
Our Golden Maknae

The flight to Hawaii was long but Jungkook slept the entire time. The hyungs kept taking pictures of their cute maknae. Though his thin body worries them, his sleeping face makes them smile. When the airplane landed, the hyungs took care of the luggage and didn’t let Jungkook take a thing. Huh, it was usually the maknae taking all the stuff but now it is reverse. Jungkook smiled just at the thought of that. The past few months he barely had to carry anything. He knew it was because of his cancer but hey, it was the one enjoyable thing about it. He couldn’t stop smiling while taking a picture of the palm trees after they stepped outside. Jungkook is as happy as he can possibly be while lugging a cancer filled body during their trip. Bangtan Boys’ trip. Their trip. Little did he know the members’ effort to take him on this trip. Besides the pleading of the members with the company, there came the doctor as well.

“You guys have to aware that this trip may not benefit his cancer well. Sincerely ask yourselves whether his health is more important or making him happy is more important. I am letting you guys know that from the perspective of a doctor worrying about his patient, I oppose this trip.”
“I figured you would oppose but I am willing if Jungkook will enjoy it. He shouldn’t be sad and anger everyday. His happiness is important to us.” Again another inspirations speech from the eldest.
“If Jungkook gets a relapse in Hawaii, the doctors there won’t be able to help him like I do. They won’t know enough about his condition.” The doctor tried once again to persuade them. The determined look on the members’ faces told him everything. He just sighed and ushered them out of his office while telling them to better be careful with Jungkook. As for Big Hit, well, it took a bit of thinking with the members. The phrase “We just want him to be happy” was said by Jin with tears on his face and they were free. Jung kook got his trip but more importantly, his happiness. 
The warm air hit them full force as it is very different from the cold air of Korea. The palm trees towered over them and the blue sky invited them. The people there all had smiles on their faces and soon the members had smiles plastered on their faces too. Jung kook skipped down the street and the smiles got wider with Jungkookie’s action. They skipped along side him down to the beach. Ah, the beach, nothing could compare to the one they are walking on now. The white sand was smooth and relaxing to walk on. The ocean painted a more beautiful blue than the sky. The waves moved the ocean, making it feel alive. Taehyung was the first on to run into the water making his clothes soaked. Jungkook turned to Yoongi, shrugged, and made his way into the ocean. Jungkook really wasn’t supposed to enter the water but who was to stop him from the glistening ocean that opened to him and enveloped in a hug. Though he has a dull ache in his body, he played with s until sundown. They young boys who experienced quiet a lot this year laid down in the sand and enjoyed the beautiful view. BTS was always too busy to even just lay down and think about nothing. Now was their chance. The 7 boys laid down in a line and looked at the colorful sky, not thinking about anything and forgetting about their worries. Relax Jungkookie, relax. Jungkook swore he heard his parents’ voices soothing him. He found himself asleep. When the sunset ended, Jimin picked up the boy with ease signifying the recent weight-loss of the boy. As hard as the members try to forget about Jungkook’s cancer during the trip, every time they look at him, it reminds them. Jung kook’s bald head, his thin figure,  the dark eye bags from nights awake in pain, his unstable breathing, the times when he shivers even in warm weather. Every time it seems they finally forgot the fact, they look at him and everything rushes back to them and stabs them in the heart. They can’t forget, even if they wanted to….


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koooooookieah #1
Chapter 21: It’s 2019 and I’m waiting!!!!!! Always will be waiting... please don’t leave this ff if you haven’t already..... I’m just dying to keep reading
rokuisthename #2
Chapter 21: Oh and no pressure intended. I love this fic with a passion, but your personal life and health, education, ect. Is more important to all of us. Sorry we're all hungry for more, we just LOVE this SOSOSO much. A well thought out story, In love???
rokuisthename #3
Chapter 21: OKAY but you have no idea how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this fic. I need updates as soon as possible???????
Leah_Black #4
Please don’t leave this ff I really wanna know what will happen with Jungkook and the others. Xoxo
Chapter 21: Please update soon
Airishi #6
Chapter 21: Please update soon Author-nim..... :D :D :D
Leah_Black #7
Chapter 20: Hi!!!
Please don’t let us hanging! I wanna know what is going to happen with Kookie. xx
Airishi #8
Chapter 20: wow!! fantastic. You're a superb writer did you know?.... You really caught a readers attention with this kind of twist, I tear up a lot on how emotional your story is... I just rarely read fanfic because some of them are only repeating its plot and , but here I am interestingly reading your fanfic. Thank you very much for the good story and I can only say is that JOB WELL DONE!!!... I hope you will continue on updating, I can't wait on reading your update soon. (big thumbs up)
Chapter 21: While this chapter is upsetting, it's nice that Seokjin's parenting instincts still work!

And no need to worry about the updating schedule. School is more important.