Chapter 18

Against all expectations

Jessica and Sooyoung were in the school computer class after school. They had to prepair their presentation for English class next week. Sooyoung told Jessica what happened between her and Taeyeon, when they were following Sunny. Jessica knew that she should be sorry for Sooyoung, but her own life was so good right now that she couldn't feel much empathy.

'At least I'm done with it now...' Sooyoung said. 'I know for sure that I will never be more than a friend to Taeyeon. She loves Tiffany too much..'

'It's good that you realised that. What about that other girl, Sunny? Are you interested in her?' Jessica asked.

'Maybe. I can't really think anyone new right now. And Sunny's probably taken so, so what?' Sooyoung answered.

'Did Taeyeon say that? Don't believe her, she's always got weird ideas,' Jessica advised. 'You should ask Sunny. I mean, if you like her.'

Jessica felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out and saw that Yoona was calling.

'Hi baby!' she answered happily.

'Hi unnie! Where are you?' Yoona asked.

'I'm in the computer class making presentation with Sooyoung. We need to get it ready for Monday..' Jessica answered.

'Ah, okay. I go home then.'

'I wish I could come with you.. I'll be there as soon as we get this done!'

'Okay, see you there,' Yoona said.

'Bye bye. I love you.'

'I love you too.'

Jessica put the phone away, smiling. Sooyoung glanced at her.

'At least one of us is happy,' she said.

'I am,' Jessica admitted. 'And you will be too! After you get over Taeyeon, you can concentrate on Sunny.'

'Yeah... maybe you're right,' Sooyoung said.


It took them about an hour and a half to finish the presentation. After that Jessica left school and hurried home. She wanted to see Yoona.

'I'm home!' she called as she stepped in the front door and closed it behind her.

She took off her shoes and her coat and went to look for Yoona. She checked the living room and the kitchen, but could only find Krystal, who did homework by the dining table.

'Where's Yoona?' Jessica asked from her little sister.

'I don't know,' the young girl answered.

'Is she home?'


'What do you mean?' Jessica asked frowning.

'I don't know where she is. I haven't seen her today,' Krystal answered.

'You mean she didn't come home after school?'

'Yes. I've been all alone since two o'clock,' Krystal whined.

'Well... I think I call her,' Jessica said and went to her room. There she dialed Yoona's number and called.

Beep beep beep... No answer.

This is weird... Jessica thought as she frowned at her cell phone. Yoona said she'd come home and wait for her, but now she wasn't even answering her phone. There was something wrong with this...

Jessica got back to the kitchen.

'She's not answering. It's weird right?' she said.

'Yes...' Krystal said not interested. 'Can you help me with this?'

Jessica shrugged her shoulders and sat down next to Krystal. Krystal handed her school book to Jessica and Jessica started to read the exercise.


Sooyoung was walking home from school, when she heard someone call her name. She stopped and turned around to see who it was.

Sunny came running towards her with a girl that Sooyoung had never seen before. They stopped and Sunny smiled happily to Sooyoung.

'Hi. Where are you guys going?' Sooyoung asked. She glanced at the other girl, who was surveying her interested. She was almost as short as Sunny.

'Nowhere. We're just hanging around,' Sunny answered smiling. Then she realised that Sooyoung didn't know her friend yet. 'Oh, this is my friend Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon this is Sooyoung.'

'Hi, nice to meet you,' Hyoyeon said and gave Sooyoung a smile. Sooyoung smiled back. So this was the friend Sunny had been talking about..

'What about you, where are you going?' Sunny asked Sooyoung.

'Just home,' Sooyoung answered.

Sunny nodded and for a while no one said anything. It was awkward. Sunny glanced at Hyoyeon for help.

'Do you wanna go somewhere with us?' Hyoyeon asked Sooyoung right away.

'Thanks, but no. I have things to do...' Sooyoung answered. She didn't feel like spending time with this likely to be couple.

'Oh, okay,' Sunny said a bit disappointed.

'See you at school,' Sooyoung said.

She left the other two and kept going home.

Sunny and Hyoyeon walked to another direction. As soon as they could be sure that Sooyoung couldn't hear them Hyoyeon burst to speak.

'Omo! She was hot. You should definitely go for her,' she said excited. Sunny looked at her friend unsure.

'Do you think she likes me?' she asked.

Hyoyeon bit her lip.

'I don't know. She seemed kinda sad, why do you think that was?'

'Maybe she had a fight with her girlfriend?' Sunny suggested.

'But you told me she's single!' Hyoyeon exclaimed.

'Oh... Yeah,' Sunny said. 'But I'm sure she already has someone!'

'Ask her at school tomorrow, okay?' Hyoyeon said. 'And if she doesn't have anyone, you go for her. If you don't I will.'

Hyoyeon laughed. Sunny smiled and nodded.


It was 9:30 pm. Jessica sat in her room playing nervously with her phone. Yoona wasn't home yet. Nor was she answering her calls. Jessica started to get worried. It was already dark outside.

Her dad knocked her door, which was already open. She stopped playing with her phone and looked at him.

'Where's Yoona?' he asked annoyed.

'I don't know,' Jessica answered.

'You know I don't accept anyone coming home after ten o'clock without telling about it in advance. If this girl won't come soon and ignores the rules of the house -'

'I said I don't know where she is!' Jessica interrupted annoyed. 'She haven't answered my calls after she left school. Something must've happened...'

Her dad just snorted and left. It annoyed Jessica that her dad had ignored her last sentence. She was worried and he didn't even care...

Ten o'clock came and went and nothing happened. Jessica tried to call again, but Yoona didn't still answer.

'Yoona, where are you?...' Jessica mumbled.

She got more worried all the time. Yoona would've called her if she could, Jessica was sure about that. Something must've happened. Yoona knew Jessica was worried about her, and she would've called if she could...

Possibilities run threw Jessica's mind, all the things that could've happened to Yoona, when she walked home alone.

Jessica dialed now Tiffany's number. She had to ask someone, if they knew anything, she couldn't just wait. Now Jessica regretted not having to get to know Yoona's friends. She hoped Tiffany would have some contacts.


Two hours later:

It was almost midnight. Jessica sat on the living room couch, her mom next to her. Her dad sat on an arm chair. Krystal, who had already gone to sleep, came to the room in her pyjamas, whiping sleep from her eyes.

'What's going on? Why are you all here?' she asked.

'Nothing sweetie. Just go back to sleep,' Mrs. Jung said.

'Why don't you tell me?' Krystal asked annoyed. She looked around. 'Where's Yoona?'

Nobody answered. Jessica covered her face with her hands.

'Are you sure you asked all her friends?' Mrs. Jung asked Jessica.

'All I could reach,' Jessica answered.

'And no one knows anything?'

Jessica nodded.

'What... what if something has happened to her?' she said her voice cracking on the last word.

Her mom hugged her.

'I'm sure she's alright,' she comforted and Jessica's hair.

'Yeah, she's just somewhere with her friends,' Mr. Jung said.

'Then why doesn't she call?' Jessica said. She whiped tears from her eyes and looked at her dad. She saw Krystal sitting on the floor next to her legs and staring up at her. 'I can't just stay here. I gotta go look for her.'

'It's too late, Jessica, it's almost 12 o'clock. You can't go alone,' Mrs. Jung said.

'I go with her,' Mr. Jung said.

Jessica stared at her dad.

'You really?' she asked.

Her dad nodded.

'Thanks dad,' she said touched.





Where's Yoona :((

Hyoyeon is in the story :D But I think it was only this one time :/

I will update again sometime soon!

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 21: Awesome and extremely sweet story!!
heesica10 #3
Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Onew:((
Chapter 21: Fantastic story! Yoonsic!
Chapter 21: yoonsic :D
awesome story :)
kiyoongsica #6
Nice fic.
please make another YoonSic ^^
Xxjuicyleexx #7
Awesome story :D
it is a nice fanfics
please share more
awww im so late :( but i think its ok if i comment right??
thanks for writing such a beautiful fic!! i love this!
i love how jessica was annoyed at yoona first and then turn into love <3 i love sootae, soosun!! taeny FTW!

and onew.. my lovely poor bias D: but still its a good ending!
