Chapter 9

Against all expectations

After school Jessica caught Yoona outside the school building. Yoona told her friends to wait for her at the bus stop and then turned to Jessica.

'Yoona...' Jessica started, but didn't know how to continue.

Yoona looked at her, waiting. She wasn't going to help Jessica.

'Don't be mad at me. Please,' Jessica finally said smiling.

'Is that your apology?' Yoona asked. She didn't smile.

'No... I-I'm sorry for yelling at you,' Jessica managed to say. 'It wasn't your fault what happened, and... yeah.'

She looked at Yoona, hoping that she would forgive her. Yoona seemed to think about wheter to accept the apology or not.

Then she smiled at Jessica.

'Ok, apology accepted. I get that you were upset because of arguing with your father,' Yoona said smiling happily.

Jessica smiled back and hugged Yoona. Yoona was a bit taken aback for Jessica doing that right in the middle of the school, but pleased however.

'Do you really have to go home with your friends?' Jessica asked while pulling back.

'Yeah, they are waiting,' Yoona replied.

'Then there's one thing I need to tell you. We are going to a double date on Saturday.'

'Double date? With who?' Yoona asked frowning.

'My friend Taeyeon and her girlfriend Tiffany. She asked us today,' Jessica said.

'Is that why you made up with me?' Yoona joked. 'But ok, that's cool. Is it Tiffany Hwang?'

'Yes. You know her?'

'Yeah. I need to go now, or my friends'll leave without me. See ya!'

Yoona waved at Jessica and hurried to her friends.


On Saturday Jessica and Yoona met Taeyeon and Tiffany outside the amusement park. Jessica held Yoona's hand while they walked towards the other two, and noticed that they were also holding hands.

Jessica didn't want to show it to the others, not even to Yoona, but she was nervous about today. She had a feeling that she had to show Taeyeon... She somehow felt like this was a competition and she needed to win.

'Hello!' they greeted each other.

'Yoona! I haven't seen you in a while,' Tiffany said smiling to Yoona.

'Yeah, I've had a lot going on,' Yoona explained smiling too.

'How do you guys know each other?' Jessica asked.

'We used to go to the same sunday school,' Yoona told.


Jessica met Taeyeon's eyes. The girl seemed to be just as clueless as Jessica was.

They went inside to the park Yoona and Tiffany still talking.

'Where do you guys wanna go first?' Tiffany asked.

'You can decide,' Taeyeon said smiling to her girlfriend.

'Oh, baby, you're so sweet,' Tiffany smiled lovingly to Taeyeon.

The two girls stared at each other's eyes. Jessica gave a small cough.

'That looks nice,' she said about the roller coaster nearest them and started to walk. Taeyeon and Tiffany snapped out of their moment and hurried chuckling after Jessica and Yoona.

They went thru the amusement park for about an hour, and then decided to go eat something. They went to a restaurant that was full of people.

'Two of us could go to a table, while the other two go order,' Taeyeon suggested.

'I can go order,' Tiffany said.

'I come with you!' Yoona said and they left before Jessica and Taeyeon could say a word.

Jessica and Taeyeon climbed the stairs to the second floor and chose a free table. They didn't speak, Jessica stared out of the window.

They had had fun so far, everybody were getting along well. Espacially Tiffany and Yoona, who appeared to be good friends. That annoyed Jessica for some reason. They seemed to be even too close..

After a while Yoona and Tiffany came towards them laughing together. As they reached the table, Jessica grapped Yoona's hand and pulled her sit next to her.

'Yoona,' she whispered in the girl's ear. 'You can't leave me like that. I want you to be with me.'

Jessica gave Yoona her aegyo, which made Yoona smile.

'Ok, unni,' Yoona said. 'I'm sorry.'

Jessica hugged her girlfriend and looked at Taeyeon and Tiffany.

Taeyeon was glaring at them, while Tiffany didn't even seem to notice. Jessica looked at Taeyeon's annoyed face with pleasure. Now it was her time to have a moment with her girlfriend.

'Tiffany,' Taeyeon said.

When Tiffany turned her attention to Taeyeon, the small girl wrapped her arms around her. Taeyeon hugged Tiffany and whispered something in Tiffany's ear.

Jessica decided to go one better.

'Yoongie,' Jessica said cutely leaning close to Yoona again. She gave a peck on Yoona's cheek making sure that Taeyeon saw it.

'Unni, what?' Yoona whispered surprised for Jessica's sudden kiss.

Jessica didn't answer. She smirked to Taeyeon, who narrowed her eyes. Then Taeyeon smirked back and took Tiffany's face between her hands. She kissed Tiffany right on the mouth.

Jessica and Yoona watched them kissing, mouths open. Right in the middle of a restaurant full of people? What was Taeyeon thinking?

Tiffany pulled back and looked at Taeyeon confused.

Jessica didn't know how to beat that, so she just stared.

'What is going on?' Yoona asked looking at Jessica and Taeyeon in turns.

'Yeah,' Tiffany joined.

Taeyeon and Jessica looked at each other. Then they both looked down and didn't answer.

'Jessica-unni?' Yoona demanded.

'She started,' Taeyeon said quietly.

'No, you did, already when we got in the park,' Jessica argued.

'Started what?' Tiffany asked.

'Jessica seems to think this is a competition,' Taeyeon mumbled.

'And you don't?' Jessica snapped back.

Yoona and Tiffany looked at each other. Then Tiffany's face illuminated and she leaned to whisper something to Yoona. Both girls started giggling.

'Are you competing about girlfriends?' Yoona asked grapping Jessica's arm. She started to laugh, leaning her forehead against Jessica's shoulder.

'Oh, you guys are so funny,' Tiffany laughed. 'Why would you do something like that?'

Jessica and Taeyeon were embarassed.

'Uh, stop it!' Jessica told laughing Yoona. Yoona raised her head to look at Jessica, but bursted out laughing again. Jessica couldn't help laughing too, Yoona was so incredibly cute.

A waiter came with their orders and they started to eat.


After eating they decided to continue with the rides. When they stepped out from the restaurant Yoona's cell phone rang.

'Sorry, I gotta take this,' Yoona said and walked away.

The other three waited for her standing next to the wall.

'You and Yoona seem to be good friends,' Jessica said to Tiffany.

'We're not really that close. But she's a very nice girl. You're lucky to have her as your girlfriend,' Tiffany replied.

Jessica nodded.

Yoona came back. Her expression was sad.

'I'm sorry guys. I need to go,' Yoona told.

'Who was it?' Jessica asked.

'My stepfather. He says I have to come home right now.'

'Has something happened?' Tiffany asked worried.

'No... He... I just need to go. I'm really sorry,' Yoona said. She seemed to really be very sorry and sad because of this.

Tiffany looked at Yoona with sad and worried expression. She wrapped her arms around the younger girl and Yoona leaned her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

This was too much for Jessica. Ok, she could take them being close, laughing and whispering together, but this was going too far.

She stepped forward and detached Tiffany's arms from around Yoona. Then she grapped Yoona's hand pulling her away.

'We're leaving,' Jessica said coldly, giving Tiffany her icy glare. 'Good bye.'

She dragged Yoona towards the park exit not looking at her. She felt so angry at the moment. Tiffany had no right to touch her girlfriend, no matter how sad this might be.

'Unni. Unni, stop,' Yoona said. 'What's wrong?'

'What's wrong?' Jessica repeated stopping and turning towards Yoona. 'My girlfriend is hugging with other girl, yeah, what's wrong?'

'It was just Tiffany. She's my friend,' Yoona said.

'You've been clinging to her all day,' Jessica argued.

'That's not true. Why you have to be so jealous?' Yoona asked.

'Was it all just for to make me jealous? Well, congratulations, you succeeded.'

'Unni? Seriously, why are you like that?' Yoona asked looking sad. 'Why are you always shouting at me?'

Jessica looked at Yoona's face trying to understand. Why was she acting like this? She didn't really know... She was just afraid. She was afraid that she could lose Yoona. But she couldn't understand why she felt that way. There was no reason..

'I'm sorry if I was too much with Tiffany,' Yoona said.

'No, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened,' Jessica apologised calming down. 'Can you forgive me?'

She looked up at Yoona's eyes and holded her hands. Yoona nodded. They hugged.

'Can we please not fight anymore?' Yoona said quietly.

'Yes. I promise I won't act like that again,' Jessica said. She swore in her mind to be a better girlfriend from now on. Yoona deserved it.





I've been so tired today... But I could still finish this chapter :D Sorry if it's not my best.

This was a fast update, and I think the next one will take a little longer, I haven't started it yet.

Enjoy your winter break everybody! :)

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
