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In Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong and Jiyeon are looking at Dara who is slowly regaining her consciousness. Jiyong and Jiyeon look at each other.

“Jiyong I will go and bring Jaesang.”Jiyeon goes from there.

Jiyong goes near Dara. “ Dara.” Dara tries to get up. She seems to have pain on her neck where Jiyong had bitten her as she keeps her hand there.

 Jiyong looks at Dara and thinks, “Dara I am so happy that now you are alright! It was so painful to see you in that condition. Dara...I am so sorry...” Dara gets up and sits on the bed with great difficulty.

“Jiyong, what had happened to you today? lost all control Jiyong! You bite me Jiyong? Did you forget who you are and who I am? You are an animal Jiyong!” Jiyong remains quite. “What happened? What happened Jiyong...tell me.”

Jiyong goes from there and Dara lies back on the bed. Jiyong hears Jaesang talking to Jiyeon, “Dara should forget all this! Yeah, she must forget everything that has happened.”

“ You are right Jaesang! We have to do something...”

“If I could have told I would have told her that Jaejoong is a vampire...a dark vampire! But I can't do that. Dara is very naive...She is transparent. Jaejoong would just have one look at her and know that she knows the truth. And after that he would kill Dara.”

“ Ahh! Don't worry Jiyong! Jaejoong can't do anything to Dara. Even since you bit Dara your blood and her blood has become one. Jaejoong can't do anything to her now. She is only yours. The question is when her blood would call for you...are you ready for that time? Are you ready? So from now on the Ball is in your court.”


In Car

Bom is driving the Car. She recalls her conversation with Jaejoong at the Jungle.

“Jaejoong… Jaejoong.”He does not look at her.”What is happening Jaejoong? What are you doing here?”

“Who called you here?”

“Dara messaged me...” Jaejoong thinks for a while and then looks at Bom.

“Dara should not have called you. You were not part of my plans.” Jaejoong again turns away from Bom.

“I understand...That I can see! that I was not part of your plans...And where is Dara? Where is she?”

Jaejoong signals Bom to go away with his hands without looking at her.


Outside Yang’s Mansion

Bom reaches the gate of her Mansion and the watchman stops her. He tells her something and Bom gets down from the Car. She sees TOP and walks towards him.


“How are you Bom?”

“TOP, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Bom, Please just listen to me! I heard about you and Jaejoong. But I just be here to see for myself. Bom you know about the reputation of Jaejoong Kim. He is a Casanova and still you are falling for him.”

“Oh really? Now I have to learn from you what is good for me and what is not good for me. First look at the mirror yourself.”

“Look Bom, I wanted to talk to you for so many days. I felt that you are Jaejoong Kim's new toy and he would get bored of you. But things are looking serious. If you ask me the truth I cannot see you becoming serious for any on else. I am sorry Bom. But believe me! I have done mistakes...and I am getting the punishment even today. My biggest punishment is this that I am away from you.” Chaerin comes and stops the bike near them. She then pushes Bom aside and comes in between Bom and TOP.

“Listen you freaking loser...Stay away from Bom okay...if you come even near her I will kill you...TOP leave!” TOP walks away.

 Bom walks inside the gate saying, “God! I just need to be alone!”


In Kwon’s Mansion

 Jiyeon enters with a glass of milk in a tray. She goes to the head of the bed and stands in front of Dara.

“Dara, How are you feeling now?” Dara tries to get up. She leans to the head of the bed.

“I want to go home please...”

“Dara, I know how you are feeling. But believe me...whatever Jiyong did was not to hurt you...It was just an accident!” Dara sits straight.

“An accident because of who he is! Look...I know who you I have seen his horrifying face...I don't know why Jiyong did it...But please I want to go back...please send me back.”

“Dara, you are really weak. Drink this milk! After that you may go, Okay?” Jiyeon gives the milk to Dara and she drinks it. Dara then falls unconscious on the bed.


Outside Yang’s Mansion

Bom is sitting outside the Mansion in a Bench with a gloomy face. Chaerin goes to her and sits on the bench.

“Unnie, Please... Come on are crying for him? I mean bloody *** If I see him I will throw him from the mountain. Bloody Moron! He is trying to come back to my sister's life. You know Unnie...Dara tells right...this sort of people cannot see anyone happy! Please...”

“Chaerin, Please stop it! Please...I need to be left alone...Please understand! I need to think about things...Leave me alone!” Bom gets up and goes from there.

Chaerin thinks, “Unnie please don't believe in what that loser is saying. Oh God! This is a big problem. I need to talk to Dara. She is more sensible than me. I need to talk to her.” Chaerin gets up from the bench.


In Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong and Jaesang enter Jiyong's room where Dara is sleeping. Jiyeon is sitting on the chair near the fire place.


“She is unconscious! By the time she regains consciousness she would have forgotten everything. She won't remember anything!”

Jaesang walk towards Dara and passes his hand over Dara's neck healing the bite mark of Jiyong.

He then comes near Jiyong and instructs him, “Go and leave her at her Hostel Room!” Jiyong nods his reply.

“We have finished doing whatever we could. Now the game is begun!” Jaesang and Jiyeon leaves the room.

Jiyong comes near the head of the bed and looks at Dara fondly. He thinks, “Dara...just look at you! So innocent...So naive...So delicate...and me...Today how much I hurt you...I promise you Dara, I did this for your good. Iwanted to save you from Jaejoong at any cost.I had to do this! I am sorry Dara...I am sorry!” Jiyong then gently gathers Dara in his arms and walks out of his room to take her back to the Hostel.


In Hostel

Chaerin reaches Dara's Hostel Room. Chaerin is shocked ans wonders “What? Dara has not yet return back to Hostel. Where is she?” Chaerin remembers seeing Dara with Jaejoong and thinks “Jaejoong? Its too late. Dara is not the sort of girl who roams around with her Boss in the night. I hope Dara is okay.” Chaerin dials  Dara number.  


In Jaejoong’s Room

 Jaejoong is throwing things in the room. He breaks the mirror and shouts in anger.”Ahhhhhhhh….Ahhhhhhhh.” Suddenly he remembers something and is happy.

“Whoa!” He laughs. “Well...well...well...little brother.”  He looks at the broken mirror. “By biting her blood and your blood has become one. And blood would call for blood, right?” Jaejoong laughs. “Now how will you resist it little Brother? stupid little fool! You made my work even more easier. Oh! All this destruction... “ Jaejoong fixes his tie. “So like an animal!”


In Dara’s Hostel Room

Chaerin is trying to call Dara “Come on Dara, pick up the call!” She then stops on her tracks when she sees Jiyong carrying Dara and coming inside the room.

“Dara.” Chaerin runs to them.

“What happened? What happened to her again?”

“She fell down unconscious. There are some wounds. If she takes rest she would be alright!”

“Dude! This Dara is full on accident prone...She needs a 24 hours security guard...By the way, for this job you can apply too!” Jiyong gently puts Dara on the bed. “Really man! You are little moody type but you are not dumb.”  Jiyong gently straightens Dara's legs and then keeps his hand on her face gently removing the hair from her face. “Can't you see that you and Dara cannot stay away from each other? You wear a board saying I love Dara and she does the same. Then what is the problem? Why aren't you guys together? I mean it is so clear that you guys are made for each other!”

“No Chaerin! We are not made to be together nor will we be ever together. Never!” Jiyong and Chaerin notices Dara regaining consciousness. Chaerin goes near her and sits on the bed.

“Hey Dara, are you alright?”

Jiyong thinks “Dara...what do you remember, tell...tell Dara.”

“Jiyong!” Dara tries to get up. Chaerin and Jiyong helps her to sit by leaning on the head of the bed. “How am I here? What happened to me?”

“What was to happen? You fell unconscious...fallen down...head broken...Jiyong carried you and bought to here...same story, different version! But it is all true...”

Jiyong thinks, “That's good Dara does not remember anything'.”

“Thank you so much Jiyong! Sometimes I think that what would I have done without you. I am taking the breathe you gave me...”

Jiyong thinks, “Don't make me feel further guilty Dara...Your life had got into problem because of me today.”

Chaerin thinks, “What sort of people am I with...Says he is not meant for her. Dara and Jiyong's life is so complex...And there is me who like a loser told Dongwook that I love him. What an idiot I am.”

“You are not an idiot Chaerin! And Dongwook won't think anything like that. As a fact he would also be happy that you love him.” Jiyong and Chaerin looks at Dara in shock.

“Dara, How do you know that what I was thinking? Because of the head injury you did not become super it not?”

“No! It's just an intuition...I felt it!”

“Magic dude magic! Ahhh...Dara, you sure you are alright?” Chaerin keeps her hand on Dara's forehead and checks temperature.

Jiyong has a worried look on his face. He thinks, “So it has begun...What I was scared off has happened. Dara has started reading people's thoughts.”


In Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong opens the doors of his house roughly and walking inside in a hurry.He is angry. Jaesang who is in the hall with a drink in hand sees him.

“What happened?”

“It is all started Appa! The beginning has happened...”

“What do you mean it's started? Beginning happened?”

“Symptoms Appa! Dara has started showing preliminary symptoms. And she is not hiding it too...because she does not know anything about it...” Jaesang sits on the chair.

“It has to be stopped here. Otherwise talks would happen and questions would arise...People will understand that she is not a college student...they will be amused...I am afraid Jiyong, you will have to fix!”

Jiyong thinks, “And I have to do something. No body else can do this other than me.” Jiyong goes from there.


In Kim’s Enterprises

Uee enters the office. “Goodmorning. Hello everyone.”Uee sits on her Chair.. She takes the mirror and admires herself saying, “Mirror mirror of the wall...should I ask the Question...”

Bom looks at Uee in disgust.

Uee continues her self admiration, “God would have made me on Sunday, perfection!”

Bom gets from her seat and walks to Uee. She sits on a chair opposite Uee.

“You know what Uee, I want to talk to you.”

“Whatever, tell...”

“Shut up! Don't do me a favor. You know what Uee, I have seen you from the time of school. So are so fake. As a fact you show a lot of attitude to everyone. But anywhere you see a Guy you throw yourself on him, don't you? Isn't that amazing?”

“Excuse me!”

“Just. Shut up! Now I am talking and you would listen! People like you...Jaejoong and deserve each other. One use girls in such a manner as if he is changing clothes. And you use Guys in such a manner ...You are made for each other!”

“Ahh! So Bom got dumped!” Uee laughs. “You may be used to it Bom...don't be scared...first TOP then Jae...”

“You….”Bom is about to say something but  stops her.

“Ah hah..hold it up! Don't blame me. You should be blaming Dara and not Uee, understand?”

“We are not talking about Dara.”

“So you should be talking about Dara. You should in fact talk about her! Look! That girl is very smart...more than me! Because first she seized Jiyong from me and now then seized Jae from you...After all she has to think about her future as well. She is an Orphan...where will she go after College? So...she is doing smart planning. And you think I am the only one? Come on...take a look around! You know Dara is smarter than all of us. Poor, poor Yang sisters! You trusted on a wrong girl...But let me tell you one thing .” Uee points her finger at Bom.”You better get your facts right, understand? Don't blame me for your lost life because you are not going to get anything out of it.” Jaejoong comes into the Office. “Understood, loser?”

Uee turns her chair and see Jaejoong at the door.

“Hello Ladies.” Jaejoong goes to his Cabin. Bom gets up and goes back to her seat.


In College Campus

Dara is walking through the College Campus corridor looking into her mobile. She bumps into Ms Jinha who was coming from the opposite side. Some files and Papers Ms Jinha is carrying falls down.

“Ooopss Sorry Ma’am.”Dara picks everything up and gives to Ms Jinha.

Ms Jinha thinks, “Seeing Dara I remembered I need to give her class a surprise English Literature test from Macbeth...”  Dara looks around and then smiles. “Nobody would have even prepared.”

“Thank you Dara.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Ms.Jinha goes from there. For one moment Dara looks startled. “Hey girls did you hear what Ma’am said.?”Dara asks the girls standing near

“No babes! She did not say anything! By the way, let her be silent. Every time she opens we land into trouble.” The girls laugh and go away from there.

Dara thinks, “Really I am able to hear other people's thoughts? What's happening? What ever is happening is good only. Now I can go and warn the whole class to study Macbeth.” Dara enters the class room in a hurry.

In Classroom

“Guys! Come on I have news! Just listen up...I got news!”The guys and girls in the classroom look at her.

“Tell me the gossip.” Chaerin said to Dara.

“It's not gossip is a warning! Ms Jinha is going to give us a surprise test on Macbeth.” The students are shocked.

“What rubbish? How can she throw bomb on us anytime. Guys this Dara is playing a pranks on us. She only need reason to study.” Youngbae told the student.

“ Chaerin do you remember what happen last night. You said something in your mind and then I told you what you were thing.”

Chaerin tries to move awayfrom Dara. “Yeah you are a freakingQueen.”

“No I am not a freaking Queen.” Dara make her sit on the same.

“I could read what Ms Jinha was thinking. I could read her mind that she is going to take our test.”

“What are you saying Dara...that you have become a mind reader? Buy a parrot and make a Career.”

Youngbae tells, “Not Parrot...Dara the Octopus.”Youngbae tells the class “ Guys I think Dara and Chaerin combined are trying to fool them.”

“Yeah fool day is coming near so Dara is practicing the pranks.” Minzy added.

“Yeah exactly.” Youngbae assured.

“What do you know. You are our senior you had studied Macbeth earlier so you don’t care.” Chaerin told Youngbae. “If by mistake Ms janha took the test, like the three witches in Macbeth I will have to hang myself on the tree.”Youngbae laugh at her.

“ Atleast Chaerin you know that Macbeth had three witches just like you.”

“Oh guys come on now shut up. Youngbae believe me. I read what was in Ms Jinha’s mind okay.”

“Yes. And do Dara lie to us? Why does she need to warn us?” Chaerin ask the student.

“Exactly. I think Chaerin your plan is to spread panic among students and Dara is also part of the plan.”

“Fine ddon’t believe go away. Hey guys if you believe in Dara and  want to save themselves they better study Macbeth.”

 The students ge

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)