Dara’s Accident.

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In Kwon’s New Mansion

 Jiyong in the new house in his room. He is behaving like a caged tiger.

Jiyong says in mind, “I am so far from you Dara. But I have brought you memories with me.”


In Yang’s Mansion

Dara is standing near her room window in Yang’s House thinking, “Jiyong, Please talk to me. Where are you Jiyong? Where did you go? You went without meeting me. I need you Jiyong! Please come back to me.”


In Jiyong Room

Jiyong is thinking of Dara“No… I cannot meet her.” Jiyong sit on the sit holding the arms of the chiar tightly. He is trying to resists his urge to meet Dara “ No… this is right! This had to happen. I should not meet her. I gave her so much trouble. I can’t meet her. No Dara, I cannot meet you. No!”


In Yang’s Mansion

Dara is standing by her room window in Yang’s House thinking of Jiyong and saying in mind “Jiyong, Please talk to me. Where are you Jiyong? Where did you go? You went without meeting me. I need you Jiyong! Please come back to me.”


In Jiyong’s Room

Jiyong is troubled he gets up from his chair. “Dara, I cannot be without you. I cannot stay away from you.” He goes near the door. When he reaches the door of his room Jiyeon blocks his way.

“Where are you going? We did not bring you here so that you can go back there again. Just forget about Gyeyang and that girl Dara. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?’ Jiyeon closes the door on Jiyong’s face.


In St. Mary’s Orphanage

Hyunsuk reaches St Mary’s Orphanage.

Hyunsuk thinks. “Sandara your Appa has come to apologize to you. To give you everything you deserve. Please forgive me my child.”


“Mother superior.”

“Yes tell me.”

“I am Mr Hyunsuk Yang I am from Gyeyang. Sister Agnes gave me your address. Sister Agnes from Seoul branch.”

“Yes I got the message.”

“Mother I am looking for a child she was send here from Seoul Orphanage. Sandara, Sandara Park daughter of Sooyoung Park.”

“She had been here many years before when she was a kid.”


“And her mother had died.”


“I am sorry that child is not in our Orphanage.”


“At that time we had no place in our orphanage to accommodate her so we send her to other orphanage.”

“What are you saying?”

“Our church organization is very big and we don’t have any paper work. Now I don’t remember in which orphanage I had shifted her.”

“Mother it’s very important that I search this girl. Give me some information, any information any link how will I find her.”

“Sorry Sir at that time a fire accident took place in our orphanage and all the records, files got burned in it. I am sorry. I can’t help you.” Hyunsuk is disappointed.

“Mother please help me.  Please tell me something.”

“Sir this might be God wish. I am sorry Sir.”

“How can it be God wish mother. How can God keep away a father from his daughter.”

“I cannot help you.”

“Thank you.”

After Hyunsuk goes the nun calls someone.


Eunju who is driving a car receives a call. Ring♫♫♫♫ Ring♫♫♫♫“Hello.”

“Hello Mrs.Yang just now your husband came to our orphanage. I told him what you had told me to tell him.”

“Thank you so much Mother superior. Please don’t misunderstand me. I am doing all this for my family. But Mother you don’t worry about Dara, she is very happy wherever she is. She is in safe hands. She also wants that her father should not know the truth. And I also want this. If my family find out the truth it will not be good for my family.”

“Mrs Yang Dara is a very nice girls she had called me two days before and told me that she wanted to hide this truth. Don’t worry Mrs Yang she is very nice girl.”

“I don’t believe this. Thank you so much.” Eunju is filled with gratitude for Dara.

“She is God’s special child Mrs.Yang take care of her.”

“You don’t worry Mother. You don’t worry. Thank you.”Eunju ends the call.

“Thanks so much Dara.”


In Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk enters the Yang House he is very disappointed.


“I lost Eunju. Again I lost her. I didn’t find her there. No one know about her.”

“I am so sorry Hyunsuk. I understand what you are going through I should not behave so selfish. I left you alone over there and came her. I should have not done this.”

“No Eunju, let me alone suffer this pain. Might be I have lost my daughter forever. I am sorry too. I understand what you are going through. But love for my daughter made me do it. Now maybe I will never be able to meet her. She has gone very far from me.”

“Don’t think like this Hyunsuk she is in your heart and always be in your heart. Wherever she is I am sure she is very happy.”

“Let’s hope so.”

Eunju thinks.“Please forgive me Hyunsuk I did what was  good for everyone. Your daughter is fine. She is near you. she does’nt want that you should know the truth.”



“Yes Aunty.”

“Thank you. You protected  this family from scattering.”

“Aunty now its your turn. You please give me the permission to go from this house. You please convince Bom and Chaerin.”

“Okay if you want this I will try to convince them.”

“Thank you Aunty.”


Yang family is sitting at the dinning table

“Omma where is Dara?” Chaerin asked.

“She is upstairs she will join us in short while.”

“Why? Is she not feeling well.” Bom asked.

 “Bom, Chaerin I want to talk to you. I know that Dara is a part of our family we want that she should stay with us. But aren’t we forcing her to do it. Look she wants to go from here.”

“No way, I will slap her. She is not going anywhere.” Chaerin said firmly.

“Chaerin calm down. I agree with her.”

“Omma. What are you saying? How will she say in the hostel without all of us.” Bom asked in concerned.

“I know Bom, but try to be in her shoes. She is an orphan but independent. And she doesn’t like to live on charity.”

“But Omma we are not doing charity we love her.” Chaerin stated.

“Love also mean that we understand other person’s feeling. She decided to come in this city. To stand on her own feets. She thinks by staying here she is depending on us. She is taking benefit of our love. You know Chaerin that girl is very stubborn and hard working. She doesn’t need anyone. She is getting the love from friends and our family. I think we should support her decision. Allow her to leave her life. On her own.”

 “Okay fine, let her go. Everyday I will bring her here with new excuse. Her suitcase will be there. Okay. Let my friend be independent let her stay in hostel. I am okay with it.”

“Good girl.”

“Okay Omma. We will let her go but she better know that she is welcome in this family anytime.” Bom added.

“Definitely. She is always going to be a part of this family.” Hyunsuk said.


Dara is packing her bags.

“I had just talk with Eunju so you have decided.”

“Yes I want to live in hostel.”

“If you would stay here we would be very happy.”

“Uncle since childhood I am use  to live alone. I am so used to it. But after coming here. I change my habit and I spoiled myself .”

“Such habits does’nt spoil you. What is the use to be such independent and responsible at such a young age. Let us allow to take care of you. What’s the problem?”

Hyunsuk thinks. “How should I tell you Dara that whatever I can’t give my daughter I want to give it to you. In the hope that somewhere someone is giving so much love to my daughter. I don’t know where she is. How is she, who would be taking care of her?”

Dara thinks.“I know why you are trying to stop me but I can’t leave in this family, knowing that I can’t  be a part of this family. Its good for me to stay away for you.”

“So you will not listen. Okay no problem but remember you are always welcome over here.” Hyunsuk told Dara.

“Thank you.”



In Hostel

Dara comes back to the hostel.

Dara is standing by the Hostel room window thinking, “Once again I have become alone. Jiyong, why you went away leaving me? I need you Jiyong.”


In Jiyong’s Room

 Jiyong is disturbed in his room. “Dara, I need you. I cannot be without you. At least once… once I want to see you. Once I want to hear your voice. I cannot live without you. I cannot live without you…”


In Hostel

Dara is standing by her Hostel window  “Come back Jiyong! Come and meet me once…one time Jiyong.”

 Just then there is a knock at the door and when Dara opens it a Security guy he gives a piece of paper to Dara “Dara Ma’am, this is for you!”

Dara reads it ‘I want to meet you – Jiyong’

Dara brighten up. “You came Jiyong? Thank God! I am coming. I am coming to meet you.”

She opens the drawer and takes the ring from the hand kerchief and puts it on her chain along with her pendant and walks out of her room.


Outside the Hostel

Dara comes out of the hostel gate but she sees no one so she starts searching for Jiyong,


“JIYONG!” Dara starts walking on the road.

TOP is sitting in his car watching Dara looking and calling out for Jiyong. He recalls giving the chit to the security guy and looking at Dara from down standing at her hostel window.

“JIYONG! JIYONG!” Dara keeps on walking on the road. Its last night and no one is seen around.


TOP recalls Dara telling him that she would accumulate proof against him and Bom slapping him. He starts the car. He also recalls Youngbae telling him that he would kill TOP with his own hands if he utters another word and his father telling that he killed them alive. TOP drives the car with full speed and hits Dara who was calling out for Jiyong and drives away. Dara gets thrown falls on the road, TOP drive away and Dara is lying on the road with blood running from her forehead.


In Jiyong’s Room

Jiyong feels uneasy at the

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)