TOP propose to Bom

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In Hospital

Dara reach the Hospital

“Doctor! Doctor, Sulli?” Dara asked the Doctor as she saw him in the corridor.

“She’s fine now, but if we did’nt get there in time who knows what would have happened.”

“But Doctor , she was going to leave with her Uncle, and then suddenly….?

“She tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists.” Dara covered to stop herself from shouting inshock.

“You should talk to her after she’s regained her consciousness. She needs a friend.” Doctor suggest Dara. And then goes from there.

Dara slowly make her way to Sulli’s room. She stop by the window when she hear Sulli

“What proof do you want? I wish I had proof to prove what horrible person you are and what you’ve done to me!”

“I’ll get the proof . Keep talking Jiyong, I’ll make sure to get proof.” Dara says in her mind as she get her mobile from her handbag and starts recording through the window.The guys back is facing the window so Dara is only able to get the clip of his coat, which has a wings design on the back.

“I just can’t look at anyone else except you.” Sulli told the Guy.

“But you want proof that the baby was yours. Right? It was not your baby! Because that was just a problem for you!”

Dara then notice that he wearing a emerald ring, Dara record it.

 “They say that love is blind, and I couldn’t see anyone except you. But what will I do now? Everyone listens to you. What do I do?”

Suddenly a nurse comes near Dara “Go and get these medicines.”


Dara look inside the room again but the guy has gone. Sulli is sleeping on her bed.

“I did’nt get your face on the camera, but I did get your clothes and ring, the day I see you with this ring and these clothes, you will be exposed Jiyong Kwon!” Dara says in her mind.

Dara look at Sulli who is sleeping “Sulli you are not alone, I will deliver justice to you.” Dara said.

“From now on. I ‘ll keep my eyes on Jiyong, one wrong move and I’ll report him!”

“Jiyong Kwon I’m coming for you!”


After sometime Dara come back with the medicine. She tries to enter Sulli’s room but the nurse stop her.

“Sorry, but Sulli needs rest. The Doctors said that no one should meet her. You can go home. She’s just had medication and now she’s resting.”

“Nurse, she’ll be fine right?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll discharge her tomorrow.”

“Okay, if you need anything, Please call me.”




Dara gets out of the Hospital and sees Jiyong putting his jacket to his car back seat. She thinks I need to see the jacket and ring closely she goes and stands in front of Jiyong.

“Yes?” Jiyong ask her.

“Yes? This casually you are saying yes? Because of you how many problems we had in the play, do you know?” Jiyong who was looking at Dara turned his face.”And you did not have any thought of your play?”

“I had work which was important more than the play!”

“I am seeing your important work.” Dara looks at his hand, but sees that he has kept it in his pocket.

“Great!” Jiyong gets into his car.

“Jiyong I know everything!”

“Good! Good for you…congratulations!” Both of them stare at each other for a while.

Jiyong drives away leaving Dara in the snow.

 “You can’t hide much longer Jiyong Kwon. One day you’ll fall to me. The day, you wear that ring and  jacket I’ll expose you to everyone.” Dara says in her mind.


In Yang’s Mansion

Bom is looking at the snow fall outside the window when TOP comes and close her eyes.

“Stop it Tabi.”

“Am I that obvious?”


“You know what Tabi? I don’t know why I was trying to find excitement in our relationship, I was searching butterflies. But to tell you the truth, I’m really happy with our normal relationship. And I don’t need any of this excitement or drama.”

“And what about surprises?” TOP asked.

“Not really.” Bom walk away from the window.

“Hey Bom! What’s wrong?” TOP follows her.

“I don’t know? This whole Sulli’s story is troubling me.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Her bo… no I can’t tell you.”

“I understand Bom. But you meet so many girls and deliver justice to them. Then why is her problem bothering you?”

“It’s because I know her. She’s my friends and I care for her. And I don’t know why but her problem really upsets me. And I can’t not do anything about it anymore.” Bom said helplessly.

“Then do something Bom.”

“But what can I do? She doesn’t want anyone to do anything. I don’t know…anyways  change the topic. Where did you you go after the play?”

“Office because I had some pending work. So I had to rush. Since I’m a little servant.”

“Just shut up.”

“No seriously Bom.”

“Do you think that you’ll be able to leave all this and live with me?”

“Hello? I love you, my little servant!”

“Great! So do you want to make this relationship official?”


TOP get on his knees “Bom Yang, will you marry me?” Bom is very happy.


“Congratulations! Finally! Wonderful. I’m very happy!” Hyunsuk and Eunju join them.

Chaerin enter the room and heard her Appa congratulating Bom

“Okay guys, I know that my performance was a super hit! But I can only give autographs tomorrow okay.” Chaerin told them.

“Chaerin, for once it’s not about you. TOP just proposed to Bom, and she said yes.” Hyunsuk told her.

“I see. So that means that we’ll have to move out of our house.” Chaerin ask them.

“Move? House? Why?” Everyone was confused.

“Yes, so that when TOP comes back to return our spoilt girl, we won’t be here.” Chaerin made it clear.

“Appa don’t laugh.” Bom told her Appa who was trying to control his laughter.

“Seriously dude, you should check your warranty. Just for your information, Unnie is super bossy. She’ll paint your bedroom pink, spend 3 hours in your washroom and what els….ummm let me think…. Oh yes! She look super scary in the morning, this Unnie is always chirping, and there no mute button.” Bom glare at Chaerin. “Sorry.”Chaerin simply said.

“And guess what? She secretly adores Bigbang members. Many posters of Bigbang are all over her wall! She secretly loves them! And worst part she snores very loudly!”

“What?” Bom shouted.

“Ofcourse you do.” Chaerin confirmed.

“That is a lie! I’m going to get you for this!” Bom ran towards Chaerin to beat her.

“Appa help me.” Chaerin ran towards Hyunsuk

“Your liar!”Bom caught Chaerin.

“Appa help me.”

“Okay, okay, okay. Hang on. Enough.” Hyunsuk hold his both daughters.” There are more important to talk about. This is such a happy event, so we should celebrate with everyone. Party tomorrow!”

“YAY! Really?”

“Okay I’ll go and tell Dara about the news. She always supports TOP, but little does she know that this is just a chance for us to get rid of her!”Chaerin told them.

“Stop It! You’re such a liar!.”Bom shouted at her.


In Hostel

Dara comes to her room, she looks very tired, she sits on her bed and look at Sulli’s picture

“Sulli, when will all of this be over?”


Dara closes her eyes and falls asleeps.






Dara wakes up“Who is it?”


Dara goes to the window and opens it. She sees Jiyong standing down with snow falling on him.

“Dara. Dara. Come to me.”

“Come to me Dara.”

She runs from the room and comes in front of him in a second.  Jiyong touches her cheeks and then pulls her close hugging her.

 “That’s enough. I can’t hate you anymore……I can’t live without you. I’ve lived too long without you. But now, I’m not afraid of myself anymore. I’m not afraid to tell you that, I love you Dara.”  Dara look at Jiyong.

“I love you. Tell me that you love too.Say it Dara, if you say no then I’ll never show you my face agai……” Dara cover his mouth with her hand.

“I love you Jiyong.”

They keep looking at each other. Seeing that Dara is feeling cold Jiyong removes his jacket and gives to Dara. Dara looks at the jacket and realizes that it is the same jacket she has recorded at the hospital. Dara look at Jiyong with tears in her eyes.





Ring ♫♫♫♫ Ring♫♫♫♫ Dara wakes up the ringing sound of her phone and realize that she was dreaming.

“Jiyong Kwon just get out of my head.” Dara shout.

“Hello.” Dara reply.

“Hey Dara! TOP just proposed to Bom!” Chaerin excitedly told her.

“That’s great.” Dara said coldly.

“Sleepy head, go to sleep. There’s a party tomorrow okay.”

“Sure, bye.”

“Okay goodnight, sweetdreams.”

Dara  thinks of her dream again “What’s wrong with you Dara? Get back to reality.”Dara say to he

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)