Chapter 11

Against all expectations

'No Sica! How are you going to find her house?' Sooyoung tried, but Jessica didn't listen. She wanted to see Yoona. Maybe she would just walk around a little and if she couldn't find the house, she would go back to watch Onew's practice.  What did she have to lose?

Onew's big brother grinned when Jessica sat on the back seat of his car. Onew sat next to her.

'Who's this girl Onew? Is your girlfriend coming to watch you play?' the big brother asked smirking.

'Just leave it hyung,' Onew snorted. 'Jessica's my friend and she's just taking a ride.'

'Yeaaah,' the brother said.

They started driving and for a few minutes, everybody were quiet. Then Jessica nudged Onew.

'You can tell your brother that I'm your girlfriend if you tell me what happened between you and Sooyoung,' she whispered.

Onew smirked.

'Not a hope. Who's this friend you're meeting?' he answered.

'I tell you if you tell me,' Jessica said.

Onew shook his head and they sat quiet again. Jessica thought if she should call Yoona, make her tell the addres. Or at least some coordinates.

'Ok, I promise I'll tell you when my hyung is not around, if you tell me now,' Onew said. Wow, he was curious.

Jessica accepted the offer.

'Ok, I'm going to find out where my girlfriend lives. Yeah, I know it sounds weird that I don't know, but that's why I'm doing this. And also because I need to see her,' she whispered.

'Your girlfriend lives there?' Onew said forgetting to whisper.

Onew's hyung whistled to the information. Onew ignored him.

'How are you gonna find her house?'

'I think I'll just look around... No, wait, I have an idea,' Jessica said. She took out her phone and dialed Taeyeon's number.

'Hi Taeyeon! Listen, I'm in a bit of hurry right now, so is Tiffany near you?' Jessica asked. 'I need to ask her one thing.'

Taeyeon passed her phone to Tiffany.

'Hi, Tiffany, this is Jessica. You know where Yoona lives, right?'

'Yeah, near the sports center. Brown apartment house. Why?' Tiffany said.

'Can you say which direction I should take from the sports center?' Jessica asked.

'No. But why are you asking?'

'Thanks a thousand times Tiffany! And sorry for Saturday... I need to go, bye.'

Jessica hung up. She smiled at Onew.

'Problem solved.'

'Good. Will we drive you home afterwards?' Onew asked.

'I don't know. I'll call you. Don't forget to keep your promise and tell me later!' Jessica said.

When they arrived to the sports center Jessica thanked Onew and his brother and started to walk.

This part of the city was very different from where Jessica lived. Here the houses were more cheep looking and shabbier. There was no many people on the streets. In fact, Jessica only met a couple of old women, on her way to Yoona's house. This neighborhood didn't seem so bad or dangerous as what she had expected. Maybe it was different at night?

Jessica circled around the sports center, walking between apartment houses. She had to walk almost half an hour, before she found a right looking house.

This must be it, Jessica thought and leaned against the glass door. She peered inside and saw a name-list. She couldn't see it so well from here, but after a while she found name Im on the list. Their apartment was on the second floor.

Jessica grapped the door handle and pulled. It was locked.

Typical, Jessica thought frustrated. All the way here and now she couldn't even get in. She turned around and walked to the street. Should she call Yoona? Or shout her name? No, not really. But how could she get in otherwise?

Jessica walked back to the door and knocked. She felt stupid, no-one could hear so faint knock. She started to bang the door. As nothing happened she banged the door harder and harder, but nothing happened.

'Hey!' she shouted. She stopped banging and waited.

Nothing. She sighed defeated. Then her phone rang.

'Hello?' she answered.

'Hi. Are you alright? Did you find the house?' Sooyoung asked.

'Yes. But the door's locked,' Jessica answered.

'How are you gonna get in then? I told you this was a bad idea. Get away from there before you get slaved.'

'I'm not going anywhere. And there's no dangerous here. Here's nobody on the streets.'

Sooyoung answered something, but right then the building's front door opened and a foreign looking man stepped outside.

'Excuse me!' Jessica exclaimed to the man and ran to prevent the door from closing. 'I-I forgot my keys.'

But the man only shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

'Jessica? Jessica?' Sooyoung called.

'I got in. I'll call you later,' Jessica whispered. Then she hung up.

Jessica slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor. Now, when she was inside, she started to feel nervous. What if this was a wrong house and wrong Im?

She found the right door and rang the doorbell. First nothing, then she heard footsteps from inside. The door opened.

'We don't buy anything,' said a woman, with dark hair. The woman looked stressed, though you could tell she had been pretty when she was younger.

'No, wait! I came to see Yoona. D-does she live here?' Jessica stuttered.

The woman looked at her surprised.

'Who are you?' she asked.

'Jung Jessica. I'm Yoona's friend,' Jessica hastily answered and bowed.

'A friend? Well, you came on a bad time. Yoona's not here right now. She went to gorcery.'

What? Wasn't Yoona supposed to be sick? If she can go to grocery, why couldn't she come to school?

'So she's not home?' Jessica asked.

'I just told you so. But she should be home soon, maybe you can wait downstairs?' the woman suggested.

'Okay... Thank you very much,' Jessica said and bowed.

The door closed and Jessica walked downstairs. So was Yoona sick or not? Jessica was gonna find out right now.

She took out her phone and dialed Yoona's number.


A block away a young girl walked towards the street carrying grocery shopping. She was wearing a coat with hood on, so that her face couldn't be seen. When her phone started to ring she stopped, laid the shoppings down and took out her phone. She checked who was calling and then answered.

'Hi unnie!'

'Hi honey! Where are you right now?' her girlfriend asked in a very sweet tone.

'Home,' Yoona lied. 'Where else would I be?'

'I don't know. Maybe in grocery store?' Jessica said sounding a little annoyed.

Yoona's heart jumped. But of course Jessica couldn't know how close the truth she had hit.

'No. I'm still sick,' Yoona said.

'Fine,' Jessica answered and hung up.

Yoona stared at the phone. What was that? Why did Jessica sound so angry?

Yoona put the phone away and continued going towards her home. She was already close, when she could see someone coming out from the house. Her heart almost stopped. Jessica?! What was Jessica doing here?

Yoona watched Jessica go to the other direction.

But... but she just called me, Yoona thought. How did she find out where I live? Mom must've told her I'm out. And I just told her I'm home!

Yoona felt horrible. She hated that she had to lie to everybody, but lying to Jessica hurt the most. And now she had got busted. Jessica was gonna be so mad at her...

Yoona wanted to tell Jessica the truth. She couldn't keep lying anymore... Tears formed in her eyes. She wanted to tell Jessica everything, but she was afraid. What would happen after she told about the situation? Would it scare Jessica away? Yoona couldn't bear it if Jessica broke up with her. She loved Jessica so much.. Like she had told her on the phone earlier. Though she didn't know if Jessica had heard it...





Thank you really much for comments! :D Ok, I'll be adding someone (probably Sunny) to the story, but you'll have to wait for Soosun. Yoonsic is now more important :) I've thought about the storyline a lot and made some changes to my original idea. That's why I haven't updated, sorry :( But now I know what I'm going to do.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
