Chapter 21 - Final

Against all expectations

'Didn't invite me then, huh?'

It was Taeyeon, standing in the doorway. She stared at Sooyoung, annoyed. Then she looked behind her. 'Onew's here of course. And Jessica, right? And Sunny...'

'H-how did you know?' was all Sooyoung could ask. Taeyeon wasn't supposed to know about the party.

'Someone told me,' Taeyeon answered. She stepped inside past Sooyoung and closed the door behind her. 'So? Answers?'

'I, um...' Sooyoung didn't know what to say. Taeyeon's expression was angry and demanded answers.

'I leave you two alone,' Onew muttered and left the room.

The two girls stood quiet, Taeyeon staring at Sooyoung, Sooyoung trying to avoid her eyes.

'What is it Sooyoung? You've been acting weird for a long time,' Taeyeon said. 'You've been avoiding me, you don't invite me to your birthday party...'

Taeyeon's voice wavered and she fell silent. Looked like she was about to cry.

'I tried to avoid awkward situations. You know, after what happened when we were following Sunny,' Sooyoung explained in soft voice.

'Nothing happened when we were following Sunny,' Taeyeon hissed angrily. 'You should just forget about it. I'm with Tiffany.'

'I know!' Sooyoung said. 'I know it could've never happen between us...'

'What do you mean?' Taeyeon asked, her anger subsiding a little.

Sooyoung avoided Taeyeon's eyes. Maybe she should just tell her... What did it matter anymore, anyway?

'I... ah...' she started. Then she turned to look straight at Taeyeon. 'I liked you. As a more than a friend.'

Taeyeon stared at Sooyoung confused.

'That's why I've been avoiding you since you started dating Tiffany. It's been hard for me... And I'm sorry. But I'm over you now,' Sooyoung said.

'You... I... I didn't know,' Taeyeon said and turned to look at the floor. Her eyes turned watery.

'Taeyeon?' Sooyoung said worried.

A tear dropped from Taeyeon's eye and she covered them with her hands.

'Taeyeon? Why are you crying?' Sooyoung asked. She touched Taeyeon's arms hoping to get some reaction.

But what Taeyeon did surprised her. The smaller girl moved froward and pressed herself against Sooyoung. She hid her face on Sooyoung's shoulder and cried.

Sooyoung was shocked by this action and couldn't do anything, but to wrap her arms around Taeyeon. This was totally confusing.

'Why?' Taeyeon said. 'Why this always happens to me?'

Sooyoung didn't know what to say.

'Why always when I start to care about someone, our friendship ends? Why can't I have friends?' Taeyeon continued.

'But we can still be friends!' Sooyoung said. 'I'm over you now, so there's no reason why we couldn't be friends.'

Taeyeon whiped her tears and looked at Sooyoung.

'Are you sure?' she asked.

'Yes,' Sooyoung assured and gave Taeyeon a smile.

'Thank you Sooyoung!' Taeyeon smiled. She hugged Sooyoung and Sooyoung hugged her back.

'You're my best friend,' Taeyeon said.

They heard steps coming closer.

'What's going on?' Sunny asked.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon pulled away from each other. Sunny and Yoona stared at them.

'We are friends again,' Sooyoung told. Taeyeon nodded and smiled.

'Where are Onew and Jessica?' Sooyoung asked realising that the two weren't there.

'They left. Onew had something he needed to talk to her about. But Sica-unnie said they'll be back soon,' Yoona said.

Sooyoung sighed and covered her face with her hands.

'Well, I tried,' she muttered.

'What?' Yoona asked.

'You know Onew's in love with Jessica, right?' Sooyoung said.

Yoona shook her head eyes widened.

'Well, Sica doesn't know it either. She thinks Onew had just a crush on her and that it ended a long time ago,' Sooyoung told.

'Is Onew gonna confess?' Taeyeon asked.

'Yes. I tried to stop him, but he's not listening!' Sooyoung said.

Without saying a word, Yoona her heels and left towards the backyard. She went accross the yard and hurried down the street to where she saw Onew and Jessica go.

She came to a park and noticed them sitting on a bench. Yoona approached them slowly and hid herself behind a bush, where she could hear what they were talking about.


'Okay, why are we here?' Jessica asked.

'Do you know, what I would've answered if Sooyoung hadn't interrupted? To your question about who I'm in love with,' Onew asked. He looked at Jessica with serious face.

'No,' Jessica said and tilted her head. That was cute. Yoona clenched her fist in her hiding place.

'I would've said that I'm in love with you. Because I am and it's not just a crush,' Onew said.

Jessica had a puzzled exspression on her face. Did Onew really mean that? Yes he did, she could see it in his eyes.

'After you started to be with Yoona...' Onew continued. 'I thought that I should just forget you. But when I saw you with Yoona, I was jealous... And when you came to the sport center, crying after you'd been in Yoona's house, I comforted you and I wanted to take care of you. I realised that I don't only like you, but that I love you.'

Onew ended and looked at Jessica waiting for her to say something. Jessica stared back at him. She felt awful. She had considered Onew as a good friend, but if this was the case... She didn't want to hurt Onew, but what other options she had? She didn't love Onew but Yoona.

'Onew...' Jessica started. 'I... I don't know what to say. I think you're a really good friend, one of my best friends, but I... I love Yoona.'

Jessica looked at Onew, scared to see his face. But Onew was smiling. A sad faint smile.

'I knew you would say that,' he said. 'I know you love her and you would reject me. Sooyoung tried to stop me from doing this, but I felt like I needed you to know how I feel.'

'I'm sorry,' Jessica said quietly.

Onew shook his head.

'Don't be,' he said and stood up. 'You can go back to the party. Tell them I left early.'

Onew turned to go.

'Onew!' Jessica said and stood up. He couldn't just go like that. Onew turned to look at her.

Jessica wanted to hug him, or do anything to make him feel better, but realised that that would only make Onew feel worse. She cold see the pain in his eyes.


'I hope you'll be happy with Yoona,' Onew said sadly and then tried to smile. 'If she ever hurts you just call me. I'll always be there for you.'

'I will,' Jessica promised.

Onew waved his hand and started to walk away. Jessica started after him and sat back down on the bench. She felt broken inside. She knew that nothing would be the same between them again.

Tears started to fall down her face and she raised her hand to whipe them away. She saw someone coming from behind her and sitting next to her. Yoona wrapped her arms around Jessica and hugged her. Jessica pressed herself against her girlfriend.

'What are you doing here?' Jessica asked after a while.

'Sooyoung told me what was going on,' Yoona answered.

'So you came to watch us?' Jessica chuckled tearfully. 'Did you think I would say yes to him?'

'No,' Yoona answered. 'I just came to protect you.'

'From what?' Jessica asked amused. She raised her position and wrapped her arms around Yoona's neck. 'Thanks for coming.'

Yoona smiled.

'Come on. Let's go back to Sooyoung's house,' Jessica said. They stood up, holded hands and started to walk back.

Yoona's phone started ringing all of a sudden. She took it out from her pocket and checked who was calling.

'It's mom,' Yoona said. She answered the phone.

Jessica stared at her as she listened what her mother said. Would they now hear if Yoona could stay with her mom?

'Okay, thanks mom. See you!' Yoona ended the call with a smile on her face. She turned to look at Jessica. 'I can stay!'

Jessica whooped and threw herself to hug Yoona.

'That's great! Now we can stay together,' Jessica exclaimed happily.

Their eyes met and Yoona leaned to kiss Jessica. Jessica's hands flew to Yoona's hair and the kiss got deeper quickly.

After the kiss they kept their faces close to each other and caught their breath.

'Would you like to come to my house tonight?' Jessica suggested.

'Your dad would like it,' Yoona said sarcastically.

'He would,' Jessica smiled. 'He's taking our relationship a lot better now, after he saw how much really I love you.'

'And he would let us sleep together?' Yoona asked her eyebrows raised.

'Um... No,' Jessica shook her head and laughed. 'You have to sleep on the couch.'

'Yah, unnie!' Yoona exclaimed and nudged Jessica's shoulder playfully.

Jessica grapped Yoona's hand and they walked together back to Sooyoung's house. They hoped that everything would be easier from now on and they could stay together for a long time.





The end! Hope you all liked this story ^^ Thank you so much for subscribing and commenting, especially to those who have commented after every chapter or almost every chapter, I really appreciate! Your comments made me happy <3

I still want to hear what you thought about the final chapter >< Thank you!

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
