Jiyong Kwon’s entry in AKS college

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In Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyeon and Jaesang cheer they drink glasses.

“We are back to this city after ages. Hope Jiyong is happy?”Jaesung told Jiyeon.

“What’s our name this time?” Jiyeon asked Jaesang as she took sip of her drink.

“Kwon! The owners of  Boseong Tea estate Kwon!” Jaesung replied.

“Kwon.” Jiyeon makes herself comfortable on the couch.”Hmmm.”

“There are already rumours going on saying that the Kwons are a very powerful family. I’ve already bought a few hotels in Seoul colleges and half of the city’s property. The people of Gyeyang  are already beginning to wonder who are we. Money, fame and success all in place our. Jaesung happily informed Jiyeon as he settled beside her. Jiyong is listening to them from upstairs. Jiyeon was happy to know about all the status.

“Our son will take this name and get admission in AKS college tomorrow.” Jaesang told Jiyeon with a smile.

 “And who am I?” Jiyong walk towards them getting himself a drink.

“You are my son.”

 “You are a billionaire father only son.” Jaesung told Jiyong, Jiyong fustratedly throwed his drink on the fire and walk away.

He went to his room and starred at the moon. Pain and hurt was visible in his eyes.


In cafeteria

“Yummy okay dig in”Chaerin yelled as she placed the snacks and coffee on the table. Dara was blanking looking at the mountains..

“Hey lost case where are you?” Chaerin asked her

“Nothing Chaerin I was just thinking about that guy.” Dara replied.

“Guy!” Chaerin asked in surprised.” Oh and invisible man who is not visible?.” Chaerin asked her jokingly.

“Comeon Chaerin I saw him he saved my life remember?” Dara told her firmly.

“Babe you were just seeing things no one was there.”

“Chaerin I’m telling you he was there I saw him okay.”

“Oh shut up okay.”

“Okay fine even though I never wrong lets assume that you’re right and that someone was there but why are you thinking about him so much?”

“I can’t seem to forget him Chaerin.”

“It feels like those eyes are still calling out to me there was a weird attraction in those eyes as if they could see past my face and look into my mind its like they know my every thought and feelings when I was falling I wasn’t scared it was this strange feeling like an old relationship it was hypnotic.”

“Wow his eyes were hypnotic and he had superpowers that make him vanish he is a humn right? Dara you’re too much you have such a strong imagination.”

“So where were we? Right hyponosis ummm Dara if you want more information about him only one person can help you Boy tracker.”

“Boy tracker?”

“Yup if you need any information about any boy just ask her she studies them if it’s a male walking on 2 feet Minzy knows him she is boy crazy Minzy.”

“I hope I find someone, lalalala.”Minzy is scanning the surrounding with her binoculars.

“Oh hi Chaerin.” Minzy waved.

“Okay you know what guys I’m going to meet you later bye.” Minzy told her friends as she moved towards Chaerin and Dara.

“Hi Chaerin you know what your party was rocking.”Minzy told her happily.

“Ask me why?” Minzy asked Chaerin

“Why?”Chaerin asked in surprised..

“Because they were a lots of boys there.” Minzy replied dreamily

“Hi new girl.”Minzy waved to Dara

“Her name is Dara you idiot your brain only works for boys.” Chaerin tap  Minzy’s head.

“Well if you do look in my brain you’ll only find boys you see I’m very clear about my aim boys boys boys.”seriousness was see in Minzy face.

“I’m so proud of you bimbo.”Chaerin comment.

“Thank you.” Minzy replied with a smile.

“Guys lets go.” Chaerin said, Dara agreed.

“Okay.”Minzy replied.

“By the way have you seen a new guy who is handsome and has hypnotic eyes?”Chaerin asked Minzy on they way out of cafeteria.

“Wow give me his description again.” Minzy excitedly took out her notepad.

‘Handsome and hypnotic eyes.”Chaerin yelled.

“Height.” Minzy asked.

“Ummm tall approximately 5.8 feet” Dara replied.

 “Okay……. body.”

“Ummm nice.” Dara replied

“Okay eyes.”

“Strange intense deep hypnotic.” Dara replied thinking for the right word.


“If I hear you describe his eyes again I’ll shoot you and myself.” Chaerin yelled at Dara in frustration.


In College Campus

A car stopped in front of the entrance gate. Everyone stopped to look at the person who was supposed to be inside the car.

Jiyong got down from his car put on his glasses and made his way towards the Principal’s office.

Dara is surprised to see Jiyong.

“I think God sent this hunk because he heard our prayers love you God.”Random girl said to her friend as she watch Jiyong walking away.

“Did you see how the whole mood of the college changed as soon as he entered?”Other said.

“Hey Minzy you’re contangeous man you just touched them and they caught your disesase they’re all completely lost it.” Chaerin snapped Minzy out of her daydreaming.

 “He is hot.”Minzy replied still looking at he direction Jiyong went. Chaerin rubbed her temples in frustration.

“Oh my God.” Uee’s friend said.

“My gosh.”Uee other friend said.

“Oooooooooh.”Uee friends said in unison as they fanned themselves.

“He is soo hot.”Uee agreed.

“What losers they don’t realize that they don’t stand a chance.” Uee said in confidently.

Uee signal her friends to follow her, as she followed Jiyong

“Excuse me.” Uee saidto Jiyong.

“Oh my God.”Uee friends said as Jiyong turn back facing Uee.

“I’ve gone to heaven friends.” Other Uee friend said.

“I was wondering if you’d like to.”Uee started her conversation.but Jiyong just ignored her and walked away.


In Principal’s Office

Jiyong open the Principal Office door and went inside , removed his glasses and kept on the table as he took the seat infront of the Principal.

“Yes?”Principal asked him., Jiyong did’nt replied.

“What are you doing here? I don’t think I have asked you to have a seat.” Principal said firmly.

Jiyong kept quite, starring at the Principal.

“I don’t think I’ve called you here for a meeting I know you have hight class contacts and you’ve come here because of them but remember only your merits will take you further in life not your attitude.”

“Anyway where are you paper? Your mark sheets?”

“You can directly ask me questions and I’ll answer them I don’t need papers.” Jiyong replied calmly.

“What?”Principal yelled at Jiyong. Jiyong took the paper weight lying on the table and startedplaying with it.

“Listen I care a damn of this arrogance of yours.”

“I’m the one taking this interview so I want your papers.”

“I want your papers.” Principal yelled at Joyong but he was happily playing with the paperweight.

Student surrounded near the Principal window.

“What going on? Moveover Oh my God.” Minzy asked the student

“Do you think you’ll get admission into this college with your arrogance? You have come here as a student so stay in you’re limits and speak to me with respect.” Jiyong got up from his seat and stood leaning over the table backing the Principal.

“Listen your not good enough to get admission into this college your profile doesn’t suit our college understand?” Principal got up from his chair andwent in front of Jiyong dhouting at him.

“SHHHHHH” jiyong signal the Principal to be quite, all the student surrounded were shocked and amazed by Jiyong act.

“You speak very loudly your too loud for my ears.”Jiyong closed his eyes as he told the Principal trying to listen the birds criping.

Birds criping was heard “Do you hear that? Its beautiful.” Jiyong asked the Principal.

Principal was very angry with Jiyong.

“Just get out of this office JUST GET OUT.”Principal yelled at Jiyong.

Jiyong turn around to walk out of the office when he noticed the name plate, he took it in his hand looking at the name.

“Wow.” Uee friend said

“Confidence.” Other added

“Attitude.” Uee added.

Jiyong placed the name plate on the table took his glasses and walked out of the office.


In College Campus

Minzy tried to follow Jiyong but Uee came and stoppe

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)