Chapter 5

Against all expectations

Jessica heard her alarm clock ring. She hit it quiet and continued sleeping. It was Saturday. Why on earth she had an alarm on? She must've gone crazy...

Crazy because not been able to have her date with Yoona. The week had been so busy that they hadn't found time that would suit them both. Instead they had sent text messages, must've been at least 300 text messages per each. The bill would be enormous, her parents would be furious...

Finally they had arranged their meeting on Saturday, as early in the morning as possible, so that they could catch the lost time.

Wait a minute... Saturday. Yoona. An alarm clock.

Jessica jumped straigh. Yoona! she thought and got up faltering. She hurried to the bathroom. She had to get ready, oh no, she had almost slept over their date!

'Are you alrigh Jessica? Do you feel sick?' her mother asked when she met Jessica on the corridor.

'No, I - I go to meet my friend,' Jessica answered. She was still half asleep.

'Quite a friend is she if she gets you up this early on Saturday!' her mother laughed. 'It's a miracle.'

Jessica mumbled something back.

'But I guess this isn't an ordinary friend?' her mother continued smiling. 'This friend must be special to you.'

'Yes..' Jessica answered.

'Bring him up sometimes, ok?' her mother said, winked, and went to the kitchen.

Him... Of course mom thought it was a guy. Jessica wondered what her parents would say if she really brought her "boyfriend" home.


Jessica ran along the street. She hated running, but she was already late. When she arrived to the bridge they had agreed to meet, she stopped. She stood still for a while, panting. When her breathing had calmed down she took a mirror from her bag. She assured that she looked good, and corrected her hair. Then she took a deep breath and started to walk along the bridge.

Yoona stood on the half way of the bridge looking at the river. There was no other people around. That was one of the benefits of meeting this early; they could be in privet.

Yoona heard Jessica's steps and turned around.

'Unni!' she exclaimed smiling widely, very happy.

Jessica run the remaining steps towards Yoona.

'Yoongie!' she said as they hugged.

They looked at each other's sparkling eyes and kissed.

'Finally we could do this,' Jessica said.

Yoona nodded and grapped Jessica's hand. They started walking. Jessica couldn't think anything to say, but that didn't bother her. She was just happy that Yoona was there, walking hand in hand with her.

'You haven't told me where you live,' Jessica said after a while.

'Behind the railway track,' Yoona answered.

'That far?! Wait, isn't that the-' Jessica exclaimed.

'- Yes, it is. The most dangerous area of the city,' Yoona nodded.

'But... You go home alone every day. Even that Friday, when was the band night.' Jessica said looking up at Yoona and frowning. 'Isn't that dangerous?'

Yoona shrug her shoulders.

'Nothing has ever happened to me,' she said.

'But there's always something in the newspapers. Violence, , even a murder once. What if something happens to you?' Jessica asked worried and stopped.

'I can avoid lunatics, I've lived there for like ten years,' Yoona said laughing at Jessica's worried expression.

'You don't have to worry about me,' she said smiling reassuringly. 'Really.'

It's not that easy, Jessica thought.

They walked by the river and talked about everything. At times another one started to smile without any sensible reason making the other one smile too. They didn't need to ask reasons. They knew it was because they felt so happy.

Jessica loved being with Yoona. Yoona made her laugh, she made her forget her image that she always kept up at school. And when they faced other people, Yoona tightned her grip on Jessica's hand, which made them both feel safe.

Jessica wished they could be like that at school too. Should they make their relationship public? Jessica had only told Sooyoung and Taeyeon, and Onew knew about it too.

'Have you told your friends about this? Us?' Jessica asked.

'Yes, to Seohyun,' Yoona answered. 'But not anybody else. I wanted to talk with you first...'

'Who's Seohyun?' Jessica asked before she could hold herself.

Yoona glanced at Jessica.

'My best friend,' she answered bluntly.

'Oh, yes, I knew it,' Jessica lied.

'So what do you think?' Yoona asked looking at her feet.

'About making us public? I don't know... Maybe not yet,' Jessica answered.

'Why not?'

'It's just that I... I'm not sure if I want to,' Jessica tried to explain. 'You know, I have a reputation...'

'I know your reputation. Am I not good enough for you?' Yoona asked, trying to sound careless. Still Jessica could hear that she was serious.

'It's not that!' Jessica said and held Yoona's hand harder. 'This is just so new, we've been dating for so little time that I'd like to keep this between us for a bit longer.'

Yoona looked at Jessica. Jessica flashed her a big smile. Yoona started to laugh.

'Ok,' she said.

'Thanks baby!' Jessica said smiling and reached to give Yoona a kiss.

Yoona laughed.

'You're so small,' she said and tapped Jessica on top of her head.

'Ya! I like it. It's fun to be the smaller one,' Jessica said.

Yoona gave her a short hug.

They spent the whole morning togerther and ate lunch at a cheap restaurant. Later they started to feel tired, especially Jessica, who hadn't got used to waking up so early, and they decided to go home. They said good bye and promised to call each other later.





A shorter chapter this time ^^ I hope you liked it.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
