my face near Jeonghan’s and kissed. It’s our first anniversary as MOUNTEEN and as a couple and we are all surprised to see rings and proposals right in front of our eyes.


Of course, we all agreed and hug each other tightly and sparing a peck on our foreheads (girls) and cheeks (boys).



Hi there~ Although this is just a double update but I am sorry to announce that this will be the final chapter. L I don’t know if this story is short but I hope the readers or fans who read this do enjoy it! :P Thank you for all the votes and comments and I do hope you all will follow me for more fan fictions! >3<

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3