Hyunsuk Yang is missing

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In Common Room

TOP and Hyunsuk are hiding in a room.

Hyunsuk complaints “I have wasted enough time TOP.” Hyunsuk  is about to go when he sees Mr Lee coming to the adjoining room. Hyunsuk signals TOP to be quiet. Jaejoong also comes there.

“Mr Lee...What do you think...I will meet all your demands? I have purchased your vote for which I gave you a big price... Don't even try to extract more money from me...We had a deal. I paid you already for voting against AKS College.”

“But Sir...I did not say anything. You called me here...”


“You send that person to me...to call me...That person told me that you would meet me here.”

“I smell a rat...” Jaejoong turns and closes his eyes and then opens them. “I smell two rats...” Hyunsuk and TOP hears it.  

TOP pulls Hyunsuk by hand . “ Uncle lets go……. Let us go Uncle.”

“I need to talk with him.”

“Uncle you can talk later , just leave right now.” Hyunsuk does not  agree. TOP escapes from there through the Window. While Hyunsuk is still looking at the direction of the window Jaejoong comes from behind and presses on Hyunsuk's shoulder. Hyunsuk falls unconscious on the floor.

Jaejoong looks at Hyunsuk and says, “How fragile these humans are.”

 Mr Lee comes from behind and sees Hyunsuk on the floor.

“Oh my God! What have you done Sir? What is happening?” Jaejoong turns to face him and stares at him. He then walks from there with Mr Lee following.

“Clearly I have to do some damage control. Mr Lee, Put Mr Yang in your Car and leave him at my house.”

“Sir, What are you trying to make me do? I can’t do that! He is a big man in the city. Everyone knows him…Hyunsuk Yang. My task was to vote as you said which I have done… my work ended there.”

“Mr Lee…” Jaejoong starts fixing Mr. Lee's tie. “How easily I have made Mr Yang unconscious that easily I could…” Jaejoong pulls the ties knot making the tie tighten on Mr Lee’s neck causing him to choke. Jae then takes his hands off and Mr Lee loosens his tie and collar. “Do that to you. Now leave Mr Yang at my House and lock him at my Bathroom. Phone me after that…Mr Lee…Mr Yang is waiting for you.”

“Okay Sir!” Mr Lee goes from there.


In Dressing Room

Bom comes to the Dressing room where AKS College students are gathered. “Hey guys! cheerup. Congratulation for the superb performance.  What if you did not get the Trophy…the Party is still on at my place.”

Jaejoong comes to the room “What Party?”

“Jae I am throwing a Party for the entire Team as they worked hard and deserve  a chilled out evening.”

“Yeah they derserve it.” Jaejoong remarks

“There is very less time for me to get ready for the Party.” Minzy complaints. I atleast need 2 days to get ready. I have to select a dress go to a parlour…….. Ready in one hour Oh no please.”

“Thankfully I don’t have a problem as I will not be attending the Party at all.”

“Chaerin listen…”

“Minzy please I am not going. That’s it.”


“Jae, Chaerin does not want to come for the party.”

“If Chaerin wishes to be alone then we should let her.”

“I know that she does not want to stay alone. She is just trying to teach us a lesson…she is punishing us!”

 Jaejoong thinks, “Now this only was left…now I have to play the stupid consolation games. I wish I could eat them all…the Chapter would have closed”

 Jiyong stares at Jaejoong. Bom suddenly jumps in excitement. “Jae…I have an idea! Let’s keep the Party at your place…then she does not have to come home…and she will come for the Party. Isn’t that a great idea? Yeah…! So cool…” Bom hugs Jaejoong.

“Everybody…Listen up! There is a slight change. The Party is not at Yang’s Mansion but at Jaejoong’s House and everybody is welcome. So please get yourself there…” Bom clings on to Jae’s arm…

“Yeah…Please come…” Bom keeps her head on Jaejoong’s shoulders.

Jaejoong thinks, “Party time for the kids and their father would be inside my room lying unconscious. It could get tricky even for me.”


In Parking lot

TOP who is standing near the Parking lot. He sees a Car reversing and notices Mr. Lee getting out. TOP hides himself and watches what he is doing. Mr. Lee opens the back seat and then brings Hyunsuk by dragging him towards the Car and puts him on the back seat.

 TOP thinks, “What is this Lee doing with Uncle?”

 Mr Lee gets into the driving seat and drives the Car from there. TOP runs towards the Car but the Car passes him.

TOP thinks, “What did Jaejoong do with Uncle? What to do now? Don’t know where that Lee is taking Uncle to…I hope Uncle is okay. What will happen now?” TOP rushes from there.


In Dressing Room

“How good Bom and Jaejoong are.” Dara looks at Bom and Jaejoong talking. “We lost still they are keeping a Party to cheer us up. Nobody is blaming us. I think it is going to be a very special Party.”

Jiyong thinks, “Even I hope so Dara…Because what I have seen…no one else have seen.” Jiyong looks at Bom chatting cheerfully and Jaejoong looking gloomy. Bom excitedly keeps her head on Jae’s shoulder laughing and Jaejoong gives her a made up smile.

Jiyong thinks,”Why is Jaejoong worried? What has he done? Or is he going to do something? Tonight something strange is going to happen…”

“I hope you guys are all coming…the party is on…” Bom tell  them again.

“We will definitely come.”

 Eunju comes there. “Bom…… Bom….”

“Omma,  Jaejoong is throwing a Party for everyone so sweet of him.” Eunju ignores it.

“Bom where is your Appa?”Chaerin suddenly becomes alert.

“Till now he has not come? That’s strange.”

“That is what…He so far never did anything like that. He has always told and gone. Today don’t know what happened.”Jaejoong comes there.

“Hey all  okay.”

“We are not able to find Appa.”Dara and Jiyong also look on.

“Maybe he wants to be left alone…Last few days a lot of things happened…Chaerin’s attitude…Dara coming home…All the pressure is on him. I think he just snapped seeing his daughters fight. Maybe that is why he is feeling different. I think he should be left alone. When he becomes okay he will return home on his own. Moreover, you have other things to be tensed about.”

“What tensions?”

“You have to come to my House…come to our Party…You needs to go home…get dressed…Come on, let’s go…”

“No…no…Jae, Not me…What will I do in a Teenager’s Party?”

“Mrs. Yang… You are no less than a teenager. You are young at heart and give these youngsters a run for their money… Come now…”

“Buttering my Omma, ehhh?”

“That is necessary sometimes. Come on, I will drop you two at home.”

“Okay!” Chaerin looks at Bom and Eunju who are looking sad and then to Jiyong and Dara. Chaerin then gets up and walks from there. Eunju and Bom leave along with Jaejoong.


In Police Station

TOP at the Police Station. The Inspector is looking at TOP with a smile on his face.

“Sir, You are not understanding what I am saying. Jaejoong Kim has kidnapped Mr. Yang. I saw him. He was unconscious.”

“You are telling that Mr. Yang’s would be son in law Jaejoong Kim kidnapped him? You have made a very nice story. In that case you also may be aware why Mr. Kim did that.”

“I know. It may sound a little strange. But I know…Jaejoong is not a good man.”

“Yeah…You are the good man Mr. Choi…just 2-3 cases only are there on your name like blackmailing Mr. Yang, making a minor girl pregnant and then abusing her etc… etc… If after knowing all these things if we do not believe you then whom will we believe in?”

“Look Sir that is a different matter. Tomorrow if you come to know that anything bad happened with Mr. Yang you be seated.”

“Meaning…You saw with your own eyes that Mr. Lee putting Mr Yang in his vehicle. And Mr. Yang was unconscious at that time…correct?”


“Mr. Choi, we take every complaint seriously and do inquiries also. Whatever you said we would definitely take action on that but remember one thing, if you are proven wrong I would not keep quiet. I will put you behind bars for misguiding the Police, Correct?”

“Correct!” A Constable comes there and informs that they have traced the vehicle.


In Yang’s Mansion

Jaejoong’s Car enters Yang Mansion. Eunju comes inside calling for Mr Lee and asks him if Hyunsuk has come. The servant tells her that he had gone out with them only. Jaejoong comes in. Eunju asks the servant if Hyunsuk called and he says, “No.”

“Don’t worry Mrs. Yang! I am sure he is fine. May be he got stuck up with some work. Or maybe would have gone for a long drive. I will phone him…”

“But I called him many times and he did not even lift the phone…”

“Oh! Still I will try…” Mr. Lee is driving the Car with Hyunsuk lying unconscious in the back seat. His Phone rings and he picks up the call from Jaejoong. “Hello…Mr.Yang…Sir, Jaejoong Kim here…Okay Sir!”

Jaejoong then asks Mr. Lee in hushed tone “Where he is?” Mr. Lee tells him that he is going towards Jaejoong’s house. Jae asks him if Hyunsuk is with him. Mr. Lee tells that Hyunsuk is with him and is unconscious.

“Okay Sir…Sir you come home fast! Here everyone is worried about you.” Jaejoong cuts the Phone and informs Eunju and Bom that Hyunsuk would be coming soon and did not want to talk to anyone. Eunju excuses herself from going for the Party and tells him that Bom would go with him. Bom goes to change and asks

Jaejoong to wait for some time. He agrees telling, “That’s what I am here for.”


On the high way.

The Police Team stopping Mr. Lee’s Car. TOP and the Senior Official are along with the Inspector and Constables. The Inspector asks Mr Lee to come out. He gets out of the Car.

“Inspector, what happened? Why have you stopped me? You know who I am?”

“Yes Sir, We know that you are Mr. Lee. But sorry Sir, We got news that Mr. Hyunsuk Yang was kidnapped using this vehicle.”

“Kidnap? Have you gone mad? I only gave him a lift. I will kidnap Mr Yang? He is my good friend. What is wrong with you Inspector? Half an hour before I dropped him at Mall Road.”

“Sorry to bother you Sir, You may go!” He signals Inspector to leave Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee gets into the Car and drives off. The Officer then asks TOP to leave failing which he would put him in jail. TOP looks worried.


Outside Jaejoong’s House.

Jaejoong Kim’s residence. Dara is walking around alone. She thinks, “How lucky Bom is…she loves an amazing Guy. And he loves her. Appa and Eunju aunty likes him and his Parents like Bom. Wow! How uncomplicated relationship is this…not like mine! Shut up Dara… Your’s and Jiyong’s relationship is no less. It is all good.” She smiles. “Today evening is going to be very cool” Dara is thinking of something and smiling when a hand grabs her hand. Some one forcefully takes her to a corner. TOP closes her face with his hand and Dara struggles.

“Dara please…Don’t make noise…I am removing my hand…okay? Say yes!” Dara nods. “Okay…” TOP removes his hand.

“What are you doing here TOP?”

“Nobody is ready to understand what I say…I did not know what I should do. Please try to understand me…He has become such a big part in the family that nobody would be willing to believe me. And Mr. Yang came to know about the truth…and now I do not know where he is…what is going to be done with him…”

“What are you telling?”

“Dara, Try to understand what I say…Please think of Uncle. I do not know where he is. And some man…” A Car light falls on TOP’s face and a Car passes by. “Please…I am true…I will be in touch with you. Please do not tell anyone…I can’t believe anybody…” TOP jumps the wall and flees from there.

“But…where is Appa?”


Jaejoong Kim stops his Car in front of his House. Bom gets out of the Car without waiting for Jaejoong to open the Car door. Jaejoong also gets out of the Car.

“What happened to you?”

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

“I did not say you anything.”

“Exactly! I was watching you all way and you were busy with you phone calls as if I don’t even exist. You didn’t even talk to me!”

“You are amazing! First, without asking me you invited your entire gang to my House for the Party…the arrangements of which I only have to do, right?”

“Really? How much arrangements are there? Why are you getting so tensed? You know what? We will Order the food from outside and I am sure there would be a lot of drinks in your fridge. And don’t be so formal…they just are our friends…”

“Listen! The Party is supposed to be at Jaejoong Kim’s House, Okay? It’s going to be stylish…”

“Oh! So what are you going to do? What have you planned?”

“Ahh…You just wait and watch!” Jaejoong smiles at Bom. He lifts his eyes and sees Dara walking. Bom also sees Dara.

“ Hey Dara…” Dara goes to them and greets them. “You came here so early?”

“I thought I would not give a very starry act. Also I did not need to change…so came in this dress itself…”

“But it’s such a beautiful dress!”

“Thank You!” Bom looks around with a sad face.

“Where is Chaerin?”

“Don’t know” The sisters look sad while Jae looks uninterested in the conversation “Mr Yang…I mean where is Appa?”

“ Appa went home…Chaerin was very rude to him. I think he is very upset.”

“ Okay!”

Dara thinks,”So what was TOP saying? I am sure he was telling lie. I feel he was trying to say something.” Jaejoong read Dara’s mind.

“Dara, Where you talking to someone there?”

“Ahh…No one was there…”

“Really…… I thought I saw that you were with somebody…”

“ No…nobody…”

“Must have been my imagination… Anyways, ladies… let’s go inside?”

“Yah…. Come.”The girls walk towards the door.

Jaejoong thinks, “Twist in the tale” He follows the girls.


In Yang’s Mansion

Eunju is looking worried and pacing in the Hall continuously trying to call Hyunsuk on the phone. “Hyunsuk…Hyunsuk what happened? Please lift the Phone…why are you not lifting the phone? Oh God!” Eunju goes and sits on the Sofa.

She thinks, “Jae had told me that I need to give some time to Hyunsuk…and he wants to stay alone for some time. But it does not take much to call on phone or leave a message. Hyunsuk is not like that. He would not leave me alone in the midst of a function and go.” She looks into the mobile. “And now it is 11:30 and there is no news of him.”


In Jaejoong’s House.

 A servant with makeup like a Ghost comes and opens the door for Jaejoong and the Ladies. Jaejoong enters the house first and welcomes the ladies in his unique style. The girls are amazed to see the arrangement and looks around at the Ghost Theme arrangements in the Hall with skeletons and masks etc.

“Wow Jae! What is this?”

“Surprise…Horror Theme Party…”

“My God! In such a short time this good arrangements…” Jaejoong gives a proud ‘that’s me’ look. “ I must say that your staff are well trained.”

“ Just wait and watch…There is much more to come!”

“ This is superb!” Dara comment.

“Arrangements are so awesome! You are the best-est .” Bom blows a flying kiss to Jae and runs to him and gives him a hug.”I just loved everything…amazing!”

Jaejoong then calls a Guy from his staff, Mr Song, and introduces Bom to him. Jae tells the Guy that whatever and however she says to follow her Orders. Dara looks at the couple with admiration.

“Bom, all yours…If you want to change anything or add anything…go ahead.” He holds her both hands. “Consider it your home because one day this is going to be your home.” Bom bows her head shyly and Dara watches them with a smile. Jaejoong then speaks in an accent. “Now Ladies…I need to retire to my Chambers to change…” Jaejoong climbs the stairs and goes. Dara comes near Bom and they chat on.


In Jaejoong’s Room

Jaejoong enters his room removing his coat. Hyunsuk is tied and seated in a chair looking unconscious. “Ahh…Mr Yang…I hope you are comfortable.” Jae removes his earlier tie and ties another one. “Today all your 3 daughters would be here in my house. Wow! Such fun…And you are…Well, You are all tied up.”  Jae wears the coat… “So helpless…” Jae goes and stands in front of Hyunsuk. “So if you would excuse me… I have a very rocking Party to attend to…Bye Sir!”  Jae leaves from there and Hyunsuk lifts his face.


In Party Hall

One by one people enter the room. Minzy and Daesung come together. Youngbae and Chaerin also come. Chaerin sees Bom and Youngbae looking at the Skeleton. Bom sees her too and is happy. Bom moves towards Chaerin and Chaerin is also about to move when Dara comes and holds Bom’s hands turning her to show something. Chaerin’s smile fades and she stops.

 Dara also turn and looks at Chaerin. Chaerin walks away. Dara and Bom stands there looking sad. Daesung and Minzy are walking in the Hall and Minzy tells that it is so scary. Youngbae scares them with a Skeleton. Jaejoong comes down the stairs.

“Attention everyone! Welcome to my Horror Theme Party! Today we will play a game…’Spin the Bottle’ but with another spin to it.” Chaerin looks uninterested. “The name of the Game is ‘Truth or Horror Stories’…The person in front of whom the bottle stops should either tell a truth about them or tell us a Horror Story… So…the game begins!”

Everyone sits in a circle on the floor while Chaerin goes to the Bar counter obviously not interested in the game.

 Jaejoong is in the middle and spins the bottle. The Bottle points to Dara. “Dara.”

“Dara now tell us the truth.”

“Yes you are hiding the biggest truth. Comeon now tell us. Do you love Jiyong?”A girl urges Dara to tell the truth.

“Ahhh…. Ahhh you know guys I will tell you a horror story. A very scarry story.”

Dara narrates a Ghost Story.

“Okay then round two.”Jaejoong spins the bottle and it points to him. Chaerin is drinking at the Bar Counter.

“So jae what is your truth?” Bom asks Jaejoong.

 “My truth is very uninteresting. But I will tell you all a Horror Story…a true story…a Vampire Story…”  Jaejoong gets up “Effects!”  Smoke fills the place where the group is sitting.

“ One time I met a Vampire…truly! He was not a comic book Vampire. No…He did not have Dracula like fangs. His eyes were not blue. He did not have blood in his mouth. He was an ordinary looking Guy. And that was the scariest thing.” Dara feels uneasy “That he was an ordinary looking guy. He actually was a Vampire. Think about it…How ordinary we all look. Look around you…one of us is a Vampire…blood creature… Maybe you…” Jae points at Daesung.

“This is not not possible Minzy you know me I vomits at the sight of blood.” Daesung said nervously.

“No… no …no Daesung can’t be a Vampire.” Minzy gives him clean chit.

“It can be anyone…You…”Jae points at Bom.

“Yeah Babe…I am the Vampire. I will your blood”


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)