Chapter 15

Against all expectations

Jessica, Sooyoung, Onew and Taeyeon were sitting in the school cafeteria after school. Around them was a lot of other students talking and putting their jackets on, prepairing to go home. However, Jessica and the others weren't in a hurry. Sooyoung was eating a muffin she had bought, and Jessica was sending a text message with her cell phone.

'Sooyoung, what are you gonna do today? Will you go home now?' Taeyeon asked staring at eating Sooyoung.

'Yeah, I think so.. I have no plans,' Sooyoung answered after swallowing.

'Who are you texting?' Onew asked Jessica. The girl glared at him.

'It's none of your business,' she answered.

'Right.. No need to be rude,' Onew said offended and crossed his arms on his chest.

'If you need to know, I text to my girlfriend,' Jessica said.

'Oh yeah. Her,' Onew grumbled.

'Have you something against it?' Jessica asked in a pretty attacking tone.

'No,' Onew answered briefly.

'Sica-ah, what's wrong with you?' Taeyeon asked tilting her head at the girl.

'There's nothing wrong with her,' Sooyoung said. 'She's always like that.'

Jessica glared at Sooyoung.

'Thanks a lot,' she said.

Jessica's cell phone beeped and she opened Yoona's message starting to read it. Onew leaned closer to Sooyoung.

'Seriously, what's wrong with her?' he asked in a low voice.

'I'm not sure. I think she's just stressed out, because of the situation with Yoona and stuff,' Sooyoung answered.

She, Onew and Taeyeon looked at Jessica, who was writing a text message.

'Jessica?' Sooyoung tried to get her attention.

'Mm?...' Jessica muttered not looking up from the cell phone. Sooyoung sighed.

'You know, Yoona's not gonna disappear even if you don't text her all the time. What if you just stopped thinking about her for a while and would do something fun instead?' Sooyoung advised.

'Who said I'm not having fun?' Jessica said glaring at Sooyoung.

'That's pretty obvious,' Taeyeon interfered. 'You should relax Jessica.'

'That's right. Hey I know, let's go all do something fun together,' Sooyoung suggested.

'Yeah! Let's go bowling,' Onew got exited.

'Okay, but you gotta pay me in, I don't have money with me,' Sooyoung agreed. 'What do you say Sica?'

Jessica started to write another message.

'I'll come with you but I won't bowl,' she answered.

'Sunny!' Taeyeon suddenly called. They all turned to look at the same direction.

The sunny smiling girl hurried to their table.

'Hi!' Sunny greeted.

'Everybody, this is Sunny,' Taeyeon introduced. 'Sunny, here are Onew and Jessica. And Sooyoung you already know.'

Sooyoung smiled at Sunny, her eyes fixed to the girl's pretty face.

'Do you want to come bowling with us?' Onew asked Sunny.

'Oh, no I can't, I'm gonna meet my friend,' Sunny answered. She seemed to be sorry because she couldn't come.

'Some other time then,' Onew said.

Sunny was in a hurry, for her friend was already waiting for her, so she had to leave.

After Sunny had gone, Taeyeon leaned close to Sooyoung and whispered in her ear:

'I'm sure Sunny goes to meet her girlfriend. Do you want to follow her?'

'Huh? Why do you think I want to do something like that?' Sooyoung answered in a low voice.

'Aren't you curious? I am, I want to see who she's dating.'

There was an excited smile on Taeyeon's face. Sooyoung stared at her, thinking.

'Okay, let's go,' she said quickly and stood up. Taeyeon jumped from her chair and quickly put her jacket on. Sooyoung did the same.

'Where are you going?' Onew asked.

'We're gonna tail Sunny,' Sooyoung answered and she and Taeyeon hurried towards the front doors.

'What about bowling?' Onew shouted after them.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon disappeared from the doors.

'Those girls...' Onew sighed. He turned to Jessica. 'There's two of us then. Shall we go?'

'Do we still have to?' Jessica grumbled.

'Come on, it'll be fun,' Onew said standing up and twitching Jessica's arm to get her up too. Jessica stood up and soon they left.

They walked to a bus stop. The previous bus had just gone and they had to wait for the next one. There was no other people on the bus stop and it was cold outside. Jessica rubbed her hands together and wrapped her arms around herself.

'It's cold,' she whined.

'Perfect weather for our ice princess,' Onew joked.

'You know, that wasn't really funny,' Jessica commented.

'Well is this funny?' Onew asked and made a stupid face waving his hands in the air.

'No,' Jessica chuckled.

'But you're smiling!'

'It still isn't funny!' Jessica laughed.







:) I know it's short! But I'm already writing the next chapter. It will be better than this, hopefully ^^

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
