Chapter 17

Against all expectations

Jessica waited in her room for her family to leave. Finally she heard the front door close for the third time, and almost immediately Yoona opened her door and came in. She hurried to the bed and sat down next to Jessica. Jessica pecked her on the lips and wrapped her arms around Yoona.

'So... What will we do today?' Jessica asked.

'What would you want to do?' Yoona asked.

'Hmm... I want to be with you the whole day,' Jessica answered.

'Would you like to go out?'


'Okay, but first we gotta call to school,' Yoona said and went to get their cell phones.

'We? What can we say? "Hi, we're sick, so we're staying home!"? You think they're gonna believe us?'

'Not us, but our moms yes,' Yoona said smirking. 'Do you want to act your mom or will I do it?'

'So that's what we're gonna do? You do it,' Jessica said. She hoped this was going to work, but she doubted it.

Yoona typed Jessica's supervisory teacher's number and called.

Someone answered and Yoona cleared her troath.

'Hello, this is Jessica Jung's mother,' Yoona started. Jessica stared at her. Yoona really imitated her mom's voice pretty well and in the phone the teacher wouldn't notice any difference.

'Jessica is a little sick today, she's got fever, so she's staying home today,' Yoona continued.

After a while she had got Jessica a day off and hung up. Jessica was still staring at her.

'Oh my God... I didn't know you can do that!' she said.

Yoona shook her head.

'It was really bad. I can't believe she fell for it!' she said.

Then Yoona called to her own teacher.


They left the house and walked on the streets. They ended up to a park, where there was only a few people. They saw an old couple and a mother with a baby, but otherwise the park was empty. They found a sheltered spot by a pond, behind bushes and sat down on the grass.

'Have your mom called you again?' Jessica asked.

'Yeah, she calls almost every day,' Yoona answered. 'I think she understands now why I left, and she wants me back home.'

'Do you wanna go back?'

Yoona stared at the pond, thinking.

'Yes... I like your family, but I can't stay forever. If I can go back, I will.'

Jessica wrapped her arms around Yoona's waist and hugged her.

'I wish you could stay,' she said.

'I wish I could take you with me,' Yoona said and smiled.

'We could leave together and find a place of our own,' Jessica joked.

Yoona smiled.

'I have something for you,' Yoona said and got her bag. Jessica got interested right away and tried to see what Yoona was doing.

Yoona turned back smiling nervously and handed Jessica a tiny gift wrapped in wrapping paper.

'I made it in children's club yesterday,' Yoona explained. 'I was leading it with Seohyun.'

Jessica ripped off the paper and found a heart-shaped gingerbread cookie. She turned it around and saw that there was written in pink:

" Y <3 J "

Jessica stared at it. Yoona became worried.

'I know it's childish and I will give you a proper gift -' Yoona explained but Jessica stopped her by putting her finger on Yoona's lips. Jessica smiled at her girlfriend, pressed her lips on hers and kissed her.

'I love you,' Jessica said smiling, after pulling away. That was the cutest gift she ever had.

Yoona smiled back at Jessica and couldn't answer. She felt so happy to hear Jessica say those words, and she wanted to say them back to her. She still felt too shy to do that. Jessica layed down on the grass and pulled Yoona with her, so that Yoona layed half on top of her.

'Why?' Yoona asked then. 'Why you love me?'

'Because you're cute,' Jessica answered smirking. 'And because you're beautiful and funny and childish and you annoy the hell out of me.'

Yoona laughed and they stared at each other's eyes.

'I love you too,' Yoona managed to say and blushed. Jessica felt her heart fly out of her chest. This was the first time Yoona had said it properly and it made her feel happier than anything else.

Jessica wrapped her arms tightly around Yoona's neck and kissed her. They kissed for a long time and Jessica switched their positions so that she was on top. Then she had an idea.

'Do you think it was that easy?' Jessica whispered. She pulled a little away from Yoona and locked the girl's arms on the ground. 'Now you tell me.'

'What?' Yoona asked.

'Tell me why you love me.'

Yoona smirked and shook her head no. She tried to get up but Jessica pinched her arms on the ground.

'Unnie...' Yoona whined.

'Not before you tell me,' Jessica said.

Yoona felt embarassed. It took her a lot to talk about her feelings, and Jessica knew that.

'I love you because...?' Jessica helped.

'Because you're beautiful and cute and...' Yoona said blushing madly. 'And hot.'

Yoona would've covered her face with her hands but Jessica didn't let her.

'And? One more,' Jessica said.

'And... because when I first saw you... you seemed such a ,' Yoona said and smirked.

'Yah!' Jessica said and sat up letting Yoona go. She pouted.

'I wasn't done yet!' Yoona exclaimed getting up. She wrapped her arms around Jessica's neck. 'That was when I first saw you. But when I got to know you, I noticed that you're really a very caring person and that's why I love you.'

Jessica looked at Yoona trying to prevent tears that had suddenly appeared behind her eyes from falling. That was the most beautiful thing ever said to her. She hugged Yoona and Yoona hugged her back.

'I love you so much..' Jessica whispered.

'I love you too,' Yoona said and gave a kiss on Jessica's hair.

'And you know what..' Jessica said smiling and looked Yoona in the eyes. 'I think you're hot too.'

Yoona started to laugh and Jessica snuggled agains her smiling happily.


After a few hours they went to eat and after that they headed back home. They still had a couple of hours before Krystal would come home and they decided to watch a movie. Jessica closed the curtains in the living room, while Yoona put the movie to the player. They sat on the couch and Yoona pressed play to start the movie. They sat close to each other and wrapped arms around each other.

'Thank you...' Jessica said. 'For this day.'

'Worth of skiving?' Yoona asked.

'Definitely,' Jessica answered. 'And we still have a couple of hours left.'


'Would you like to do something else?..' Jessica asked and moved her hands on Yoona finding the hem of her shirt.

Yoona stared at the TV-screen. Jessica tilted her head looking at Yoona.

'I don't know...' Yoona answered then, uneasy. Jessica kept staring at her.

'Okay,' she said and leaned her head on Yoona's shoulder.

'Are you sure?' Yoona asked worried.

Jessica nodded.

'We can wait,' she assured.

'I'm sorry,' Yoona said.

'Don't be,' Jessica said and turned to smile at Yoona. 'I mean it. It doesn't matter what we do as long as I can be with you.'





Yoonsicaaaaaaa for you :)) I made a lot of effort for this :D.

I actually had a huge inspiration on the other day and I wrote the next chapter ready too, but I won't update it just yet :)

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
