Chapter 18

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Have you ever felt how hurt your heart when you had to forget the person that you loves so much? If yes, then you know how Jimin felt. He just did the decision to forget Hana. Like seriously he did that? Yes he did that. He did that because first, he loves his friend so much and he wants Jungkook to have a better life again and he believes Hana can do that. Secondly, he knew that Hana will never see him as someone special or you can call it as a lover. He knew. Jimin knew that it was hard to do so but hey give it a try won't hurt right?

Yeah right Jimin give it a try won't hurt but no, he's already hurt when he saw Hana with Jungkook that morning. His heart clenched at how Hana was perfectly fit in Jungkook's hug. Then, he saw Hana walking out from the college with Jungkook, side by side. From that moment he knew that Taehyung already did what Seokjin wanted him to do. He just smiles weakly. He said to himself that he shouldn't feel sad because he already made a decision to forget Hana (I mean forget his feeling towards Hana) and move on. Maybe its hurt at first but maybe it will become better sooner, Jimin thought.

And here he was, having his lunch time, at their usual place, and he was alone. He didn't do anything. He just appreciated the horizon in front of him. He wants to clear his mind, especially about that certain someone who had a soft spot in Jimin's heart.

Of course, it was the first day for Jimin to erase Hana from his mind and heart after he decides to agree with Seokjin's plan. However, he knew that to do that will take a long time and definitely his heart will hurt so much. But, its his choice and he chose to do that.

Jimin still remember the first time he met Hana. He thought that it was so sweet.

It went like this, after his last class of that day ended, Jimin went to the toilet before went to the basketball court. For your information, he joined the college Basketball team along with Taehyung and Jungkook. So, when he enter one of the stall in the toilet, he heard someone from the outside barged into the stall next to his. At first, he just ignored it. But, when he went out from the stall and wanted to wash his hand, he heard someone was sniffling. He looks around and he knew that sound came from the stall next to the stall he was using before. Then, he heard sobbing and hiccup. He thought that maybe that person was crying, so, became a caring boy he was, he knocks on the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently.


"Hey, open the door. Maybe I can help you." He said without knowing who was in the stall.

Still silence. Jimin sighed. He thought that maybe the boy inside didn't want any help. Just when he was about to leave, he heard the person inside talked.

"A-are you a boy?" Came that stuttured voice.

Jimin almost wanted to burst out laughing but he was holding himself from doing so.

"Of course I am. This is male toilet." Jimin said, his lips turn upward and carved a small smile.

"I see." That person said. "Then, I'm at the wrong toilet." Jimin heard that person mumbled.

"Wait, what? You are at the wrong toilet? What do you mean by that?" Jimin asked, slightly confused.

"I'm a girl." She said.

Suddenly, Jimin laughed. He felt it funny. How can that girl went into the wrong toilet when there's a big sign on the door.

"Stop laughing." She said.

"Sorry." Jimin said when he stops laughing. But, he was biting his lips so hard to stop himself from laughing again.

"I'm sorry because you had to hear me crying." She apoligise. "Well, actually, I missed my parents. Today is their wedding anniversary." She said sadly.

"And?" Jimin asked, not understand why she was crying. She can call her parents right? Or went celebrate together with them. However the replied that he got made he felt pitied on her.

"They had die." She said, half whispering.

"Ohh, I'm sorry." Jimin said.

"Its okay."

Then, silence engulf them.

"And because of I'm so sad, I wanted to cry, I didn't notice that I went into the wrong toilet." She added.

"Its okay. I understand." Jimin said. "Why don't you going out now?" Jimin suggest.

"No, I'm scared if people saw me and they will laugh at me." She said, sniffling.

"Just open the door. I will help you." Jimin said, assuring the girl.

After about a few seconds, he heard the unlock sound and the door was opening slowly, revealing a brown haired girl, with her eyes glassy, puffy cheeks and lips was trembling slightly. That moment was when Jimin thought that he had fell in love for the first time. The vulnerable sight in front of him made his heart skip a beat.

"H-how you can help me?" She asks while stutturing.

Jimin carved a smile. He approaches the girl.

"Here." He held onto her wrist. Just when he was about to pull her out, both of them heard the footsteps. The girl eyes widened. Without thinking, she pulls Jimin into the stall and pushed Jimin at the door, closing and locking it.

Jimin groan when his back hit the door because the girl just pushed him at the door to close it. Jimin wanted to curse her but he was frozen when he felt something heavy on his chest. It was her head. Jimin could feel his heart beating faster and he wished that the girl won't listen to that beat.

Then, Jimin heard they were talking about this new student.

"That new girl is so pretty I tell you." The first boy said.

"Really? I didn't see her yet." Said another boy.

"Define pretty." said boy number three.

"If TaeTiSeo are pretty, then she is the prettiest." Said the first boy.

Jimin only frowns. Then, he looks at the girl.

"Are you the new girl they were talking about?" Jimin whispered as he realised that he never met the girl in front of him. Well, he kind off know all students in that college. Not really know but I mean know, like their faces, familiar or not.

Then, she back away from Jimin and look away when she realised that she was leaning her head on Jimin's chest. But, still their closeness due to the stall not really big, she can feel her face was heating up. She only nodded, not believing her voice.

"I'm Park Jimin." Jimin whispers as he still heard the voice. He hands out his hand, wanted to shake hand with her.

She still silenced. Just when she didn't hear any of the voices outside, she spoke.

"I'm Jo Hana." She replied, shaking hand with Jimin.

"Nice to meet you." Jimin said, smiling and he didn't let go of Hana's hand until he heard she clears . "Ohh, okay let's... get out of here." Jimin said, scratching the back of his neck. Hana only nodded and followed him from behind.

It was sweet right? Jimin only can smile remembering it.

Then, the second time he met Hana was at the basketball court. And that was the moment when Hana starts to think badly about Jimin.

He was having his basketball practice with his teammates, when he wanted to pass the ball to Jungkook, he passed it a bit too high and fast and Jungkook barely caught it. As a result,

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Chapter 18 updated! I hope all of you enjoy it


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Chapter 19: O M G !! My hearteu~
I want Jungkook to kiss me like that T^T
Chapter 17: Finally!! I miss this story so much!
Thanks for the update *-*
Chapter 17: I'm still reading it, I was waiting! :D I really like this story, it's great <3 please update as soon as you can ^^
Ihershie #5
<3 i READ THIS a while ago and came back to it amazed again :)