Chapter 12

Against all expectations

Jessica walked her way back to the sports center. She felt angry and disappointed.

Yoona had lied to her. Again. She had made all the way there, only to get hurt. Why was Yoona doing this to her? Why couldn't she tell the truth? Was Yoona just playing with her? Maybe Yoona didn't really care about her and their relationship was just some kind of game to her.

Jessica found the sports center and went in. Onew's practice were supposed to end around now. Jessica sat on a bench to wait for Onew.

And she had even been worried about Yoona. She felt so stupid. She should've listened to Sooyoung and not to come here. But... She had just wanted to see Yoona.

Tears came out her eyes. She was so stupid, stupid, stupid.

'Jessica?' she heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw Onew, who hurried next to her. He seemed worried. 'What happened? Are you ok?'

'Yes. Just... take me home,' Jessica said and burried her face in her hands starting to cry.

She felt Onew's hand on her shoulder.

'What happened?' Onew asked.

Jessica told him everything, how she had found the house, talked with the woman and found out that Yoona had lied to her and had lied again on the phone.

'I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I try to be a good girlfriend, and though I've made mistakes, I have apologised. I don't understand why she's doing this to me. Maybe she doesn't care about me...' Jessica said.

Onew couldn't stand seeing Jessica like this. He wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her closer. Jessica burried her face on his shoulder. Onew hugged Jessica and rubbed circles on her back.

'Sorry,' Jessica muttered, when she leaned back from Onew.

'It's ok, it's ok,' Onew assured. He kept his other arm around Jessica and watched as she whiped her tears.

'You wanna hear something funny?' he asked.

'What?' Jessica asked.

'I kissed with Sooyoung,' Onew revealed.

Jessica stared at him.

'No you didn't.'

'Yes, we did. That's what happened and we agreed that we'd never talk about it again.'

'No way!' Jessica exclaimed starting to smile. 'Why did you do that?'

'Soo needed to try if she likes guys or girls,' Onew said. He smiled happily now, for he had made Jessica smile. 'It was stupid.'

'How could she test it to you? Oh, you're such fools,' Jessica laughed.

They stood up and started to walk towards the front doors. Onew's brother drove Jessica home.

Jessica got home feeling a lot happier after being with Onew. She was on her way to her room, when her dad called her from the living room.

'Jessica! Come here, there's something I want to say to you.'

Jessica went to the living room, where her dad and little sister were sitting on the couch.


'Uhum... I heard from Krystal that that girl hasn't come here anymore,' her dad started.

That girl... She has a name. But Jessica only nodded. Her good mood was quickly fading away.

'That's good. I'm very happy that you listened to me, and I'm proud of you,' her dad said and gave Jessica a small smile.

Yes, Yoona hadn't come here anymore, but not because Jessica didn't want to, or her dad didn't want to. Jessica and Yoona simply hadn't reconciled long enough straight, but had been quarreling and hadn't found time to be together. And now she didn't know if she ever wanted to bring Yoona here again. Thinking about that made her sad again, and she just made an agreeing sound to her dad and hurried to her room.


Next day at school Jessica was sitting on the corridor with Sooyoung, as usual. She had told Sooyoung about the situation but they weren't talking about it, or anything else, for Jessica didn't really feel like talking. Yoona hadn't tried to contact her today, though even if she would've, Jessica wouldn't have answered her calls. Still she felt sad that Yoona didn't call..

Right then someone hurried towards her and stopped next to her.


It was Yoona. She looked concerned and a bit scared. Jessica noticed that Yoona had unusually lot make up on her skin.

Jessica looked at her bluntly.

'Weren't you supposed to be sick?' she asked.

'Yes, I am. Kinda. But I need to talk to you, that's why I came,' Yoona explained.

'What if I don't want to talk to you?' Jessica said and turned her face away from Yoona, to Sooyoung, who was glaring at Yoona.

'Please unni...' Yoona grapped her wrist. 'I know you're angry, please let me explain.'

Jessica raised her eyebrows. How did Yoona know that she knew that Yoona had lied? Well, that wasn't really interesting.

Yoona's eyes pleaded Jessica to come with her, she seemed desperate. Jessica gave in and stood up. She didn't have energy to start arguing, so it was easier to do as Yoona wanted.

Yoona led her upstairs to a small corridor, where there was no other people. They sat down.

'So what do you want to say?' Jessica sighed.

Yoona didn't answer, but stared at the floor wringing her hands.

'I thought about this all night...' she then started.

Jessica's heart started beating faster. She had no idea what Yoona was going to say and she just hoped Yoona wasn't going to break up with her or anything..

'I... I know you came to my house yeasterday... and I need to tell you one thing, butyougottapromise you won't tell anyone,' Yoona said.

Jessica nodded. Yoona checked that there was no other people around. She took a deep breath.

'The reason why I don't want to bring you to my home and why I'm "sick" now... is... my stepfather,' Yoona managed to say. 'He... he's... well, he drinks a lot...'

Jessica stared at Yoona. She didn't understand what the younger girl was aiming to.

'I don't bring any of my friends over, because of him... you never know what kind of mood he's in,' Yoona said.

'Ok... what has this got to do with your absence from school?' Jessica asked, still not quite getting it.

Yoona looked around again, but there was no-one near them. Her expression turned very serious as she grapped her sleeve and pulled it upwards, revealing her arm.

Jessica gasped and covered with her hands. She stared at the bruises on Yoona's arm. Yoona pulled the sleeve back down.

'Did he do that to you?' Jessica whispered appalled.

Yoona nodded.

'He sometimes hits me, when he's drunk,' she said.

Jessica stared at Yoona's face. How could Yoona look so calm? Jessica's eyes started to fill with tears.

'Are you alright?' Yoona asked worried leaning closer.

Jessica covered her face with her hands and shook her head furiously. No, she was not alright. She couldn't have imagined that something like this could be going on with Yoona. She had no idea...

'Why didn't you tell me?' Jessica cried angrily.

'I'm sorry! But I'm not really allowed to speak about this and I was afraid -'

'Why? You should tell someone, if something like this is happening! How can you leave yourself alone with this?'

Tears stared to fall from Yoona's eyes as well.

'I was afraid...' she said '...of what would happen if someone got to know about this. I don't want to cause problems to my mom. And... I was embarassed... I didn't want you to know...'

Yoona wiped tears away from her face, but there came more.

'What about your sick leave? What's that for?' Jessica asked.

'I have a bruise on my face, I covered it with make up,' Yoona answered.

Now when Jessica took a closer look, she could see a darker area under Yoona's left eye. She felt sick, she couldn't stand seeing Yoona like this. It hurt her in every cell in her body.

'I'm sorry,' Yoona whispered trying to catch Jessica's eyes.

'I need to go to my class,' Jessica said not looking at Yoona.

'Unni, what happens now?' Yoona asked in alarm and grapped Jessica's arm.

'I don't know yet, I need to think about this,' Jessica said and looked at Yoona with serious face. 'Wait me here. Don't go home. I come to get you after school is over.'

Yoona nodded. Jessica hugged her, before she stood up and walked back downstairs.


Jessica didn't talk to anyone during the last two lessons. She was thinking frantically. After the schoolday was finally over, Jessica had come out with a plan. She hurried upstairs, where she had left Yoona.

Yoona sat at the same place as a couple of hours ago. She looked relieved that Jessica came, but her expression turned worried, when she saw Jessica's face.

'Come on, let's go to your house to get your stuff,' Jessica said and grapped Yoona's hand.

'What?' Yoona asked confused.

'You're moving,' Jessica told.

'What? Where?'

'To my house. I'm not gonna let you live with that man anymore.'

'No. I'm not moving anywhere,' Yoona refused and sat back on the bench.

'Yes, you are!'

'No! I can't leave my mom. And did you already forget that I'm not welcome to your house?'

'This is an emergency, my dad can't say no!'

'I'm not coming. I'm just fine in my own home.'

'Your arm is full of bruises! ... If you don't come I'll call the police.'

'Then I'll never talk to you again! You'll never see me again.'

Yoona had bursted out crying again. Jessica took a deep breath and sat down next to her. She took Yoona in her arms and hugged her tightly.

'Don't worry, nothing bad is gonna happen to you. I promise,' Jessica whispered. '...I love you.'





A lot of drama and tears... But it won't last long and soon they're gonna smile again :)

My winter break is ending and that means I'll have a lot of studying to do. But I'll find time to write too ^^

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
