Chapter 3

Against all expectations

It was 8.20 o'clock on the Friday evening. Jessica stepped out from the bus closely followed by Onew. They looked around, got the direction and started to walk.

Sooyoung hadn't come with them, but said that she would meet them at the place. That wasn't what Jessica had hoped: now when she and Onew were alone, she had to listen the boy's continious talking. Onew was very excited about the night's performance, but also about the fact that Jessica was there.

They arrived to the building where the band night was arranged and went in. As they walked further inside they got to a large room, where was a stage with instruments. By the walls stood a few fully occupied tables, and on the floor were standing a lot of high school students waiting for bands to start playing. The first band was about to start in five minutes, followed by Onew's band in about 40 minutes.

Jessica looked around searching for Sooyoung.

'Come on, I'll show you the backstage,' Onew said. He grapped Jessica's hand and started to lead her across the room. Jessica was annoyed by Onew holding her hand, but decided to ignore it; this way she could look for Sooyoung without paying so much attention to where she was going.

Onew led her in from the door next to the stage, right when the first band came to the stage. Jessica only saw a glimpse of them.

At the backstage the atmosphere was action-packed and excited. There was two boybands and a few visitors.

'Onew!' his friends called. 'You finally got Jessica Jung?'

'Hi, guys,' Onew greeted smiling widely. Jessica angrily twitched her hand from Onew's and gave his friends an icy glare.

'Oh, looks like your girl's angry, man,' one of the friends teased.

'Come sit down here Jessica,' Onew said and sat down on the bench.

Jessica sat between him and a wall. She could hear the band on the stage.

'I should go look for Sooyoung,' she said.

'Our performance starts in half an hour. You can stay here till then,' Onew said and smiled softly. 'I make sure my friends won't tease you.'

'It's ok, I don't care. But there's a lot of people there and I don't know how long it takes to find Sooyoung,' she said.

So after ten minutes Jessica left the backstage. There was now even more people on the floor and she wondered how she could ever find Sooyoung from there. The music was loud and the lights were directed to the stage.

She started to walk through the teenagers. She could see some of her other friends but not Sooyoung. After ten minutes, she started to hope that she would've just stayed backstage with Onew. Then, finally.

Sooyoung stood with a few other girls outside the biggest crowd. When Jessica got closer she recognized Taeyeon and a beautiful girl, who she knew was called Tiffany Hwang. Oh , she mumbeled and hurried next to Sooyoung.

'Hi! I've been looking for you for ages,' she shouted through the loud music.

'Hi Jessica! Tiffany, here's my friend Jessica Jung,' Taeyeon introduced.

Tiffany smiled at Jessica. Jessica gave her an awkward smile back. Then she grapped Sooyoung's arm and pulled her a few steps back.

'What's happening here?' she asked.

'What? We're talking,' Sooyoung answered.

'You get that that's Taeyeon's future girlfriend there,' Jessica said.

'Don't be a joykiller.'

'What, are you ok with she being with her in front of you?'

Sooyoung sighed. She looked a bit sad.

'I just hope...' she said.

Jessica tapped Sooyoung's arm for comfort and said:

'Don't worry, I'm here. Taeyeon would never do anything with Tiffany in front of me.'

They went back to talk with Taeyeon and Tiffany. Soon the first band exited the stage and Onew came out with his firends. Jessica and Sooyoung moved closer to watch. Onew was the singer, he introdeced the band members, and then they started to play.

The band was actually pretty good and Onew sang well. Nevertheless, Sooyoung said she would leave right after their performance, she didn't feel like staying. Jessica didn't want to go backstage alone to celebrate with the band, nor did she want to spend time with Taeyeon and Tiffany couple, so she decided to leave with Sooyoung. When there was only a couple of songs left, Jessica decided to go to the ladies' room before they would leave. She said she would meet Sooyoung in the hall and left the room.

The toilets were at the end of one corridor. After Jessica exited the ladies' room she saw a big window behind the corner. She went to check that out.

There was practically nothing more than the window and a girl who sat by it. She leaned her forehead to the dark glass and didn't notice Jessica. She raised her hand and wiped a tear from her eye.

The girl was Im Yoona. Jessica stood still. She didn't know whether to go to her or run away. Yoona hadn't still noticed her...

'Um, hi,' Jessica said hesitating.

Yoona raised her head and looked at Jessica. Her sad expression didn't change.

'Oh, it's you,' she said dull. Then she returned to look out of the window.

'Is everything ok?' Jessica asked. She moved closer and sat next to her.

Yoona shrugged her shoulders.

'Yeah,' she answered.

They were quiet for a while. Jessica didn't know what to say. Why Yoona was sad? Jessica had never seen her like this. At school Yoona was always smiling...

'Do you like the performances?' Yoona asked then.

'They're ok. My friend is singing, so I came here to see him,' Jessica told.

Yoona gave a funny sound that sounded like a sob.

'Are you here alone?' Jessica asked.

'No, I'm with my friends. But they think I already left,' Yoona said.

'Did something happen?'

'No, not really.'

Jessica watched Yoona. The girl hadn't cried properly, her eyes looked normal. She was very pretty despite a sad look on her face.

Jessica wanted to cheer her up. She felt like she wanted to... take care of Yoona.

'Do you wanna come to one place with me?' she asked.

'Where?' Yoona asked a little surprised.

'Come on. I'll show you. It's not far,' Jessica said smiling and started to get up.

'Don't you have to stay here with your boyfriend?' Yoona asked.

'What, who?' Jessica asked confused and then laughed. 'You mean Onew? He's not my boyfriend.'

'He's not? Then why were you two holding hands earlier?' Yoona asked.

'That.. I.. It wasn't..' Jessica stuttered. Then she shook her head. 'We're only friends. I'm don't like him that way.'



'Ok,' Yoona said and looked suddenly more cheerful. 'Let's go then.'

Jessica smiled and they walked together to the enterance hall and out of the building.

'Where are we going?' Yoona asked when they walked down the street.

'Well, it's late so many places are not open. But I know one place,' Jessica said.

It was already night and the street lights were on. Jessica couldn't believe she was walking there with Yoona, just the two of them. She glanced at the girl and noticed that she was looking at her.

'What are you looking at?' Jessica asked blushing.

Yoona gave a short laugh and looked away, smiling.

They soon arrived to where they were going. Yoona looked at Jessica with a questioning look.

'A grocery store?'

'I said not many places are open!' Jessica said a little embarassed.

They went in and Jessica walked straight to ice cream department.

'Do you like strawberry?' she asked. Yoona said yes and Jessica bought her an ice cream. They walked out and stood outside the store. Jessica opened the ice cream paper and handed the ice cream to Yoona.

'Thank you,' Yoona said a little confused. Then she started giggling.

'Don't do that!' Jessica told. Yoona raised her eyebrows. 'I hate giggling.'

But that only made Yoona laugh even more. Jessica started to laugh too. They looked at each other. Jessica felt very happy to be with Yoona.

'I always eat ice cream when I'm sad,' Jessica explained.

Yoona smiled.

'Thank you - um, can I call you unni?' Yoona timidly asked.

Jessica looked at her and tilted her head a little.

'Sure,' she answered.

'Thanks unni,' Yoona smiled.





The longest chapter I've ever made :D Wow.

Yoonsic moment in the end :D... I'll make it better next time.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
