Trick by sly wolf

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In College Campus

Uee is walking through the AKS College Campus. Uee's Bimbos greets her and walk along with her. Uee is irritated.

“What happened babe? All okay?”

“I don't know...” Barbie touches on her hand.

“Come on Babe...”

“Hey! Don't touch me... I will get a skin infection... And anyways I don't know where my jewelry went...”

“Jewelry? You kept the whole jewelry in your bag... and full evening your bag was with you only...”

“My bag!”

Uee recalls Dara bumping into her and taking the bag from her after pouring the cold drink on her dress.

“Oh my God...that little charity case... she stole the jewelry from my bag... I knew it she would do that...This Dara Yang is such a thief... I would not leave you...Loser.”

 Uee and her bimbos then notice Youngbae romancing with a girl. Youngbae sees them and the girl looks at them too.

“Hey girls!”

“Hi Youngbae...” Youngbae goes back to romancing the girl.

“Wow... babes... Youngbae really dumped you?”

“Excuse me! Bae came begging to me... I dumped him... after all who want to acknowledge Youngbae..”

“Great! So you are sure that you don't have any interest on him?”

“Excuse me... and you also should not have any interest on focus!”

“By the way girls... We are going for movie... you want to join?” Barbie and Skipper run to Youngbae. “Come come come fast...” Youngbae hugs both of them.

Uee is angry. “How dare they? They wear my clothes... they use my make up tips... bloody losers!” Youngbae and the girls go from there. “You Guys are so ungrateful... cheaters! Don't ever come back to me... never!” Yujin walks from there.


Daesung is sitting on a wall and studying. Minzy comes there wearing an dress and lots of jewelry.

“Daesung! Daesung... how do I look?” Daesung replies without looking.“You are looking okay Minzy...” Daesung looks at her and is shocked. “Minzy... You are looking very good but.” Daesung gets down from the wall. “What are you doing in this College wearing this much jewelry? Minzy... what is the need of wearing this much jewelry when coming to college?”

“Of course I will show when I have... Why not show? Everyone should know that I” Daesung signals her to keep quiet by keeping his finger over the lips. Uee comes that way.

“Hi Uee... How are you?”

“Losers!” As she passes by Uee notices Minzy wearing the jewelry. She thinks, “How did this jewelry come to Minzy? Oh my God... It is better that I don't ask her.”

“Thanks Daesung... see you soon!” Daesung is startled. “I need to study for the test.”

“Stop Uee…” Minzy goes and stands next to Daesung. “I will take your test here itself... You met Daesung? I mean... my husband?” Daesung smiles. “You recognize him?” Uee nods. “Can you see or shall I get you a spectacles for you?” Minzy puts her hand on Daesung's arm. “Actually I was thinking that we could go for dinner... What say? I mean double date? I and Daesung and you and Youngbae...”

“Oh...I have stopped eating... and especially with that loser Bae... It's not worth the calories you know...”

“You broke up Uee? How sad!”

“I was thinking that you and Youngbae would have quarreled just like that... Now look at the poor thing... how so sad!”

“It's not sad at all! In fact this question you should ask your friend. You know what? Because he needs all the sympathy... Poor Guy!” Daesung and Minzy looks at Youngbae romancing the girl.

“Actually... I feel pity on him...”

“Whatever!” Uee goes from there. “Losers!” Daesung and Minzy laugh.


At Lee's Office

Hyori Lee comes to her Office. She calls one Mr Jang and orders him that in 5 minutes she wants everyone at the Board room. Hyori addresses her employees at the Board room.


“Kwons... Other than this name no other name would be taken in this office... and won't be focusing on any work...only Kwon Company files would be looked into...This time I will not tolerate any mistake.Gather all data against them. Am I right?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“If they are hiding anything... we need to know it first...I want you all to be obsessed. We should be familiar with their every movement. Am I clear to you all?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Please leave...” The employees leave one by one. “Mr Wang... Make everyone understand about their departments...”

“Okay Ma’am...”One Guy halts and listens to the conversation.

“And the Kwons Studio File should come to me... and no stone unturned...”

“Okay Ma’am..”


In College Campus

Yujin is sitting alone at the College Campus. Uee's Butterflies comes and sits on either side of her.

“You people came back? You had your fill of Youngbae? And if your brains are working, I need to tell you something. Minzy got all that jewelry back.”


“And I couldn't even confront her...”

“Babes... Dara! You feel that she would have given all the jewelry back to Minzy...” Minzy hides behind a pillar and overhears the talk.


“But why did you give your bag to Dara?”

Minzy thinks, “Uee turned to be Queen of the thieves. It is good Dara told me.”

 Minzy recalls Dara giving her back the jewelry Uee had taken from her and telling her that Uee had lied to her that the jewelry is fake.


Minho Lee is walking through the College corridor. He bumps on Jiyong who was coming from the opposite side. Minho resumes walking without saying an appology.

“Usually in such situations...” Minho stops but does not turn back. “humans say sorry... But I forgot... You are not a human at all... You are an animal.”

“You know what Jiyong. Show your attitude to someone else... otherwise let that not happen one day that I will finish you and your attitude together...”

“What will you do?” Minho smiles. Both the Guys turn and walks towards each other. They stop when they are at an arm's length. “I would love to know what you can do...”

“You consider yourself high on the basis of a locket?” Jiyong keeps a plain expression. “Don't act Jiyong... You know very well which locket I am talking about. And anyways, You are happy because that locket is with you even now?”

“I think if that locket is with me I should be happy...”

“You should be happy... but only when that locket is with you... not now!”


“As usual you will not believe me... Check it for yourself...” Jiyong puts his hand on his jacket pocket and finds it empty. “What did you think Jiyong? Powers are only with you?” Minho smiles.

“That was quite a trick... by sly wolf... Now you want to prove your point... and what's that?”

“Well you would understand this sly wolf's sly some time...” Minho smiles and leaves from there. Jiyong is angry.


Uee and her Butterflies are sitting and talking.

“Look Uee... forget Minzy's jewelry... You know what? You have not heard the biggest news.”

“Yeah Babe... let me tell you Wooyoung is back...”

“What?” Minzy is listening to their talk. “Rewind...You mean Wooyoung...that super hot Senior who was king before Youngbae? You mean he is back?”


“Yeah Babes... You know what? He is so hot...”

Uee thinks, 'There is such a Guy in this city who is worthy of Uee. And I am sure he would also looking for Uee... the only girl for a guy like him!” Uee sees that her butterflies are smiling and thinking.

“Hey losers! Whom are you thinking about?”

“About Wooyoung...”

“Why don't you think about Guys of your status?”

Minzy thinks, “Today I will give you punishment for each and every sin you have committed Uee. How much you have troubled me I will give an answer to it now. You will learn a lesson.”

Minzy types something on her mobile phone and sends it. Minzy then hides behind the wall again. Yujin's mobile phone beeps. Uee looks at the message.

“Who is that?” Uee smiles.

“As I said before pick out guys of your standard.”

Minzy smiles and says, “Dearest now see... It's going to be fun. You have broken many hearts. Watch now Queen Uee what's going to happen.”


At Kwon’s Mansion

“So this is her plan... against us...” The Guy who halted and listened to the conversation between Hyori and Mr Wang speaks.

“Mrs Kwon I came here and told you the entire truth. I have put my life in danger.” Jiyeon goes and sits on a chair. “In fact by speaking against the Lees I have taken a big risk...” Jaesang Kwon is sitting on a sofa.

“Don't worry Mr  Taecyeon... The help you have done against Hyori... the Kwon's are not going to forget about it...” Jaesang Kwon opens a briefcase filled with 500 dollars currency notes and shows it to the Guy. “A little token of thanks from the Kwons to you...”

“Thank you Sir!” Mr  Taecyeon comes near Jaesang and takes the briefcase. “Thanks Ma’am!” Mr  Taecyeon goes from there and another Guy comes to the room.

“Mr Yoon... Hyori Lee is gathering information regarding what's happening inside our company. Make sure that there is no loophole even by mistake... You will see all work... Don't trust on any stranger... I do not wish to give Hyori Lee any opportunity.”

“Jiyeon, We have to stay very careful... If they do one attack we have to do two...”

“May I go Sir? By today evening...”

“Not evening... Right now! Call an urgent Board meeting... Till evening don't know how many moves Hyori would do... We have to act first... Leave!” Mr Yoon goes from there.

“I have to call Jiyong...” Jiyeon dials the call “Jiyong, Hyori is spreading her claws. She is preparing to attack on our Business. I have called for an urgent Board meeting. So you... Be here by 2'0'clock, Okay?” Jiyeon cuts the call.

“Don't worry Jiyeon... This time we.” Jaesang climbs up the stairs super fast and stops. “we be 2 steps ahead of them. She has no idea what is waiting for her. She will lose!” Jiyeon smiles.


In College Campus

“These Guys you know... they have finally arranged something suitable for our college.”A student asks, “Babes what is this Dahi handi?”

“Its an Indian Festival. The guys form a human pyramid and break the mud pot containing curd which is hung above on Lord Krishna’s Birthday. It is like a challenge you know. And then whatever the prize is there in the Dahi Handi, the Guy who breaks the pot gets.”

“The girls basically throws water on the guys and distract them so that they do not break the Dahi Handi.”

“You know... we are going to really enjoy it...” Jiyong comes there and looks at the Guys making the base circle for the human pyramid. He thinks, “What is this Minho going to do? What can he do? He is up to something.” Jiyong walks from there. He is walking through the College corridor.

 Jiyong recalls his conversation with Minho where Minho tells him that Jiyong would understand the sly wolf's sly point in some time.

Jiyong thinks, “Minho has definitely planned a trap... but what? What would he do?”


Dara comes to the Campus and curiously looks at guys preparing to break the Dahi Handi. Minho joins her.


“Yeah... what is that?”

“This is called Dahi Handi.”

“Dahi Handi? What is Dahi Handi?”

“Dara... Dahi Handi is a festival which celebrated by Indian it’s a day of Lord Krishna’s Birthday. It is very famous in India-Maharashtra.”

“In Maharashtra?”

“Yes! And I specially imported all this from Mumbai... Its very unique. I had witness it when I had been to India with some of my friends. And I enjoyed it a lots. So I decided to invite them.”

“Wow! From Mumbai?”

“Yeah... All the arrangements are done. We all are going to have fun... Specially there are some people in this college who will not be able to forget this festival at all.” Jiyong overhears the conversation.

“Some people... who?”

“I mean you... we all...” Jiyong watches Minho talking. “We all have not seen this... so it's going to be fun...”

“Looks like fun... let's go!”

“Let's go! “

Jiyong thinks, “Now what new plan are you trying Minho? I think I know!”

The guys are dancing below the Dahi Handi. Daesung tries to join but he is pushed away every time. The students starts making the human pyramid. Daesung tries to climb and falls breaking the pyramid. So someone pushes him from there. Jiyong starts running through the corridor in his supersonic speed. Daesung tries again to climb and is thrown out again. The third time also Daesung ends up breaking the pyramid. Jiyong is running towards the pyramid formed by students. He reaches nearby and stops.

Jiyong says in mind, “I know where he has hidden the locket. I know!” Jiyong looks at the Dahi Handi. “So Minho has hidden the locket in the Dahi Handi... He thinks that he can get the locket without touching it in front of everyone. No Minho... Like you I am not scared of touching the locket. You are not winning this one...”

The guys have already made a 3 level pyramid. Jiyong runs towards the pyramid super fast and climbs on top of it a second. He breaks the Dahi Handi and jumps down fast. Jiyong lifts his hand with which he broke the Dahi handi and looks at the locket and chain in his hand. Minho and Dara are looking at the students. Minho has an unhappy expression on his face.


In Taecyeon's House

Mr  Taecyeon is lying on the Bed next the the bundle of notes. He laughs, “Thank you Mr Kwon... Thank you very much! I enjoyed it very much... I enjoyed a lot.”

Suddenly the light switch is revealing Hyori who is sitting on a chair with her back on  Taecyeon in the room. Mr  Taecyeon gets up and sits on the bed.

“Ma’am... you?” Hyori switches of the table lamp.

“Where are you coming from  Taecyeon?” Hyori switches on the lamp again.

“Ma’am...I... You here..” Hyori continues her light switching on and off game.

“Tell me which news you would like to listen? Good or bad?”

“Ma’am... Ma’am... I don't understand what you are saying Ma’am...” Hyori gets up from the chair leaving the lights on and walks towards Mr  Taecyeon.

“It's okay... No problem!

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)