Chapter 4

Against all expectations

Jessica lay awake in her bed. She had just come home and everybody else were already sleeping.

She and Yoona had talked for a long time, sat on a bench and after that Yoona had waited for a bus with Jessica. Yoona had been happy, she had smiled and laughed. And Jessica had done the same.

Jessica looked at the ceiling and smiled thinking about Yoona. She liked Yoona so much... And it wasn't the same than with the other girls. This was different. She had felt like this only once before. She finally had to admit it: she was in love with Yoona. 

Did Yoona like her too? Or did she think Jessica only as a friend? Jessica's heart ached when she thought about that possibility. She liked Yoona so much, she wanted the girl to feel the same. So that they could be together...

But did she want to be with Yoona? Yoona was younger, and a girl, to top it all. What would other people think? Because that did matter to Jessica. She was quite popular in their school and she didn't want to lose that position.

She decided to tell everything to Sooyoung on the next day and ask what she thought about that.


Jessica woke up late, as usual. It was Saturday and it was already lunch time. Jessica had lunch with her parents and little sister, and after that she called to Sooyoung.

Sooyoung wasn't on the best mood.

'Where did you go last night? I thought you were supposed to wait for me,' Sooyoung said.

'I'm sorry! But one thing happened to me and I need to tell you about that. Can you meet me at the park near my house?' Jessica said.

Sooyoung promised to be there in 40 minutes.


At the park:

Sooyoung arrived on time. She sat down next to Jessica.

'Well?' she asked without any opening small talk.

Jessica quickly explained to Sooyoung everything that had happened last night. Sooyoung didn't interrupt her and a smile appeared on her face when Jessica spoke.

'Wow, you really like her,' Sooyoung stated smiling, after Jessica had finished.

'What?' Jessica asked not understanding Sooyoung's knowing tone.

'You're face illuminates when you talk about her. You're shining!' Sooyoung explained. 'I've never seen that happen to you.'

'What do you think I should do?' Jessica asked.

'Isn't that obvious? Ask her out,' Sooyoung said.

'What? I can't do that!' Jessica exclaimed. 'I don't even know if she likes me back...'

Sooyoung laughed and shook her head. That annoyed Jessica.

'Ya! I'm serious.'

'I know,' Sooyoung said and stopped laughing. 'Doesn't that bother you that she's younger?'

'Well... you're younger too,' Jessica answered unsure.

'Yeah, but many people don't know that... But if that's not the problem then what?'

'Just, I don't know... I... I wan't to be with her but... You're supposed to help me!'

'And I say you should ask her out,' Sooyoung laughed.


Jessica was not going to ask Yoona out. That would be too embarassing. Especially if Yoona rejected her.

Monday came and school week started. They were going to have teather class the afternoon, and that caused stress to Jessica. What if Yoona expected her to say something? Jessica was still unsure about what she wanted..

Taeyeon found them on a break. She was so happy she looked like she could jump through the ceiling.

'Tiffany and I are dating!' she told smiling widely.

'That's great,' Jessica smiled.

'I'm happy for you,' Sooyoung said, though she didn't quite manage to sound happy.

Taeyeon didn't notice. She talked to them about her love for the whole break, and then she had to go to her own class.

Jessica and Sooyoung went to their class as well, not talking.

'Are you alright?' Jessica asked looking worriedly at Sooyoung, when they sat on their places.

'Yes... It wasn't really a surprise,' Sooyoung answered looking a bit sad.

Jessica looked at her and decided to tell her one thing.

'I used to be in love with Taeyeon too,' she revealed.

'What?' Sooyoung raised her head.

'It was years ago, before I knew you,' Jessica told.

'W-wait a second,' Sooyoung cleared her thoughts. 'Does Taeyeon know about this?'

'Yes. But I only told her after I was already over her. It was a mess. Taeyeon told me she liked some guy and I gave up with her. Afterwards after I told her I had liked her, she said she liked me too. She hadn't really been in love with that guy, she had just said so, because she was afraid people would think she's weird if she wasn't in love with a guy... But I'm happy I didn't confess her earlier and we didn't start dating. 'Cause now when I know her better, I know it would've been a mistake. We would never have made a good couple. Just think about it. Could you imagine me and Taeyeon dating?' Jessica explained.

Sooyoung stared at Jessica confused.

'Ok, I admit it was a confusing story,' Jessica said.

'No, it was very illuminating. Explains a lot,' Sooyoung said. 'Why didn't you tell me earlier?'

'Well, now I did,' Jessica said. 'Don't be depressed. I'm sure you'll soon find someone who likes you back. Someone better than Taeyeon.'


When the teather class was about to start, Jessica and Sooyoung headed to the auditorium, where the class was held this time.

Yoona was alredy there with her friends. She noticed Jessica and smiled at her. Jessica responded to the smile her heart pounding.

When they went to sit on the beches, Jessica suddenly felt a tap on her head. She turned around and saw Yoona walking by on the upper row. The girl turned to give Jessica a short smile. Jessica smirked and corrected her hair.

The class started and they were divided in two groups. They were supposed to prepare a play that they would perform to the other group at the end of the class.

In Jessica and Sooyoung's group there were Yoona, her best friend, a couple of guys and a few girls from their class. One of the girls took the lead.

'Ok, so here's five roles. We're ten, so some have to be just supporting characters. Who wants to be the leading guy?' the girl spoke.

Jessica glanced at Yoona. The girl was whispering with her friend. Jessica noticed that it didn't annoy her as much as before. Wow, she was getting used to it.

'And the leading girl?' was asked.

No-one volunteered.

'Jessica can do that,' Yoona said smirking.

What?! Jessica looked at Yoona. What right did she have to make Jessica volunteer? That bastard...

'Are you ok with that?' the organizer girl asked Jessica.

'I'm not really good in acting,' Jessica answered pursuing a worried tone. 'But Yoona is really good. Maybe she should do that.'

Yoona glanced at Jessica looking somehow amused, her eyes narrow. Anyway, she agreeded to do the main role.

So the roles were cast. They practised and Jessica noticed, to her surprise, that she hadn't lied about Yoona's skills. The girl was good. Jessica memorized it in case that would be usefull in the future.

When there was only half an hour left, the group was commanded to the benches and the other group had to perform. After that was Jessica's group's turn. The performance lasted only fifteen minutes, and went quite well. Jessica had one line, so she had no difficulties remembering it.

After the performance Yoona left the stage and went behind the curtains to get her coat she had left there. Jessica decided to follow her. She wouldn't maybe have an other chance to meet Yoona alone. She wanted to speak to her... Though she wasn't sure what she wanted to say.

Behind the curtains there was quite a roomy space. It was the place where the actors wait for their turn to go to the stage. Yoona picked up her coat and noticed Jessica.

'What are you doing here?' she asked smiling.

'I wanted to talk to you,' Jessica answered and moved closer. She started to get nervous, her heart pounding.

Yoona looked at Jessica and waited.

'Is everything alright? I mean after Friday,' Jessica started.

'Yes. At least for now,' Yoona answered.

Jessica raised her eyebrows.

'For now?'

'Yeah. It's nothing and there was other things happening on Friday too, or I thought was happening... I don't usually act like that, I just had a long day,' Yoona explained awkward. 'I gotta go.'

Yoona tried to walk by Jessica, but Jessica stopped her by grapping her hand. Yoona stopped and turned to look at Jessica. Jessica felt her heart pounding so loud she could almost hear it. Yoona was standing very close. She could smell her scent. Their eyes were locked up to each other.

'Would y-you l-like to go o-out with me?' Jessica heard herself stutter.

It broke the moment.

'What?' Yoona asked confused.

'Nothing!' Jessica hastily said. 'Forget it, I didn't say anything!'

Jessica tried to escape, but Yoona pulled her back.

'You wanna go out with me?' Yoona asked amused and smiling.

'No. Yes. It can be understood in many ways,' Jessica stuttered.

They stared at each other. Yoona was incredinbly pretty and Jessica was captured by her looks.

Jessica leaned closer. She closed her eyes and soon felt Yoona's lips on hers. She could feel her whole body electrify as Yoona responded to the kiss.

After the kiss they separated and looked at each other.

'Yes, I'll go out with you,' Yoona breathed.

Then they both started smiling widely. Jessica wrapped her arms around Yoona's neck and leaned closer. Yoona wrapped her arms around Jessica's waist and leaned to press their foreheads together.

'You really like me?' Jessica asked smiling.

'Yes. I can't believe you like me too,' Yoona said.

Jessica laughed a little and kissed Yoona again.





Yoonsic is finally together :D

Sorry for all the other crap I put in this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it :)

Again, don't forget to comment! I need to know what you think about every chapter :)

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
