Chapter 6

Against all expectations

Sooyoung and Onew were hanging out near the railway station. There was a rock on which they could watch trains from high above. They leaned on the railing watching down.

'So Jessica's got a girlfriend...' Onew said.

'Yeah. And Taeyeon's got a girlfriend too,' Sooyoung sighed.

'I didn't even know Jessica likes girls.'

'What?! Seriously?'

'Yeah... I thought it was only you.'

Sooyoung looked at Onew and snorted.

'You're blind,' she said.

'Maybe I gotta find a new girl,' Onew said.

'Finally,' Sooyoung said and sighed again. 'Me too...  How come we're the only ones alone?'

'Mmm... How do you even know you like girls? Have you ever even kissed a girl?' Onew suddenly asked.

'Have you ever kissed a girl?' Sooyoung gave back. 'How do you know you're not gay?'

'I'm not! I'm sure about that,' Onew exclaimed. 'But you, you should really try kissing a guy.'

'Who? You?' Sooyoung asked.


Sooyoung thought about it. Maybe she really should try, you never know...

'Yeah, why not,' she said then.

'Woaah.. Wait a second,' Onew said backing out.

'Yah, you just said I should try. And you're my only male friend so you're the only choice.'

'There's a lot of guys there. I can ask my friend...' Onew said sounding alarmed.

'Come on! This is also for you, you can try kissing a girl.'

'How did I get into this situation?' Onew mumbled to himself. He looked at Sooyoung. The girl didn't look bad, she was actually quite pretty. Maybe he could try...

'Ok, but just a short one,' he said fast.

He moved closer to Sooyoung, to the kissing distance. They stared at each others eyes. They heard a train moving below them. Suddenly Onew started to laugh.

'Oh my gosh I can't do this,' he said and looked away.

But Sooyoung grapped Onew's chin and turned his face back. Then she leaned in to kiss him.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds. Then they separated, looking at each other.

Their expressions turned embarrassed and they hurtled away from each other.

'Oh my gosh...' Onew whimpered.

'Let's... Let's not talk about that ever again,' Sooyoung breathed.

'Never,' Onew agreeded.

'That was horrible,' Sooyoung said starting to laugh.

'Yes it was,' Onew laughed. 'Like kissing my own sister.'

'Ok, are we wiser now?' Sooyoung asked.

'I can't compare you to other girls! So no.'

'Huh, you can't be compared eighter. Should've picked someone less closer friend.'

'Seriously, let's never mention this again.'

And they watched the trains go.





LOL Just a small scene between Onew and Sooyoung :D

Next chapter will be all about Yoonsica, don't worry. I just wanted to use this idea and here was a good gap :D

I will write and update the next chapter asap!

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
