Youngbae propose to Dara.

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In Party Hall

Mr. & Mrs Yang are chating with the Kwon’s along with TOP,  Sulli is standing behind Jiyong.

“ I didn’t know that you were coming here.” Sulli said, Dara notice Jiyong has been ignoring Sulli.

“Sulli do you know Jiyong Kwon?”

 “Dara I’ve told you a 100 times that I don’t know Jiyong Kwon.” Jiyong hear they conversation.

“Mr.Kwon I’m very glad that Seunghyun is going to be my son-in-law because he’s working with you.” Hyunsuk told Jaesang.

“Well eventully most of us get what we deserve don’t we?” Jaesang told Hyunsuk.

“Yes of course infact I wanted him to work with me but he’s working in a much better company .And now we must also get Bom and Seunghyun engaged right Eunju? We should officially make him our son-in-law right?” Hyunsuk happily told them

“I need some fresh air okay I just be back.” Sulli excused herself leaving Dara behind Jiyong, Jiyeon saw Dara was staring at Jiyong. After few second Dara left them. Jiyong followed her, Jiyeon followed Jiyong.

Jiyeon hold Jiyong’s hand and stopped him “Dara how are you?” Jiyeon asked Dara. Dara turn around to face her.“Lovely  party right?”

“Yeah Aunty it’s nice.”

“You look very nice did you get your dress specially made?” Jiyong was wondering why Jiyeon was  complementing her.

“No Aunty this was an extra costume for our play so I thought that I could wear it.”

“It suit you very well.”

“Thank you so much Aunty.”

Jiyong tried to free himself from Jiyeon hold.“Jiyong  where are you going?”

“Outside I need some fresh air.” Jiyong replied her

“I ‘ll take your leave Aunty” Dara followed Jiyong outside.


Dara went outside the garden but soon Sulli came running in the hall she was crting she went upstairs, Dara followed her.

“Why does  Dara look so tense?” Chaerin  muttered to herself as she followed Dara.

“Did Sulli come here?” Dara asked Bom.

“Yeah she just rushed into the restroom did something happen?” Bom asked in alarm.

“Dara are you okay?” Chaerin asked as she entered Bom’s room.

“Yeah.”Dara nervously replied.

Sulli open the door she was trying to control herself but she fall down Dara and Chaerin rushed towards her and caught her before the hit the floor.

“Sulli are you okay?”Dara asked worriedly.

“What happened to her?”Chaerin asked. “Heartattack? Did she drink too much?”

“No no she was with me and she did’nt drink anything.” Dara replied as they brought her towards the bed.

“Her body is very cold sit down I think that it is just low BP Sulli take some medicine.” Bom said as she checked her.

“Get it” Chaerin told Bom.

“Sulli are you okay?” Dara asked her

“I am fine guys.”Sulli cried.

“Sulli take the medicine.” Bom gave her the medicine. Chaerin pour a glass of water for her.

“I am fine I don’t need anything.”   But all the three kept on forcing her take  the medicine.

“I’m fine guys I don’t need anything. FOR GODS SAKE DAMN IT LEAVEME ALONE BECAUSE I CAN NEVER FEEL BETTER, I CAN’T TAKE THIS MEDICINE BECAUSE I’M PREGNANT.” Sulli yelled. Then she started crying. All where shock to hear that. As Bom as eldest among them she tried to console her.

“Sulli you need help I’ll tell Omma to call doctor Uncle.”Bom said calmy.

“No I don’t want to see a doctor I’ll have to hide this as long as I can.”

“ Guys please don’tell anybody that you know about this.”

“ God I shoudn’t have come to this party.” Sulli got up and walked towards the door.

“Hold on Sulli.” Chaerin stop her.

“Sulli who is he? Who is the father?”Bom asked her.

“No I can’t tell you his name.” Sulli told them.

“But this is his problem as well.”Chaerin told her.

“No Chaerin this is my problem this isn’t his problem he doesn’t want to take up the responsibility of me or the child.”

“That’s not fair Sulli you can tell us who he is and we’ll go talk to him.” Bom said.

“No I can’t tell you his name. He, he belong to a very influencial family. He can do anything if he finds out that I told….. that I told you his name I don’t know what he’ll do.” Sulli

“He’s such a disgusting man he left you alone in this situation.”Bom asked her in anger.

“And he also abuses her. I’ve seen her bruises look.” Dara pointed the bruises.

“What? Oh my God.”Bom was shock to see the bruises.

“Sulli come with me I work in an NGO that helps women like you. Sulli you are underaged .  You’re only 17 do you know how many painful things that you are going to go through? If you don’t want to tell me his name then don’t but please let me help you.” Bom told her. Sulli refuse to go with Bom.

Dara remembered Jiyong and Sulli conversation in the locker room and In the garden

“Then I can’t help you. This is your problem I can’t do anything .”

“Please listen to me.”

“I told you that I don’t want to hear anything that’s all.”


“This secret isn’t going to be a secret for long someday everyone is going to find out what’ll I do then?”


“I know who he is.”Dara thought.

Dara went in the garden searching for Jiyong . He was standing  alone in one corner.

 “I would never thought that you would drop so low.” Dara yells at Jiyong “What so you think hun? Do you think that if you play with someones life everything will be alright? Do you think that you can do anything because of your Dad’s power and money? “But this is very low even for you. Now tell me that you don’t know her. Tell me that you don’t know Sulli. Tell me that you don’t even recognize her. Tell me that you aren’t the reason that she is pregnant.”Dara confront Jiyong.

“Yeah that’s true I’m the father of her baby.” Jiyong confessed.

Dara was shock to hear it “YOU.” Dara shouted.

“Say it again.”

“You know what you’re a sick man you are a sick man Jiyong how could you do that to her?” Dara kept on looking at Dara.

“Why? Don’t you know how it happens? Do you want a demo?”

“Do you think that playing with someones life is a joke?  You’re a horrible person Jiyong. But today you’ve dropped even lower.  I always knew but today I know that you’re an animal that can never be a good to anyone. Do you really think that you impress everyone? You can only impress bimbo’s but I know the truth about you. You probably made a million promises to that poor girl and in the end you broke her heart. You spoiled her life I hope it all comes back to you. You will feel the same amount of pain that she is feeling. You know what? At first I hated you now I don’t want to be anywhere near you. You ‘re disgusting.”

“I think that this is going to be a long lecture so can I go?”

“Mr. Jiyong Kwon do what you want but I am going to tell everyone the truth I’m going to expose you.”

“Sure do that tell everyone that, that college going girl is pregnant. The warden teachers, maitron and students will be very happy to hear that. Think of what will happen to your friend’s reputation if you expose me.”

“You know what? You’re a disgusting animal.” Dara told him as she wiped her tears.
“I will take that as a compliment.” Jiyong told her with a smirk.

Dara left him and went back inside.


 Youngbae and TOP were at the bar.

 “If Dara was y then I wouldn’t care about her. But she is so nice so calm and so understanding I feel so nervous to even go to her.”Youngbae told TOP

“You’ve got to be kidding me dude. Go and tell her why are you so scare? She’s just a girl.” TOP said to Youngbae.

“That’s the problem Hyung she’s not just a girl. She’s not like Uee or the other random girls. She’s… I don’t know… I really like her. It’ll kill me if she says no. I’m so nervous.”

“Have a drink.”TOP place a bottlenear Youngbae.

“Are you crazy? You want me to be drunk before I go to see her?.” Youngbae ask in doubt.

“Just listen to me because I’ve had  experience with these type of things just have it baby.”Top assured him.

TOP made a drink for Youngbae “ Here. Drink it.”

Youngbae took the drink and gluped it down

“Good.” TOP pattedhis shoulder.

“Hyung you are my best friend, my best hyung and my everything. I love you.”

“I love you too little brother.”

“Dara.”TOP said as he saw her.

“Dara.” Youngbae started searching.

“Look there she is.” TOP pointed  at Dara. “Go and tell her.”

“You sure?”Youngbae asked  TOP.

“Damn sure go and tell her go little brother and tell her.”

Youngbae tried to climb the table, but slipped down

“Oh my God. YoungBae you’re drunk.” Chaerin ran towards him to help him.

Youngbae stood up on the table.“Dara.” Everyone started laughing,

“Dara, Dara, Dara, Dara, Dara. You’re great Dara.”

“Did you know that you are unique.”Dara bow her head down .

“ You are totally different from all the other girls.” Uee got angry.

“Eversince I saw you I’ve forgotten everything.Dara you are so good and you’re so sweet today infront of everyone I want to confess to you that I love you Dara “ Youngbae confessed in front of everyone.

“Will you be mine?” Youngbae asked Dara.

“Uee Bae forgotten you .”Uee friend told her. “ He proposing to Dara infront of everyone how embarrassing babe. What’ll you do now Uee? That charity case will become the hottest boy’s girlfriend.”

“Oh shut up to hell with him.” Uee told them.

“And Dara … listen carefully  Dara… if you say yes to me… then I’ll be the luckiest guy in the world.” Youngbaetold Dara.

Jiyong cameand stood beside Dara “Say yes Dara and stop interfering in my life.” Jiyong encourages Dara

“YoungBae is a rich guy. Get him before you lose him.” Dara turns towards Jiyong looking at his eyes.

“Say yes  Dara. And stop interfering in my life.”

“YoungBae yes I will be your girlfriend.” Jiyong smirk hearing her reply.

“YAY ladies and gentlemen a big hand because Dara said yes to me.” Everyone clapped for the new couple.

“Wow.” Hyunsuk and Eunju  were also happy for them.

“Everyone lets bring this idiot down.” Chaerin said to her friends.

“Wow this means double the happiness we must celebrate this.”Hyunsuk said  happily.

“Dara looks so lovely and happy right?” Eunju added.

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)