Do It For Us

Our Golden Maknae

Hoseok came back with a bag full of medicine after struggling to identify the different brands and their uses. Sweat stuck to his forehead as he ran into the hotel room. Jin fumbled through the bag looking for the fever medicine and was happy when the bottle appeared in his hands. He carefully poured the medicine into the little cup and provided a cup of water along with it. Now the hard part comes, waking Jungkook up. Jin climbed on the bed and gently shook the little one's shoulders. No response. He shook slightly harder.

"Kookie. Wake up. You have to drink your medicine." Jin urged the maknae. Jungkook reacted to the sound by shaking his head.

"Jungkook, you have to become healthy and strong again. Please drink your medicine. Do it for us. For Bangtan." Suga pleaded. The maknae frowned with his eyes closed. Jungkook soon opened his tired eyes and blinked away his foggy sight. The six members helped his weak body to sit up. Jin held the cup and carefully poured the liquid into Jungkook's mouth. They laid him back down on the bed. All they can do now is wait for the medicine to hopefully decrease his temperature. Namjoon sighed and put a wet towel on the maknae's forehead. None of the members wanted to see Kookie like this. They all know that Jungkook didn't like to be weak and be taken care of like a baby. However, recently he does not complain when the hyungs fuss over him. Though they do want him to listen to them, it appears to them as something else. Maybe, it's a sign? Did his body weaken to a state where he no longer can complain? Did kookie give up hope? He can't though. Bangtan Boys is going to be together forever. Seven healthy and happy boys. 

Through the whole day, the members didn't leave the room one step except going to get food or medicine. Jin and Jimin volunteered to take care of Jungkook. They were changing the towel every ten minutes and also making Jungkook drink water. After a long 24 hours, the medicine along with Jin and Jimin's hard work paid off. Jungkook's temperature decreased to a healthy 37 degrees. The members sighed with relief after looking at the thermometer. Jungkook's tensed body eased and he started snoring. The members chuckled while covering their laughs with their hands. 

Jin made Hoseok and Taehyung go out and buy lamb skewers. The two spent nearly two hours looking for it. It's kind of hard to find something like lamd skewers in Hawaii. The two finally found some in a Chinatown. They bought at least 30 so Jungkook would have plenty to eat. Seven people spent the rest of their night cramped in a small hotel room eating lamb skewers and watching tv in Hawaii. They don't need anything else to be happy, just being together is enough. 


Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Finals and everything got me busy. Thanks for reading!

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koooooookieah #1
Chapter 21: It’s 2019 and I’m waiting!!!!!! Always will be waiting... please don’t leave this ff if you haven’t already..... I’m just dying to keep reading
rokuisthename #2
Chapter 21: Oh and no pressure intended. I love this fic with a passion, but your personal life and health, education, ect. Is more important to all of us. Sorry we're all hungry for more, we just LOVE this SOSOSO much. A well thought out story, In love???
rokuisthename #3
Chapter 21: OKAY but you have no idea how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this fic. I need updates as soon as possible???????
Leah_Black #4
Please don’t leave this ff I really wanna know what will happen with Jungkook and the others. Xoxo
Chapter 21: Please update soon
Airishi #6
Chapter 21: Please update soon Author-nim..... :D :D :D
Leah_Black #7
Chapter 20: Hi!!!
Please don’t let us hanging! I wanna know what is going to happen with Kookie. xx
Airishi #8
Chapter 20: wow!! fantastic. You're a superb writer did you know?.... You really caught a readers attention with this kind of twist, I tear up a lot on how emotional your story is... I just rarely read fanfic because some of them are only repeating its plot and , but here I am interestingly reading your fanfic. Thank you very much for the good story and I can only say is that JOB WELL DONE!!!... I hope you will continue on updating, I can't wait on reading your update soon. (big thumbs up)
Chapter 21: While this chapter is upsetting, it's nice that Seokjin's parenting instincts still work!

And no need to worry about the updating schedule. School is more important.