Jiyong kidnapped Dara from Yang’s Mansion

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In Yang’s Mansion

“Sister Agnes thank you so much for coming, please tell me that information you are having I need to find my daughter.” Hyunsuk told her.

“I had called you to give the address. You were gone somewhere outside. But I have given the address to your wife. Didn’t you received.” Hyunsuk was shocked to know that Eunju had received the information.

“We were unable to talk on the topic, I was out of station. You tell me what information you are having.”Hyunsuk told the sister.

“Sooyoung’s baby was send to one of our orphanage this is the address St. Mary’s Orphanage. I think it is bit away from the city I don’t have the number of that place right now. But you will surely get to know from this address.”

“I will find it. Sister Agnes thank you so much I will take it from here.”

“God bless you. My child.”

“Thank you.”Sister goes away from there.

Hyunsuk I… I am Sorry.

“I understand Eunju whatever you did you did it as a mother to your daughter, I know that if people find out about my illegitimate daughter it will affect Chaerin and Bom future I understand.  Eunju but I also can’t let my that daughter suffer Eunju I want to know her, to see her to understand her. I want to find my daughter. I am sorry.” Hyunsuk walk away from there.


Dara enters the Kitchen wearing a Shawl, she takes one glass of water. Hyunsuk notices her “Have you come back from the party.”

“Yes Uncle! You are working so late?”

“ Not work. Have a seat.” Dara sits in the chair. “There is some place I am trying to find out.”

“Which place?”

“Its near Gwangju St Mary’s Orphanage.” Dara is shock to hear Hyunsuk looking for her Orphanage. “I have been to their Seoul branch. But the one I am looking is in Gwangju. The one I told you. I don’t  have the the proper details.”

“St Marys orphanages. What is there?” Eunju is watching them she is worried.

“There my….” Hyunsuk stop himself before he could say futher. “ My friend is having some problem he is trying to sort it out. He has lost his daughter. After so many years he came to know that she is in St. Mary’s Orphanage. Now this is some St. Paul’s church who is looking after 12 Orphanage and all the name are like St. Mary’s trust, Jesus and Mary. Its very confusing. I can’t understand it. I think it’s better to visit the place personally. I can’t understand how I will be able to wait till tomorrow. I need that number I need that information. I want that the father and daughter should meet very soon, his daughter has suffered a lots he is missing his daughter very much. He had received a news that his daughter was death in a car accident. But that was wrong. And now he knows that his daughter is alive. She is their. I have to find her. I have to find her.” Dara is watching him. Her eyes are filled with tears, but she controls her emotions.

“Dara you are also from and orphanage. Do they treat the children properly, you never faced any problem right?”

“No. I was very happy. The sister over there gave us lots of love. The love that we didn’t get form our family.”

“In which orphanage were you.”

 “St Catherine’s” Dara lied to him.

“Well I am gald that you were happy there. By looking at you I can say that your upbringing is done very nicely. You are such a lovely child I hope that St Mary’s Orpahange is also like that. I hope that child is also well taken care of.”

“Sure Good night.”Dara



In Jiyong’s Room

Jiyong is very angry with Dara. He closes the door of his room and takes Yoojin’s Photo from his cupboard. He looks at it. “She made a fun of my life. She knew Yoojin that you are my biggest weakness. She cheated me.”

Jiyong thinks of Dara appearing in front of him as Yoojin at several places in the house.

“What the hell is this Dara?”

“What is this Jiyong?”

“Don’t you know? Is this not yours?”

“No! Jiyong this is not mine.”

“Really Dara?”

“Yeah! From where you got it? And whose is it?”

“Yeah! Someone else’s and you know very well who’s.”

“ I don’t know what you are talking Jiyong. If you know whose it is go and give her!.” She turns to go and Jiyong  stops her by catching her hand.

“Don’t act smart Dara! This earring had fallen from you, right?”

“ I am telling you Jiyong! Why will I wear this earring? It is so old fashioned. And moreover, it does not go with my dress. Why will I wear it?”


 “Yoojin…..Yoojin… Do you know how long I have waited for you? How many years I waited for you? For ages….remembering your promise…I have been wandering in this earth. I could not save you Yoojin. Why you left me and went away? Why? Your Appa burned you in fire. I could not save you. I also wanted to die in that fire. What would I have done without you in my life? But fate had something else for me. You don’t know Yoojin what happened that night.

“What happened?”

“I would have come behind you. Without you in life what would have I done? But something else happened with me. I got into such darkness that I could not get out of it till now. In my world now there is no difference between life and death. I have become a living dead.”

“I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“How will I make you understand Yoojin? I myself is trying to understand me. Its like a horrible dream in which I am living now. How will I make you understand.”

“Make me understand. I want to know.”

“You .. you…you left me and went away and I became this! Look at me understand I became this.”

Jiyong is furious to realize that Dara was playing games with him. “You woke the animal in me Dara. You should not have done that. I would never forgive you. I will teach you a lesson for playing this game. I am fire Dara, you have played with me… you would burn. You will have to pay for this.’


In Yang’s Mansion

“Thanks Dara I am grateful that you did’nt reveal anything to Hyunsuk about her.”

“I had promise you Aunty that I will never let him know.”

Dara thinks.“I don’t want the person who left my Omma in her last stage, now search for me and show false sympathy. There is no use for his to know his daughters reality. I don’t need him in my life. When people go away from someones life they themselves close the door to return back. This is the only best that he never returns.”

“Aunty will you please listen to me.”

“Yes tell me.”

“Aunty please give me permission to go from this house.”

“No dear whatever I am doing is not to make you far from us I am just trying to protect my daughters and you are also ours.”

“Please aunty you have to convince Bom and Chaerin to allow me to go from there I need to go to the hostel I will be happy there. I need to go and you help me to go.” Eunju nods


In Chaerin’s Room

Chaerin lying on her bed eating cookies when someone knocks at the door. She wonders “Who it is at this time of the night could it could be a thief, but  if it is a thief  then why will he  knock.”

“Hello! Hello!”

Chaerin gets up from her bed takes her guitar along with her and opens the door lifting the guitar in hand. She is shocked to see Doogwook at the door. He gets inside the room as Chaerin moves back.

“ You! Not again! Why you are disturbing me? I don’t want to see you.” She closes her eyes and says something hoping that he would go away and that he is her imagination. When she opens her eyes she finds Doogwook there looking at her. “Dude! This is full on sickness and it does not go…”

“ Chaerin!”

“ Dude! It is also talking! I thought visions don’t talk.” She slaps Doogwook.

“ Chaerin, Have you gone mad? You are drunk!!”

“ You are real?” She runs off to her bed and sits there and covers her face with both her hands.

“ No…No…I am  Robot. I am going to beat 8-10,000 people all alone. Will you come with me?”

“ But you were not here earlier?”

“I am Doogwook.” He sits on the bed. “What happened to you? How many Beers did you have? Tell me the truth!”

Chaerin counts her fingers. “Only 5.”

“Five? Cola?”

“ Please…Okay? Vodka Martini… Bond…James Bond!”

“ Chaerin, the drinks have gone into your head. You go to sleep.”

“ I am not intoxicated. I don’t know what trouble I have got. You are confusing. You are here…then you are not here. When you are not here…I see you…and sometimes you are here and I see you. I mean what?”

“ Chaerin, I think you should sleep now. You need sleep. I will come tomorrow and talk to you in leisure. But talking is very important, Okay?” He gets up and goes.

“ What is this new drama? When it is true when it is dream? I know what… next time I see him I will give him a hard kick. If he shouts then he is real and if he vanishes like Kasper then he is not. Chaerin you are so smart!” Chaerin says to herself. She falls into the bed.


In Guest Room

Dara is sleeping in on bed. Jiyong enters the room through the window and look at her sleeping peacefully. He is angry. He says in mind, “You cheated me Dara. You took advantage of my weakness. I did so much for you and you…you where the only one whose company I liked. I was wrong! You did not deserve it Dara. To know my past you played games with me. I hate you! I will never forgive you for what you did to me. Never!”

 Dara senses his presence and opens her eyes.“Jiyong!”

Jiyong who is angry does not allow her talking further  he close with one hand and ties her with the shawl which was near the bed and carries her from there.


In Jungle

Jiyong puts her down near a cave and unties the shawl with which he covered and tied her hands.

“ What are you doing with me? Where have you bought me? Jiyong what are you doing?” Dara takes steps back while Jiyong walks towards her. “What are you doing with me? What have I done?” He pins her to a wall of a cave and holds on her arms

“ Why? Now you want answer for this question too?”

“ I don’t understand Jiyong!”

“ Yeah, You don’t understand! Look at my eyes and tell me that you don’t know what you have done with me.”

“ Jiyong I was just…”

“ You were just what Dara? What were you doing? You were trying to understand me? You were trying to help me? I already told you that I am beyond anyone’s help, thought or understanding. I told you. Bloody hell stay away from…” He pushes her and walks from there.

“ Jiyong!” Dara follows him. “Jiyong please give me the answers to my questions. Jiyong wait! Jiyong you are leaving me and going? Jiyong I was just trying to help you.”

“Help? No Dara…No one can do anything for me. Just because your face resembles Yoojin does not mean that you would be able to help me. Only your face resembles her… You are not like her… You are not her!”

“ You know her very well? Because you and she have the relationship of research, is it not Jiyong? That is a lie. There is no research. You were also telling a lie… then why this much hatred towards me? Yoojin…Yoojin…Yoojin…who is this Yoojin? You and your family…you can’t even stand her. Your Mom does not want to even hear her name? What is your relationship with her Jiyong?”

“ Why can’t you understand? Even now why don’t you understand that this is not relevant to you? Can’t you leave me and my life alone? How much you have hurt me… How much difficult situation you have put me in front of my Appa and Omma…I am not in a position to say anything to them.”

“ They are not your Appa and Omma Jiyong!”

Jiyong is shocked.“What? How can you say that?”

“ Because I know my face resembles Yoojin’s. And yours… with Gdragon. Or maybe you are Gdragon.”

“Dara, Have you gone mad? Do you know Math? Do you know science? Do you know logic? Yoojin died 200 years ago…”

“And you too!”They look at each other. “Yoojin died in 18th century and that night she did not die alone. You only told that you were waiting for her. What happened with you that night Jiyong? What happened that night?” Jiyong keeps silence. Dara comes forward to him. “I can feel Jiyong! Your eyes cannot lie. There is a heart inside you which beats for Yoojin. You have feelings for her. I have seen Jiyong… love in your eyes… for her and for me. You love me, don’t you? Why do you love me so much Jiyong?”

“ I don’t love you.”

“ Why do you love me so much?”

“ I don’t love you.”

“ Why do you love me?”

“ I don’t love you. I can never love you. I cannot love a cheat and lair like you. You cheated me. You don’t value any relationship. Because you don’t care!”

“I do, Jiyong! If I am here it is because of you. Whatever I did I did it for you. I wanted to know the truth because I did not want to lose you Jiyong! Jiyong, Can’t you see what you are to me? Can’t you see it in my eyes? Don’t you know why I am looking for the answers to these questions? Jiyong, Can I not see that your heart’s peace lies in the answers to the Questions?”

“Enough! Ages have passed since I have had peace. Enough!”

“ Why can’t I ask you Questions? I want to know.”

Jiyong holds on Dara’s arms and says, “Enough Yoojin…enough!” He leaves her hand.

“ What nobody could do in years, you did. Dara you have opened an old wound of me the healing of which is difficult now. I don’t want to even see your face. I want to bury all your memories here. This place…Here…”

“ What are you going to do…Jiyong?”

“ Don’t fear Dara! I am your friend…Is it not? So how can I cause you hurt? Look around you Dara. Carefully… Here..this very place…is the residence of Vampires about whom you are doing your research on. So this is the best time to test your theory. It is said that in ancient times Vampires used to come here to hunt. Who knows may be they come now also… So Dara… Do your research with full concentration. Because nobody would hear your voice. Have fun!” Jiyong goes from there leaving Dara alone in the cave.

 “Jiyong, You are leaving me and going? Jiyong,Jiyong!” Jiyong runs out like wind while Dara is shouting for help in the cave.


“ HELP!”






Jiyong reaches Yoojin’s grave. He falls in front of the grave on his knees “YOOJIN!”


 Dara sits in the cave by the fire Dara says in her mind as tears flows from her eyes “Jiyong, Please come back! I did not cheat you. I did not want to hurt you. I want you to be happy. I cannot see you burn in the fire alone…I just wanted to bring out of there…Please Jiyong, Come back to me! Come back Jiyong!”


Jiyong lies down on the ground looking at Yoojin’s grave.


 Dara sits in front of the fire with tears in her eyes. “JIYONG! JIYONG! HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! JIYONG! JIYONG! JIYONG!”


Jiyong suddenly hears Dara’s voice calling out for him. “JIYONG! JIYONG! HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! JIYONG! JIYONG! JIYONG!” He gets up and closes his ears.

 He remembers how Dara duped him.


Dara sleeping inside the Cave in the morning. When she opens her eyes she finds Jiyong looking at her.

“ Jiyong, you came?”

“I had to come.”

“ I knew that you would not leave me and go.”

“ I am not that bad Dara. Just when I come near you the animal in me awakens. Let that animal remain inside Dara! Please don’t awake it…Please! Believe me! Yoojin is just madness. Don’t ask me…Why? When? How? I won’t be able to tell you. Please don’t try to open my Past Dara! Have I ever asked you what your Past is?”

Dara says in mind, “Ask me Jiyong! My life is with yours.Whatever it is…However it is…I feel like sharing with you.”

“I cannot share anything with you. My past is just mine… I will live it alone… Let’s go!” He comes up to where she was sitting and extends his hand for her to get up. “Come on Dara” He helps her to get up and they get out of the cave.


In Yang’s Mansion

Dara is trying to quietly entering the Yang House. Chaerin sees her.

“Where have you been all night?”

“What rubbish?”

“Early in the morning you are lying. Tell me where were you. And most important with whom.”

“I told you I was right here.”

“Liar liar pants on fire….You spend a night outside and that to with a boy OOOOOOO.”

“Shup up Chaerin.”

“And now you got offended tell me. You were with whom what’s his name. What does he do and what he did with you.”

“I was with no one its just that Jiyong…” Dara by mistake blurts out.

“Jiyong I knew it, dude I knew it, now you have to give me full goss. Tell me did he take you out did he did mwah mwah.”

“Yuck Chaerin stop it.”

“Please don’t tell me that both you loser spend the wonderful night just in talking. You know full moon night cold cold cold snugger snugger snugger. Did he hug you. Did he give you his jacket  did he…” Chaerin was interrupted Ring♫♫♫♫ Ring♫♫♫♫

“Excuse me.” Chaerin received her call. ““Yah Minzy. yes purple puple pink.”

Dara goes from there to the guest room.


In College Campus

Dara sees Jiyong and looks at him. Jiyong senses Dara and moves backward and looks at her too. They look at each other for some time. Dara remembers

I have

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)