Dara's Accident.

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Outside the Church

It's morning and the birds are chirping. Daesung who is lying down on the ground wakes up and removes the shirt on his face. He opens his eyes and looks around. He gets up and sees that he is standing in front of a Church. He then sees the ring in his finger. He sees Minzy sleeping on the ground. He realizes that he got married in drunken state.

He recalls happily taking the vows with Minzy and exchanging the rings.

Daesung cries, “What did you do Daesung? You are married ... what will you do now? Run away...run!” Daesung and runs from there. Minzy opens her eyes with a pain on her head. She gets up and sits on the ground. She looks around and then look at the ring on her finger. She is shocked. She gets up happily. She looks around and calls, “Hubby... where are you? My husband... your wife is waiting for you.” Minzy is disappointed seeing no response.


At Kwon's Mansion

TOP and Jiyong comes to Jiyong's room.

“Sit TOP!” Both of them sits on the chairs in the room.

“I know you are doing all this for me. I am truly grateful.”

“What is the matter TOP? Tell clearly...”

“Bom and you dude... I know that you are playing the drama of love with her so that her relationship with Donghae breaks up. And I am so glad.  She will now stay away from Donghae. And you and I together can convince Bom that I still love her so much. What you did for me today I will never forget Jiyong. I can do anything for you. Today I have become your slave.”

“TOP, There is no need to say all this. That's absolutely fine...” TOP takes the  pen drive from his pocket and holds it in front.

“By the way, This is proof...against Donghae.” TOP gives the pen drive to Jiyong. “Yesterday night I followed him to a Motel. He was with a girl. And what happened after that you see for yourself and decide what to do. Alright? I will see you.” TOP gets up and goes from there.

Jiyong thinks, “TOP has given me another proof. These girls have to understand that the Lees are bad in all respects. They need to stay away. And this I did not do for you TOP. I did this for Dara. Bom is Dara's sister and I can do anything for Dara's happiness.”


The mysterious Werewolf is sitting on his back and talking to someone on his mobile, “I have reached their area. Soon...very soon... Jiyong Kwon would be gone from this world. And my goal will be completed.” He cut the call. The Mobile ring again and the caller name is Dara.


At Lee's Mansion

Donghae's mobile is ringing. He sheepishly picks up the mobile from the bed side table. Donghae talks with the caller and goes and opens the laptop. Donghae tells the caller that he would check and call him back.

Donghae wonders what happened the previous night. He searches for AKS College ball 2014 and sees the video of Minho and Jiyong fighting. Minho tells Jiyong that Bom is his Brother's fiancee and not to bring Bom in between them. Jiyong tells Minho that he is not interested in Minho or his family. Minho asks Jiyong, “Who are you to interfere in our family matters? Just don't make me angry Jiyong!” Jiyong responds, “Bom is my girlfriend, Can I speak?”

Donghae is angry and goes near the bed shouting at Minho to get up. Donghae pulls away the bed sheet covering Minho. Minho grumbles for waking him up in the morning when he was dreaming of the hot Angelina.

“To hell with Angelina Jolie, okay?”

“Not with my Anj.”

“Minho shut up!”

“Okay sorry! What happened?”

“Minho... What happened at the college yesterday night? I saw the video in which you are hitting Jiyong and I have seen Bom kissing Jiyong.”

“Just relax I will tell you...” Minho gets up and sits on the Bed.

“Really? Did Jiyong say Bom is his girlfriend? Minho...What I am asking just tell me that. Bom kissed Jiyong or not... yes or no?”

“Okay yes... but just...Donghae, just relax!  But dude... we had a fight and I made him understand... He will not come near Bom... Just relax... just calm down! Please!”

“Thanks Man... Thank you so much...” Donghae walks from there.

“Donghae...Donghae... don't react...”

“That is it Minho... I have heard enough and said enough... What is to be done I will do...” Donghae goes away from there while Minho sits on the bed frustrated.


At the AKS College Canteen

Uee and her friend are sitting and chatting. Uee says, “Babe... These Yang sisters... They are too much. They have no shame...”

“Actually... She is engaged, right?”

“Yeah, 3 times... whatever!” Uee and her friend then sees Minzy coming to the College Canteen wearing a beautiful dress. Minzy is about to pull a chair and sit.

“Welcome to Loser world...Idiot… What is all this?” Minzy goes near Uee.

“Listen Yujin! Now I am a married woman. I have no time for silly talk. My topics would be homely stuff, about my maids...the serial which is happening...and serving my husband would be my duty.” The students laugh. Minzy occupies a chair and give order for food to the Waiter. Minzy orders cheese sandwich, burger, french fries, wafers, cola, chocolate brownie with chocolate ice cream and choco chips with nuts.

“Minzy, Are you a Camel? Are you storing food for winter season?”

“Yujin listen! You need to understand, okay? Now along with me I also have to take care of people at my home. I have to take care of my husband and for that I need energy.  So I am just taking a little care of myself.”

“Have you gone mad? Fried food will give you energy?” Uee and her friend comes near Minzy. “What is wrong with you? Woman starve full day for their husband's long life and you have ordered this much food?” The waiter comes and keeps the food on Minzy's table. “It will be bad for your husband.”

“No! I have not eaten from yesterday night... I am hungry...”

“One minute... Distribute this among all...  Husband's life...? Girls! All yours!” The students take the items from the tray and goes.

“Okay! You are telling right sister... How difficult is marriage life...” Minzy gets up and goes from there.

“Bye Minzy! Bye!”


Outside College

Dara is walking through the road. Minho comes in his Car through the road and calls her name. He stops the Car in front of her.


“Hi Minho!”

“No need to get engrossed in my dreams this much that you do sleep walking. Come on! Sit in the Car!”

“No Minho... I want to walk...”

“Why to walk? Minho Lee's girlfriend does not walk. Your chariot is ready. Come hop on!”

“God... Minho...” Dara walks to get into the Car. “With Omma and Appa I can argue... but with you not at all...”

“Not at all...” Dara gets into the front passenger seat. “In fact... you can! What ever you wish you can do... whatever makes you happy...” Dara smiles. “By the way, why are you smiling this much?”

“Nothing Minho... I was thinking that life has given me a second chance... and I do not want to lose it.” Minho smiles.

“And I think you should not lose it either...” Minho drives the Car from there. He looks at Dara while driving. He thinks, “Dude I know that Dara is lovely but drive the Car... Focus Minho focus!”

 Minho tries to concentrate. Minho gives Dara a naughty look and places his hand over her hand holding it.

Dara looks at Minho who is now looking at the road. She says in mind, “Dara just stop it! Give him a chance for your sake. Be in a happy relationship”

“You know what Dara? I wanted to tell you something...”

“Yeah, tell...”

“You know after my first relationship... I lost all hopes... I use to feel how fake everyone is... All girls how fake they are... But when you came into my life... You made me realize that all are not alike.  You are very real... and Thank you!”

“Not at all Minho! There is no need for you to thank me...”

“I know... but just...thanks for being there...”

“By the way Minho... who was your first girlfriend?”

“Anjelina Jolie... I had told you earlier Dara... Don't you remember?” Dara laughs.

“Minho... There is a limit to joking...Anjelina...”

“Well... Brad Pitt needed her more than me...So... I left her...” Dara laughs. “But yeah... at least you smiled...and for your smile anything... I promise... Any time!”

“Yeah...” They smile at each other.

Dara thinks, “He is sweet Dara! This time don't move back. He loves you! And you need such a man who will make you smile and not make you cry.” They look and smile at each other.


At Yang's Mansion

Donghae walks into Yang House. Bom is sitting on a chair and reading a magazine. Donghae goes and stands in front of Bom.

“What happened? Any problem?”

“Problem? You are asking Bom what is the problem?” Bom smiles and looks into the magazine. “Bom, you kissed Jiyong...” Donghae pulls her up. “How dare you... dammit!”

“What do you mean? It was very nice... I enjoyed it! But if you want you can break the engagement. I don't have a problem...”

“I get it Bom... Now I get it! Bom, I will not leave you that easily... And as far as the matter of yesterday night is concerned I would definitely take revenge on you... Now you wait and watch!” Donghae turns and walks a few steps. He stops when Bom talks.

“If your revenge did not work ...you can break the engagement as a last resort... I don't have any problem. You cannot bear your family's bad name, right?” Donghae goes away from there.


In College Campus

Youngbae is laughing at Daesung who has covered his head with a shawl and is having a wig on head and mustache. Daesung throws away the blanket and then the wig and mustache. Youngbae and the students watching him are laughing. Youngbae mocks at Daesung who tells him that he got married in drunken stage. Youngbae asks him to see what his so called wife is doing in the college. Daesung cries.

“Youngbae... You are my good friend... Kill me! I don't want to live such a life...”

“ No Daesung... Do not die...”

“I knew that you are my good friend...”

“It is not about being a good friend. You wife will become a widow. Daesung cries again. Youngbae and the guys around laugh.” Youngbae puts his hand around Daesung's shoulder.

“Okay... Come on! We will find some solution and we will drink more liquor.” Youngbae takes Daesung from there.


Dara and Minho comes to the canteen. Minzy greets Dara. Minho and Dara sits along with her.

“Hi Minzy!”

“Listen! My name is Minzy.” Chaerin who comes there also stops seeing Minzy. Hereafter I am not going to track boys. I won't even look at them.” Chaerin also sits on the vacant chair. “I am married now. Don't call me for that girls party... that would not suit me.”

“Minzy...till yesterday you were single like us, right?”

“Dara, In a night these days everything can change... See I am married now... I am waiting for my Boyfriend... no Hubby...”

“Dara, Tonight there is a super amazing Party.”Minzy is excited hearing it. “But so sad that Minzy cannot come there. I mean Mrs Minzy will miss the party and the party will miss Mrs Minzy, right” Dara and Chaerin laughs.

Minzy thinks, “If I go for the Party I would have worn my new yellow mini skirt. So what? Now I am a husband loving woman. I can't think of all this!” Minzy gives a fake smile.

Jiyong enters the Canteen.

“Today everyone's food is on me! I am treating everyone.” The students clap. Minho pulls his chair closer to Dara.

“Whoa! Why everyone's food? Why such a large heart?” Chaerin asked him.

“I thought why not celebrate? For the 3 new couples in the College. Daesung and Minzy.” Minzy is happy, “Minho and Dara.” Minho puts his hand on Dara's arms and smiles. “and Bom and me... Guys! Have a blast. Treat is on me...in the name of love!”

Minho , Dara, Minzy and Chaerin are sitting at the College Canteen. Chaerin's phone rings. She looks into the phone and cuts the call. Dara asks Chaerin whose call it is. Chaerin tells that it is Uee's call and if she would be forgiven by God for murders she would have killed Uee. Minho and Dara sees Yujin walking into the Canteen and tries to warn Chaerin but Chaerin keeps talking about Uee. Uee comes behind Chaerin and touches her shoulder.

“What about Uee Chaerin?”

“Don't you know that you should not eavesdrop on others?”

“Oh darling! I have no interest in your talks.” Uee throws the bag on Chaerin's lap. “Come follow me!” Chaerin drops the bag down. “What did you do? You keep forgetting that I bought you for five thousand won. You are my slave for today. So pick up the bag and follow me...” Uee goes and sits on a Chair in the Canteen. Chaerin reluctantly picks the bag and walks to Uee table. She sits on a chair next to Uee. “one second! Sit down... You are my slave. How can you forget that I bought you?” Chaerin sits down. “And my legs are paining so much... You know these heels are so painful...” Uee removes her shoes and extents her legs towards Chaerin.

“You are kidding me, right?”

“My legs...” Chaerin starts pressing Uee's legs. “Give less pressure... My legs are delicate.”

“I see!” Chaerin resumes pressing Uee's legs. Suddenly she remembers something and takes Super Glue from her bag. She applies the glue underneath Uee's feet.

“What is it?”

“Don't worry about it. It is just Aroma Cream for your relaxation.”

“Oh... Finally you remembered your limits. Slave... do properly!”

“Yes Ma’am!” Chaerin applies superglue under both the feet and them hits on the feet to fix it firmly on the ground telling Uee she is giving finishing touches.

Chaerin then takes Uee's bag and runs away from there.

Uee tries to get up but almost falls. Uee's friend stops her from falling. Some other students also come and help Uee to remove the foot from the ground. Dara, Minho and Minzy sees it and smiles. Uee is angry. She suddenly sees Chaerin's bike keys on the table. She thinks, “Well well Chaerin... you are fond of playing tricks? Let's see if you would like my small trick or not.”

Uee asks for manicure kit which her friend promptly gives to her. Yujin looks at the manicure kit and says in mind, “Let's see Chaerin...It would be a permanent break fail of your cunningness.” Uee gets up and walks from there.

Yujin bumps into Jiyong who enters the Canteen on her way out. She says sorry loverboy and goes from there. Jiyong goes and sits by the table behind where Minho, Dara and Minzy is sitting.

“Guys, You all are eating, right?” He looks towards Minho and Dara. “Oh I can see! It is said that in love people forget food but here it is something else... Love is great!” Dara gets up from the chair and walks from there. She bumps into Chaerin who comes to the canteen. Chaerin asks if Uee is somewhere there. Dara asks for Chaerin's bike keys. Chaerin picks the key from the table Uee was sitting and gives it to Dara. Dara goes from there.


On the Road

Dara is driving the Bike through the Jungle Road. She thinks, “What does he think of himself? This much sarcasm in front of every one? Fine! He does not love me... But what right he has got to insult me? Who does he think he is? First he distanced himself from me on his own and now he cannot see me happy with Minho? He only said that I should move on...” A Car comes from the opposite side. Dara tries to apply the brakes but realizes that there is a break failure. She escape the Car barely by inches. Dara again tries to control the vehicle in vain.


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)