Bad Vampire

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At Yang’s Mansion

Eunju is standing outside Chaerin's room and shouting, “It is 8'0'clock. Don't you want to go to the College or not?” She knocks the door. “Get up Chaerin... I have a lot of work... Chaerin...” The door opens and Eunju is surprised to see that Chaerin is ready to go to College.

“You got up this early and got ready too?” Eunju goes near Chaerin. “You got some exam or what?”

“Omma relax... If it was an exam I would be pretending fever... Today there is something important in College...” Dara also comes to the room ready to go to College.

“Wow! Look who is ready so early...” Eunju goes from there to get the breakfast ready. When she goes Chaerin takes some photographs and show to Dara.

“Dara... Look at these photographs man... I will print pamphlets of this photographs and circulate...Uee would die of shame...”

“Chaerin, Just get with it... Just forget it...”

“Are you my sister or Uee's? Come on man... Don't ruin my day...I have got up with so much hope..”

“Okay... Let's go... We are getting late... Come on!”


At Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong enters his house with a pouch of blood from the Blood bank. He thinks, “With the help of this blood from the blood bank I would find out who is that Vampire who is thirsty for human blood. I will expose him today with the smell of this blood. And after that... he would have to face me.” Jiyong opens the blood pouch and spill few drops of blood on the table andplace his phone near it. He goes sits on the sofa. The bearded Vampires passes the Hall.

“Jinki...” Jiyong points to the phone on the table. “Pass my phone please...” The Guy picks up the phone and gives to Jiyong. He then goes from there. Jiyong thinks, “The human blood smell did not have any effect on him? How can this happen? He is normal. It looks like he is not thirsty of human blood at all. If Jinki is not that bad Vampire... who is it? And how will I find out? I need to find this...”

 Jiyong goes from there leaving the blood pouch on the sofa. After he moves from there a male hand moves towards the direction of the pouch.

Jaesang touches the blood and gets up bringing the hand towards the mouth. Jiyeon comes there and catches Jaesang's hand before it reaches the mouth.

“Jaesang, Stop it! Just control yourself...”

“How did this human blood come here?” Jiyeon looks at the blood and is also affected by the smell of the blood.


At AKS College

 Chaerin enters the empty class room and keeps photographs of Uee in the Waitress dress on all desks. She says in mind, “Let me see Uee now who will stop me from making you super public in this dress. Try to mess with me? Now the whole college will laugh on your desperation. What fun!”

Chaerin is sitting in the Class. Students enter the class room. Chaerin waves at them happily.

“Hey everybody... Come come welcome to class Guys... Surprise for you all...” Dara goes and sits next to Chaerin. Everyone looks at the Picture and pass comments on Uee and laughs. “Look Dara... How everyone is laughing at Uee... This is so much fun!”

“Chaerin, Don't you think you had already embarrassed her at the Party? What was the need of public embarrassment?”

“Please... Give this sympathy to someone else... Uee does not deserve it. If she was in my place she would have made posters of me and stuck everywhere. I mean... Come on man... This is nothing!”

The Teacher comes in a starts teaching.

Chaerin keeps looking on the watch. She thinks, “Why the tacky Uee has not come to College so far? All my efforts are getting flopped.”

The teacher announces that the topic is over. She tells the students that none of them paid proper attention to the class so she would take a surprise test. The Teacher leave the class and the students also leave the class one after the other.

Chaerin is now alone in the class. “Uee is bunking class or what? She spoiled my entire plan. I would not let her do that. I got to find her.”


In College Cafeteria

Dara enters the Cafeteria. She sees Jieun and Jiyong sitting at the Canteen. She passes them but stumbles and falls down. Jiyong gets up from his chair and kneeles beside her in an instant. He holds her ankle. Dara cries in pain.

“Are you okay?” Dara pushes off his hands.

“Yeah, I am okay... I can take care of myself.” Dara makes expressions of pain.

“Dara, I cannot see you in pain like this...” He presses her ankle with both hands. They look at each other. Jiyong pulls Dara up. Jieun comes near and holds Dara's hand.

“Dara, Are you okay?”

“I am fine...”

“How lucky I am that I got a boyfriend like Jiyong who cares not only for me but for my friends also...”

“Yeah Jieun... You are very lucky…….. I have to go...” Dara walks from there.

“Just take care!”

“Yeah!” Jiyong and Jieun looks at Dara who is going from there.

Jiyong says in mind, “Dara, I am sorry...I know I have caused you a lot of hurt. I am sorry Dara... I am sorry!” Jieun looks at the Watch.

“Jiyong, We are getting late for class... let's go...”

“Yeah...” They both go from there.


College Campus

Dara is in pain. She is limping while walking. Minzy comes there and asks about it to her. Dara tells her that she fell down at the Canteen. Suddenly Chaerin comes there and takes Dara from there forcefully telling that she has to go with her.


Outside the college

Youngbae is standing at the middle of the Road with a red color I love you sign board. He says, “This Chaerin baby would not be impressed by small things. To impress her my gesture should be out of the box and I am damn sure my this gesture is out of the box. Chaerin would definitely like me...” Youngbae walks to steps aheads of the board and extends his hand on either side and says, “Chaerin, I love you... I love you...” He practices again.


Chaerin is driving the bike with Dara sitting behind.

“Chaerin... Where are you taking me? Tell me...”

“I have some work... Don't ask me too many questions.”

“Chaerin... Tell me... Where are you taking me?”

“Patience man... just have some patience...”

Dara spots Youngbae who is standing on the Road with his back on them and points out to Chaerin. Chaerin stops the bike.

 “Hello Youngbae...” Youngbae turns and looks at the girls. “What are you doing at the middle of the road? And what is that loser board? I mean are you crazy? Look at the board...” Chaerin says to Dara. “red... I love you... red?”

Dara also gives a dislike expression. “Youngbae listen... listen to me dear friend of mine... You have a reputation in the town...okay? Stand a little away from the Board otherwise people will think that the Board is yours.” Youngbae moves away from the board. “Who is this stupid friend of yours and which girl he wants to run away with? So tacky man...”

“Trust me... these guys are such losers...” Youngbae is embarrassed. “that's why they have ideas like this...”

“Youngbae please... just have some sense... And listen... you are my friend...and if you continue standing there I would have to break my friendship with you. Yeah, I can't associate with this...”

“Include me also...”

“We have to go... Catch you later... See you Bye!”

“But where are we going?”

“For something important...” Chaerin drives the bike from there.

“Chaerin, Wait one minute... Chaerin, listen... Chaerin...” The sign board falls down. Youngbae is frustrated and picks up the heart sign. “very good...You fell at the correct time... I love you? She insulted me and went off.” Youngbae puts the heart sign down.


At Uee’s Residence

Chaerin enters Uee's house followed by Dara.

“Uee... Where are you? Uee...”

“Chaerin, Why did you bring me to Uee's house?”

“To find where she is hiding... I mean... Why did she not come to college... I had made such a nice plan and if she does not come my efforts would be ruined...” Chaerin again calls out for Uee. One servant comes and informs that Yujin has not returned after the previous night and everyone is searching for her.

Chaerin whispers to Dara, “Has that tacky Uee run away with that hot Waiter? Can't believe what she would do...”

 Dara whispers back, “Chaerin, Uee does not run away with Waiters... She only runs away with rich boys.”

 Dara tells the servant that they are also Uee's friends. The servant requests them to look for Uee and Dara nods. Dara takes Chaerin from there. Chaerin wonders where Uee has vanished.


At Youngbae’s Room

Youngbae's bed is full of soft toys, cards and hearts. He is sitting on a chair writing something with a teddy bear on his lap. Daesung comes there and reasons with him. He tells Youngbae that the soft toys and hearts are for Uee type girls and he cannot impress Chaerin with that. Daesung tells Youngbae that though his feelings for Chaerin has changed, Chaerin still considers him as only her friend.

Youngbae pleads with Daesung to help him. Daesung gives the idea of going to a Tantric at night to change Chaerin's feelings for him. Daesung asks Youngbae to trust in Tantric's powers as he has united many hearts and goes from there after giving Tantric’s Card to Youngbae.

The light goes off and Youngbae sees Chaerin standing in front of him wearing a red short dress. Chaerin smiles at him and Youngbae is happy seeing her. Chaerin signals Youngbae to come near and he goes near her.

 “Youngbae, I love you! I love you very much...”

 “Chaerin, When did this happen? How?”

 “All this is because of Tantric's blessings...He only showed me this direction. I love you Youngbae... I love you.” Chaerin kisses Youngbae on his cheek. Youngbae is kissing the teddy bear and then realizes that he was imagining.


In Chaerin’s Room

Chaerin is in her room walking to and fro frustrated because of Uee She wonders how Uee came to know that she would be insulted by Chaerin. Chaerin calls on Uee's Bimbo Barbie who lifts up the call and says, “Hello Darling...Barbie speaking...”

“Hello my foot! Where is Uee?”

“Who is that?”

“Don't behave like Paris Hilton, Okay? Where is your Boss... just tell me...”

“How do I know where Uee is... She is not here...In fact you won't believe she has not texted me also from the last 30 hours.”

“Then you would have had to go to Hospital ... Loser! Anyways you want to be Barbie... listen to me carefully... get my message across to your Boss. What does she think...If she does not come to college I would not use her photos? Just tell her that I will put her photographs in all social networking sites...I will make her famous. Everyone would think that she really is some part time it?” Barbie is happy.

“Oh super cool! That means... Uee will become famous... Wow Chaerin...”

“Oh God... When God was distributing brains where you buying shoes? Anyway, Just pass on the message to Uee, got it?”

“But please listen...”

“Oh shut up! Talking to you is like breaking my head.”Chaerin cuts the call. She wonders how Uee manages her bimbos. “Uee... wherever you are... you are dead!”


Uee is lying on the Jungle ground. She is blindfolded and her legs are tied together. She screams.

“Leave me...Who are you?” Someone removes the covering from Uee's head. Uee looks around. She sees a hooded figure standing in front of her. “Leave me alone... Please leave me...What did I do wrong? Please leave me alone... leave me please...Leave me!” Yujin cries. “I don't even know you. Leave me.... leave me...”  The hooded figure pulls Yujin up and catches from behind with hand around her neck. The hooded Vampire reveals the fangs and bites Uee. Uee cries in pain with tears falling from her eyes. Uee's eyes droops and she falls down dead with the Vampire bite mark on her neck. Uee's shirt has blood all over it. The Vampire wipes and lifts the hood. She is Jiyeon. Jiyeon bares her Vampire fangs for some time and then comes to normal form. She walks from the cemetery in the Jungle and then vanishes from there.


At Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyeon enters the house and close the door. She looks around and walks. She suddenly finds Jaesang standing in front of her.

“Why did you do what you should not have done Jiyeon?” Jiyeon turns her facefrom Jaesang.

“What are you saying?”

“You know very well what I am saying. I can smell human blood on you.”

“That’s not possible.”

“Don’t try to lie to me. I know you very well. I saved a life many years back, I saved you. I made you a vampire. I understand every thoughts of you and every thirst of you.” Jiyeon looks guilty and does not look at Jaesang. “ I made you understand the difference between darkness and light. Then how come you lost in this dark Jiyeon? Why?”

“I don't know! I don't know how this all happened. Jaesang...I cannot control my thirst. I was feeling restless for quite sometime and I had to do this. These many years I stayed with you in this form but this thirst... I never felt before. This human form is killing me. I know Jaesang that by drinking human blood I will feel contented in heart. And I can't control...


Jiyeon biting Uee.

“ I know very well that you have not learned to control youself. I can understand... but Jiyong... When he finds out he will not forgive you Jiyeon... Jiyeon is shocked.


Outside Yang’s Mansion

Jiyong gets out of his Car parked in front of Yang Mansion gate. Dara looks from the window and spots Jiyong standing down and goes near him.

“What happened? Why have you come to meet me? You could have gone to meet your girlfriend.”

“Dara, I know I have hurt you so much... but no more... I want to tell you the entire truth”

“ Tell me... I am listening!

“Dara... It is Appa's orders to stay with Jieun... He wishes that I stay near Jieun.”

“So... I have heard this before too...”

“Dara... Jieun can save me and my family. She can save our entire clan. We have some enemies and to safeguard us from that enemies we need a weapon. And Jieun has that weapon.”

“Then why don't you ask for that from Jieun?”

“Because she knows nothing of it. She does not know that she can help me and my family. She does not know that she is the reason for the survival of me and my family. Dara, Jieun has inherited some powers from her family but she is not aware of her true value. That is why I will have to stay with Jieun. And I cannot say about this to Minho because Minho hates me.”

“But Jiyong, you are using Jieun for your own selfish reason...but Jieun loves you for real. Jiyong... If she finds out she is going to be very hurt. What about her?” Jiyong goes closer to Dara and keeps his hand on her arms.

“ That's why Dara ... That's why Dara I love you so much. You care for Jieun... that's you. Had there been some other girl in your place, thenshe would have hated Jieun.That is why I love you Dara... I love you... I am only yours... I am only yours!”

“ I love you too Jiyong!” They hug.


In Car

Youngbae is driving the Car with Daesung sitting beside him. Youngbae gives a paper on which an address is written and asks Daesung to guide him. Daesung smells him and asks him if he is drunk to search address in the jungle.Youngbae tells him that they are going to meet Tantric so that he can get closer to Chaerin. Daesung first makes sarcastic remarks at Youngbae and then guides him.

Daesung starts talking to Minzy and guides Youngbae the wrong way that they reach the same point where they were earlier. Youngbae stops the Car and Daesung thinks that they have reached their destination. He tells Youngbae to wait 2 minutes so that he can fiish his talk with Minzy. Youngbae gets angry and throws Daesung's phone outside.

Daesung goes out and picks his phone. When Daesung comes back and sits in the Car Youngbae requests him nicely to guide him and tells him that it is the question of his love.


At Chaerin’s Room

Chaerin is sitting on her bed and doing something on her laptop. Bom walks into the room and says that she has planned a Birthday P

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)