Chapter 10

Against all expectations

Yoona didn't come to school on Monday so Jessica decided to call her.

'Hi, baby. Where are you?' Jessica asked.

'Hi. I'm a little sick so I'm staying home today,' Yoona said. She sounded like she was feeling a bit down.

'What do you have?'


'Do you want me to come to see you after school?' Jessica asked hoping Yoona to say yes. She wanted to see her girlfriend and she still hadn't been in Yoona's home so she was curious.

'No! I don't want you to get sick too.'

'Ok...' Jessica said disappointed. 'When will you come to school again?'

'In a few days. This won't take long.'

'Good. Well, see you then. I miss you.'

Jessica was about to hang up.



'Nothing... I miss you too. Thanks for calling.'

'Of course. I'm your girlfriend. I wanna know that my Yoongie is okay,' Jessica said smiling.

'Thanks unni. For real,' Yoona said sounding already happier.

Jessica smiled and walked into a classroom after Sooyoung.

'My class is about to start. Bye!'

'Bye unni. I love you.'

Yoona hung up before Jessica could say anything. What? Yoona had mumbled the last words so softly Jessica couldn't be sure if she had heard right. Still it made her smile more.

Jessica sat on her place and put her phone away.

'What?' Sooyoung asked looking at Jessica's expression.

'Nothing. Just something that Yoona said,' Jessica answered.

The class started but Jessica only thought about Yoona. And when she did so, she started to realise one thing. A strange thing, that made her smile fade away. Saying something like that wasn't like Yoona at all. Yoona was a shy girl, who hardly ever expressed her affection through words. Why she had done it now? They had never said 'I love you' to each other anyway... Had Yoona really meant what she said? Was Yoona alright?

'There's something wrong with Yoona,' Jessica said to Sooyoung.

'Yeah, she skipped school. Maybe she's sick?' Sooyoung said, trying to concentrate on teaching.

'I don't mean that! She's acting weird...' Jessica said trying to get Sooyoung's attention by grapping her sleeve.

'People act weird when they're sick,' Sooyoung said.

'Yeah, maybe it's that...' Jessica agreed. She thought about it.

'I wanna see her!' Jessica then said anxiously twitching Sooyoung's arm.

'Yah!' Sooyoung said and pulled her arm away from Jessica. 'If you're so worried, go see her.'

'She said I can't come. And I don't know her address.'

'You don't know your girlfriend's address?' Sooyoung exclaimed in disbelief.

Other students turned to look at them. Jessica felt embarassed and nudget Sooyoung angrily.

'What are you talking about?' she said loudly. Then she turned to the other students waving her hands in the air, hoping they would just turn away and forget it. One by one they turned back to look at the teacher.

'You're still not going to tell people that you're dating Yoona?' Sooyoung whispered.

'I haven't thought about it lately. And Yoona's not here so, so what?' Jessica said.

'How was the double date with Taeyeon?' Sooyoung asked all of a sudden.

'It was ok. Yoona had to leave early so -' Jessica started. Wait a second. Yoona had to leave early because her stepfather called her, and no-one had seen her after that? Jessica had escorted Yoona to the center bus station, but what had happened after that? What if something happened and she's not sick but something else? No... Something serious can't have happened because Yoona sounded ok in the phone. Sigh, she wanted to see Yoona...

'And?' Sooyoung snapped Jessica out of her thoughts.

'Um... yeah, we left early and I don't know what Taeyeon and Tiffany did after that. I assume they stayed at the amusement park. Why?' Jessica said a bit disorientated.

'Did Taeyeon and Tiffany get along well?'

'Oh Sooyoungieeee! You're not over her yet?' Jessica said.

Sooyoung didn't answer.

'We need to find you someone new,' Jessica said, now whispering, for the teacher was glaring at them. 'Ok, how about her?'

Jessica pointed a girl with long red hair in the second row.

'She's straight. And not my type,' Sooyoung whispered.

'Hey, I know. Seohyun! Yoona's friend. You could ask her for Yoona's address..'

'Sica-ah! Why don't you ask it yourself?' Sooyoung said.

Right then the teacher glared at them so angrily, they didn't dare to talk anymore.


The class ended and school was over. As they walked out of the classroom Jessica spotted Onew. She walked right to him, Sooyoung behind her.

'Hi. Haven't seen you around for a long time,' Jessica said.

'Oh, hi,' Onew said glancing at Sooyoung unsure.

'Are we still friends?' Jessica asked.

'Yes! Of course,' Onew hurried to answer.

'Then stop acting like something awkward had happened,' Jessica told smiling.

Onew became happy for Jessica's smile, and smiled back.

'Can we be friends too?' Sooyoung timidly asked.

She and Onew looked at each other unsure.

'Yeah...' Onew answered.

'I'm sorry for that stupid thing that happened,' Sooyoung said embarassed.

Onew started to smile.

'Yeah. We can't let something that stupid come between us,' Onew said and nudget Sooyoung's shoulder. 'Right?'

'Right,' Sooyoung said smiling.

Then they bursted out laughing. Jessica looked at them annoyed.

'Can someone finally tell me what happened between you two?' she said displeased.

'You didn't tell her?' Onew laughed. 'I can't believe you didn't tell her.'

'Should we tell?' Sooyoung asked.

'Noo...' Onew smirked.

'Yah! Didn't we just agree that we're friends?' Jessica pouted.

'Ok guys, I need to go now. My brother drives me to my basketball practises. They're behind the railway track,' Onew said moving his fingers in the air and making a scary sound during the last words. The notorious neighborhood behind the railway track... That's where Yoona lived.

'Can I come with you?' Jessica asked.

'Why?' Onew asked surprised.

'I go to see my friend, who lives there,' Jessica said.

Onew shrugged his shoulders, Sooyoung shook her head to Jessica.

'Bye Soo,' Jessica said and walked after Onew out the school.





Lol, don't know why the picture. How's Jessica gonna find Yoona if she doesn't know her address?

I realised that Onew hasn't been in the story for a long time, so here you go :) Though I don't know whether you think its a good thing or not... But then a question! Do you think Sooyoung should fall for someone? Or is it better if I just concentrate on Yoonsic?

Lastly, I really hope to see more comments. I get if you have nothing to say, but if you do, please don't be quiet :)

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
