One Bite

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Outside the party venue

Jiyong looks at the moon and thinks, “It's full moon night. Dara and Jaejoong are together...This time you have gone too much ahead Jaejoong. This time if you even touch Dara I will kill you. Don't you dare touch Dara.”

 Jiyong rushes out of the place.Uee's friends are looking at the moon and admiring the beauty of the full moon.

“Look at the moon babe. Its so beautiful.”

“Its full moon day babe. Its lovely….Wow”

Jiyong comes near the car. He thinks,”This cannot happen! You cannot take such a big step Jaejoong. You feel that you can get Dara. How? No! You will bite Dara on full moon night...knowing that if a Vampire bites a human continuously on 3 full moon nights and not kill that human...the human also starts becoming a Vampire... No, Jaejoong...we don't have the right to make a human to Vampire. What are you doing? What are you doing Jaejoong? No...I will not let you do it. I will not let you make Dara a Vampire... I will not let you do this Jaejoong...I am coming! I will not let you do this.” Jiyong gets into his Car and drives from there.


In Car

Jaejoong is driving the Car with Dara on the passanger seat. Jaejoong eyes at Dara while driving and Dara smiles at him. He stops the car after some time.


 In Jungle

“Dara we have reached. Come let go.” Both get out of the car. Dara walks into the jungle. Dara keep her hand on Jaejoong's arm.

Dara is impressed by the tent and arrangements Jaejoong has made in the Jungle He had fenced the tent with a silver chain..

“Wow…Jaejoong this is beautiful Bom will surely love it.This is so sweet of you.”

“This little thing? It is a very small gesture from me for Bom.”

Dara thinks, “Bom is so lucky. How much Jaejoong loves her. What can be more romantic date than this. So sweet!”

“You know what Jaejoong! Bom is just going to love it. I mean...this is perfect...You did not miss out any detail. it's just perfect.” Dara notices the chain around the place. “But why did you put the chain?”

“So that we get peace.”Dara laughs.

“You are very funny! But its really very beautiful. I can’t wait to see it more closer.” Dara run to look at the arrangements.

Jaejoong recalls him putting silver chain around the place using gloved hands. He tells, “My little Jiyong line.”


In Car

Jiyong is driving the Car. Jiyong thinks, “Where is he taking you? Why am I not able to see you? Why can't I see you?” Jiyong closes his eyes and tries to concentrate. He sees shadowy images but nothing clear. He thinks, “I know Dara that you are with him, but where? Where? This is frustrating!”  

Jiyong tries to concentrate again still no use. Jiyong thinks, “No! You have planned everything in detail Jaejoong. I hope you did not forget me in your plans because the biggest reason to make your plans fail is me.”

 Jiyong concentrates again and this time he sees a little more clearly. Jiyong sees the silver chain and is shocked. He says, “'I am coming Jaejoong! I am coming to stop you...”


In Jungle

Dara looks at the Orchid Flower arrangement. “You know Jaejoong Bom loves Orchid a lot.  When I first went to Bom room I only saw orchid flower there. I thinks that there should be a special Perfume by name Wild Orchids just for Bom. I am so happy its so beautiful… You know what I will light all the candle. Okay.” Jaejoong gesture her to do it.

 Dara goes to the trees to light the candles kept there. Jaejoong looks at Dara and thinks, “First I thought of using you to take revengefrom Brother. But you know what? You turned out to be a wonderful game. Tonight you will be of great use to me. But I won't kill won't kill you...I will use you...”  Dara looks at Jaejoong and smiles while lighting the candle. “Because of you we will get more power.” Dara looks at him and smiles again.


 In Car

Jiyong in his Car. He recalls the silver chain around the place and thinks, “Because of the silver chain I am not able to see anything. You have thought of everything Jaejoong but you are forgetting my powers. I will make every plan of yours fail. I will not let you make Dara a Vampire. I will not let you end her life. I will not let you do this!” He tries to concentrate. “Focus Jiyong! Feel Dara...She is here...she is somewhere here.” Jiyong dials Dara's number but it keeps ringing. Jiyong thinks, “I know there is no use of calling you. Jaejoong would have thought of that too. But if I cannot reach you with my powers I can try to reach you with the help of your phone's vibrations.”


In Yang’s Mansion

Bom pacing around the hall. Bom thinks, “I should have understood on that day itself when I saw Dara with Jaejoong for Dinner. I cannot trust her. Dara took me for a ride. Dara also loves Jaejoong and is playing the game to keep Jaejoong away from me. How could she be so selfish? I just hate her!”


In Prom Night Party Venue

Chaerin is walking around. She recalls Dongwook's conversation.

“Wait… wait.. Chaerin I think there is some misunderstanding, because I haven ever thought about it.I never looked at you in that manner. You are too cute. I can say you are  the best girl. But heart is heart. I have given my heart to someone else. I love someone else.”


“Someone very very special. I am always lost in the thoughts of that person. So I would say I am very very Sorry.”

Chaerin sits on the stairs depressed and looking gloomy. Seunghyun comes there and sits next to her.

“What happened Chaerin? Why our Prom Queen is looking sad...somebody would tell us?”

“Queen my foot! I am a loser that I allowed somebody to play with my heart so easily that I did not even think that I could be rejected. What is the difference between Uee and me? My love rejected me. I am hurting. How can I be so stupid Seunghyun?” Seunghyun hugs her. “How can I be so stupid? Am I so bad that nobody would love me?”

“Everything would be alright...Don't tell like that Chaerin...Don't cry...Everything would be alright!”

Seunghyun thinks, “Today I know Chaerin that I really love you because today forgetting my broken heart I am worried about your heart. I don't care that I am hurting, I care about your hurt. I just care about your hurt.”

“Listen Chaerin!” Seunghyun separates her from him by keeping his hand on her shoulder. “There is nothing like that. You are very good...very lovely...And you deserve this love. So don't cry! I will make Dongwook understand. I am sure that he would love you too. He would be yours. Maybe he never thought of you that way. I will tell him that how good you are and how lovely...and so lovable...And he will be yours, I promise!”

“Seunghyun, How good you are and I have always been so rude to you. How much I have troubled you?”

“No, Not at all Chaerin!”

“ Thanks a lot! You have been really sweet!”

“Can we go now?”

“ Yeah!” They get up from there.


In College Campus

Uee and her Bimbo friends walking through the corridor. Uee has a crown on her head. Daesung comes from the opposite side. He sees the crown on Uee's head and stops her.

“Hey Uee, What's with the crown. You stole it?”

“You loser. You don’t have the license to talk to Uee like this I am the true Prom Queen of the College. No one would believe that Chaerin won the crown she is ugly and she got it only because her sister Bom sleeps around with the Trustee Jaejoong Kim.So Chaerin is also a loser.”

“Uee everyone at college makes fun of you but I feels pity on you. I think you need the help of a Psychiatrist. You are so scary so you thinks of yourself so high, but you have forgotten the truth.”

“This is my personal crown no one and have it. Its not he college cheap crown.”

“Uee there is a life outside the college also and if you go out trust me nobody would even ask of you or recognize you.”

Uee gets angry. “Daesung  as if everyone recognize you, you are ugly,  if Minzy had not been so desperate to get a Boyfriend she would not have even looked at him. You don’t have money also. You are poor. Get a life. You would not have been able to come to the Prom Night if my friend did’nt did him a favor by being his date. Stupid”

 Suddenly Uee gets slapped by someone. Daesung and Uee are shocked to see Minzy.

“How dare you? Who gave you the right to talk with my boyfriend like this. Just go away from here. If ever you come in front of me. I will kill you.”Minzy takes the crown from Uee's head and crushes it under her foot.

“You idiot.” Uee yells at Minzy

Daesung is happy he thinks “Minzy still loves me very much.”

“ Just shut up Uee. You might have been the  Hottest girl & Prom Queen of the College earlier but she is not now. Every one knows what you are Uee an 'UGLY CHICK'. Listen I don’t want to see you anywhere near my boyfriend.”

“Shut up”

“You shut up.”

Minzy hits Uee on her leg using her foot. Uee limps away with the help of her friends and Daesung- Minzy goes the other way with Daesung's hand on Minzy's waist and Minzy's hands around Daesung's neck.

“My Minzy is  so cute.”

“My Daesung is go cute.”


In Jungle

Dara is still busy lighting the candles around. Jaejoong is sitting on a chair and has set the table. He notices Dara ringing mobile on the table and puts it inside the purse.

“Dara I am going to the car I will put her purse inside.”

“Oh Thanks.”

“Dara I can't wait to see Bom when will she come.”

“That’s so sweet of you Jaejoong. Don’t worry Bom will come soon. You just don’t worry.”

“I will just be back.”

“Yeah,”Jaejoong goes from there.


In Car

Jiyong is driving the car. He stops the car and gets down. He thinks, “I can feel it...You are somewhere here Dara...Dara, I am coming! I am coming Dara...I am coming!”


In Jungle

Jaejoong comes back to the tent. He secures the silver chain again with his gloved hands. He thinks, “Tonight would be a very beautiful night.” Dara sees Jaejoong.

“Jaejoong what time Bom is coming?”

“I don't know! I did not want to spoil the surprise. That's why I was a little vague about it. I thought her let me meet her here and did not give her the time. She might be on her way.” Jaejoong signals her to sit and both sit. “What do you think?”

“I think Bom might be getting ready for the occasion.”

“I really hope so...Dara I am very gratefu

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)