Youngbae’s love letter

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In TOP’s House

Youngbae is writing a letter he has a smile plastered on his face as he thought of his dreamgirl.

Eversince I met you, I knew we had something special between us we are friends, but I think that there is something special between us. I think that we are more than friends. I wanted to tell you this myself, but I know you will laugh at me. You might even slap me. So I choose the safe method a letter. I probably won’t be able to say all the things that I want to say infront of you. So the letter is a good idea because I can write how I feel about you, that too in full detail. If you also feel the same way about me then please wear yellow coloured dress tomorrow. It’s my favourite colour so yellow means yes! !!!!

Love YoungBae

TOP came in the living room“Hey Hyung.” Youngbae greeted him.

“Hey YoungBae what are you doing here so early in the morning?”TOP asked in surprised.

“Nothing I was just writing a letter. I didn’t feel like staying at home so I came here. Anyways read it and tell me how it is.” Youngbae forwarded the letter to TOP.

“Read what?”TOP ashed in amusement

“Read the rough copy of my letter.” Youngbae told him shyly.

“Rough copy? Why is it important?” TOP asked him.

“Hyung will you read my letter?” Youngbae firmly asked.

“Okay .”TOP took the letter.

“Thank you.”

“Good Lord! Love letter?” TOP laughed at Youngbae.

“What are you doing dude? Don’t you care about your reputation?” TOP asked Youngbae in serious tone. “YoungBae, what happened to my super cool brother? The brother who got and read millions of love letter from girls and then ripped them dude you can get any girl. You don’t need all this. Okay.”

“I can’t hide anything from you Hyung actually love has made me useless whenever Dara comes infront of me all of my cheesy pick up lines are useless. That’s why I am writing a letter.” Youngbae Honestly said.

“Finally you‘ve found a girl who can actually make you speechless.” TOP asked mischievously.

“Anyways the letter is cool. Now give me your opinion.” TOP said as he stood up showin him his new  suit.

“Oh yeah. Who’s  wedding are you attending?” Youngbae asked him.

“No idiot, job interview.” TOP replied.

“What are you saying Hyung?  That’s great!” Youngbae happily said.

“From now on I’m also joining the rat race.’ Finally Bom will realize that I am capable of achieving success.I don’t need her Appa. Anyways bye and take care and please do tell me what happens with Dara take care.” Youngbae nodded in agreement.


In Collage Campus

Dara and Sulli entered the Collage.   

“Dara I need to go to the lab. I’ll see you in a bit.” Sulli told her.


Jiyong enters the college Sulli sees him and waves at him but he ignores her and move in other direction. Dara is surprised to know they both know eachother.

“Hi Dara.”Minzy waved to Dara


“We don’t talk to liars okay.”Chaerin reminded Minzy. And walk away from there.

Chaerin stood in front of Dara.“Get out of my way.” Chaerin told her.

“You are blocking my way.”Dara told her.

“Fine.”Chaerin turen and walk away.

“Chaerin stop it. Chaerin just listen just stop Chaerin just stop. “ Dara followed her.

“Its not fair okay. You never even gave me a chance to explain.” Dara said to Chaerin when she stopped.

“You are my bestfriend. Why would I lie to you? Just believe me. YoungBae tricked me by making me believe that he’s in some kind of trouble. So I went there to help him. Why would I make plans without you? Tell me.” Dara told her honestly.

“Are you done? Can I leave?”Chaerin asked Dara.

“Chaerin listen to me, I’m not lying just trust me okay. Whatever happened yesterday was not my fault. Please.” Dara cried out.

“It was my fault and YoungBae fault.”Dara is surprised when Jiyong comes and reveals the truth to Chaerin.

“YoungBae lied on the phone saying that he needs help and I knew this but I still told you that Dara is celebrating with YoungBae. YoungBae made an excuse and called Dara there. That’s the story.” Jiyong reveal the truth.

“Why are you doing this now?” Dara asked him.

“You ask a lot of questions.”Jiyong tells Dara and walks out from there.

“Sorry babe I was really mean to you. You know my heart was telling me that you were’nt lying but t thought that I wouldannoy you a little and then make up with you.” Chaerin apologizes. “Actually you celebrated your birthday without me that’s why I felt bad but I have enough brains to know that those two losers Jiyong anf YoungBae were behind all the misunderstandings. For your information you own me a thanks because I saved you from having dinner with that loser.” Dara laugh at her.

“YoungBae’s not such a big loser.” Dara told Chaerin.

“Oh my God! Don’t tell me that his magic is working on you too. Babe I must have forgotten to give you the vaccine that keeps you safe from him.” Dara shook her head tell No.  They both laughed.

“ He’s a loser but he’s also my bestfriend so if you actually like him I’m telling you that you can’t find a better guy than him.” Chaerin told Dara.

“Really?”Dara asked her. Chaerin nodded in reply.

“Hey you!” Youngbae back hug Chaerin.

“Leave me you bully.” Chaerin freedherself.

“Where can you find a guy that’s better than me?” Youngbae asked her.

“In the gutter! Awwww.”Chaerin replied ….. then hug him.

“I love you my brat.”Youngbae told Chaerin.

“Whatever dude you should show somelove to your deodorant as well you’ll stink less.” Chaerin comment.

“Hey Chaerin just relax okay I know that you can’t resist my sporty and y smell you just love it.”


“Yay I’m so happy today I’m so happy toady I can hug anyone today.” Bom came happily shouting towards them.

“Ew did you just watch an chick flick because you all mua mau with everyone.” Chaerin asked her, as Bom was Hug everyone on the way and kissing them.

“First ask me where Tabi is?”Bom told Chaerin.

“In the animal center.”Chaerin replied.

“No he’s at a job interview. I’m so happy Tabi is going to get a good job and Omma and Appa won’t have any problems with our wedding.” Bom happily said.

“Wedding? Who’s wedding?”Chaerin asked her.

“Our wedding and then Tabi and I will have our own little house with our kids.”Bom dreaming said.

“Wait a minute are you leaving?”Chaerin asked Bom.

“Obviously  after  the wedding  stupid.”Bom said.

“Yay. Yippee my Unnie is finally leaving me alone. Hahaha I’m so happy.”Chaerin happily dance around the campus. “You know what now let do mua mua.”Chaerin kiss her sister giving hera tight hug.

“Now no one will disturb me in the washroom no one will act like a good girl infront of Omma now i will rule the house.” Chaerin announced.

Dara saw Jiyong sitting alone in the cafeteria.“Why did you tell the truth and fix all the problems in my life?What do you want? Is this your new scheme?.” Dara thought. As Jiyong saw Dara he pick up his glasses and walked away.


In Kwon’s Mansion

“Excuse me Sir. May I come in?” TOP asked Jaesang.


“Sit down.” Jeasang told TOP.

“Thank you Sir.”

“I had to do something important that’s why I shifted the office meeting to here I hope that’s okay with you.” Jaesang told TOP as he turn the pages of his file.

“No problem Sir. I got an opportunity to meet you. That’s enough.” Jaesang kept the file he was reading aside and took TOP folder.

Jaesang  went through all the certificate kept in the folder“Stood first in school…. University topper… football scholarship .You have a whole list of merits.” Jaesang told TOP.

“But there is something that is above all of this and you need it in the practical world and that is attitude.”Jaesang told TOP.

“Do you have a relationship with the Dong family?”

“Yes Sir they are my first cousins my Aunts family.” TOP replied.

“Yes they are 2 sisters one is rich and one is poor. Both families have a very strong bond. You are very close to YoungBae I hope that your relationship with them won’t interfere if you are in my business.”

“Not at all Sir we are not like others because they have money and we did’nt  but that doesn’t make a difference because family and business are 2 different things and I feel that it is more important for me to make my own name and position in society.” TOP sincerel

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)