Miraculous recovery

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In Doctor’s Cabin

Senior Doctor is going through Dara’s report.

“Who made the reports? What’s wrong with you guys what are the symptoms written here.”

“Doctor yesterday in an accident she was seriously injured.”

“Doctor we are telling the truth we all were here.”

“The Patient was in Trauma with organ failure and internal bleeding.”

“Doctor her heartbeat was also sinking rapidly and we had checked her.”

“And in one night she has recovered.” The doctor is amazed.

“Yes Doctor.”

“What are you telling me Doctors.”

“Doctor it was a clear case of organs failure. We never though thet she can survial till morning.”

“How can this happen you come with me.”

“Yes Doctor.”


“ I don’t know why Eunju but I  feels a bonding with Dara. Seeing her here in this condition I feel like someone has cut a part of me and thrown away. I know she is Chaerin’ friend. She doesn’t belong to us. But don’t know what relation is that which bond me to her. I don’t find any differenc between Chaerin, Bom and Dara. I can’t see her in this condition. I can’t see it.”

 “Hyunsuk, Dara is special to you. She is always in your heart, actually you and Dara shares a relationship.


The Doctors comes to Dara’s Room. Dara is perfectly fine awake and lying on her bed.

“I don’t understand what you peoples do. What you see?” Senior Doctor said to other Doctors to were handling Dara’s case.

“Doctor why am I here?”

“Yesterday night you had an accident. Don’t you remember anything.”

“Yes.  Yes by a car. Doctor….Doctor. I am fine now. Can I go home.”


“What are you saying Eunju.?”

“I have  a relation with Dara?’ Hyunsuk asked in confusion and curiosity.

Eunju says in her mind.“Please forgive me Dara I can’t hide it anymore.”


“Hyunsuk, I was going to tell you yesterday night itself. But we very so worried and tense that  and then you went to give the blood. Then also I tried to tell you. To tell you everything. Then I though that I will tell in the morning. But..”

“But what Eunju. Tell me.”


“Now she is fine… You all can go and meet her.” suddenly they hear the Doctor saying.

Hyunsuk sees Dara on the bed.

“She looks alright.” Hyunsuk happily said to Eunju.”Bom and Chaerin.” Hyunsuk call out.

 “Dara Dara you are perfectly alright.”

“Appa…. Dara…Dara are you okay. You are awake.” Chaerin check her injuries but ther is no sign of them.

“Dara you are alright I can’t believe this.” Bom happily said.

  All are surprised and relieved to see Dara conscious and without any sign of injury.


Jiyong is mentally talking,  “I don’t want to come in front of all these people… But remember… I am here… I am here…near you… for you…waiting for you…I am waiting.”

 Dara answers to Jiyong’s mind talk, “I know you are here. I know you would not leave me and go. I know if I am alive today it is because of you. I know that you gave me the strength to fight yesterday. You are the one who saved me yesterday Jiyong. This life is your treasure now. From now on my life is yours Jiyong.” Dara smiles.


Dara is sitting on the Hospital bed with Chaerin, Bom, Minzy, Youngbae and Uee around.

“Guys guys guys some fruits for everyone.” Daesung comes with fruits for all.

“Hey! Guys everyone eat something since night on one had eaten anything other then tension.” Bom said.

“Take this fruit Dara.” Bom offered.

“Minzy take this favourite fruit.” Chaerin throws an apple towards Minzy.

“Ouch!! In hospital you are going to hurt my head. And an apple I don’t eat an apple.”Minzy told Chaerin and walk out of the room.


“What? Since when you always eat an apple what happen today?” Chaerin followed her.

“A apple a day keeps a Doctor away, and if a Doctor is handsome keep the apple away.” Minzy said as she noticed a Handsome Doctor.

“Doctor.” Minzy run towards him.

“ Minzy!” Chaerin tried to stop him.

“Doctor I got hurt and I also….” Minzy faint and Doctor catches her.

“Nurse.” Doctor calls out.

Minzy gets up. “No, no, no. I don’t want nurse I want you to check me.  I got internal injuries. Its very deep  Doctor.  Please check me.”Minzy again faints. Chaerin is watching her. Daesung comes and stand beside Chaerin. Daesung is very upset.

“Okay okay I am calling a gp surgeon he will check you.”

“No gp surgeon, I don’t want that I want you to check me out. I mean why can’t you check me.” Chaerin closes Daesung’s eyes.

“I am a heart surgeon.” Doctor walks away from Minzy.

“Doctor I am having an attack in my heart.” Minzy clutched her stomach.

“Heart is not there its little up.” Minzy moved her hand from the stomach to her chest. “little up there is your heart.” Doctor told her. Chaerin starts giggling.

“Obviously my heart is not there it keep on wondering know its in my stomach. Its keep on roaming up and down.” Minzy reason.

“I think you have some digestion problem. Take any table on digestion I guess you will be fine.”

Chaerin starts laughing. Daesung is very upset. Chaerin goes near Miny, “Minzy!” Chaerin make a sound of fratting. “Minzy!”


Dara is on bed wearing Chaerin’s clothes.

Chaerin only these clothes were available in hostel I have so many clothes you could have got it from there.”

“Oh God! You know now that petrol price has increased. I was being energy efficient .The car was going to drop Unnie home so I told her to give my clothes with the driver on his way back. And what are you complaining about. It is my most clean clothes and you she should be thankful.”

“It is so clean that it would have spread germs in the entire hospital.”

“Shh…. keep silent in so much cleanliness the germs might have died.”

Both the girls start laughing.

“Now you are laughing. Seriously dude we all were very scared. We thought that we are going to lose you. We feels that there is a special hand on her head.”

Dara says in mind, “Yes, Jiyong’s.”

“The Doctors were telling that your recovery is a miracle.”

 Dara says in mind, “Yes, it is a miracle.”

“ Where did Jiyong go?”

“ Go? When did he come? He is strange. I thought hearing your news he would come running. But it looks like your Knight in shining Armor is on leave.” Dara smiles.“Anyway, I will go and get the discharge papers. I don’t know why Appa is taking so long. See you..” Chaerin goes from there leaving Dara alone.

Dara says in mind, “I know you are here. You will not leave me and go anywhere. You only saved me yesterday Jiyong. This life is yours now.”


“Dara how are you now?” Eunju ask her.

“ Fine Aunty ready to go home.”


“Dara I want to talk to you  I know you don’t want to tell Hyunsuk the truth about you and his relationship. But after looking at your condition last night I though  as if I am cheating Hyunsuk.  He is trying to save some one by giving his blood.  Is his own blood. His own daughter.”

“So aunty did you tell him?”

“No  I tried a lots till the time I got courage, you got conscious. Hyunsuk does’nt know anything. But I think that he should know. He has  the right Dara. To know that you are his daughter. A part of our family.”

“Thank  you Aunty but I don’t want that he should know that  I am his daughter.”


“Because Aunty , I lived in fairtale. In which there was a King a Queen and their little princess. Their was lot s of happiness in that house. And lots and lots of love. I have seen that house scattered down in front of my eyes. I have seen the king leaving his queen and princess and going away. Love, family , relation are just words for me. He left us and I stop believing in those fairtales. Now I am there and my truth. Where there is no place for him. He might want to take me back in his life  but I don’t want him in my life. I don’t have any place in my life for him. Because I have learned to live without him.”

“Okay.I will come back. Take care.” Eunju leaves from the room


Chaerin and Youngbae sitting outside Dara’s room

 “I don’t believe this, after getting up Dara asked for Jiyong.” Youngbae saked in shocked.

“Yes infact she thinks that Jiyong was here whole night.” Chaerin replied.

“What  rubbish? He did’nt even come here. He doesn’t care. Can you believe he did n’t even answer my calls….But you know what if it’s important for Dara I don’t mind calling him again. Atleast Dara will be happy that moron is here.”

“You are right dude that will be nice. You know Dara is alone she is showing everyone that she is very strong but internal she is week . If  Jiyong comes she will atleast smile.”

“Hey don’t you think I should call his Appa. If he see my number he will never answer it.”

“Hmm we can give a shot.”

Youngbae dial a number.“Hello Appa. Can you please give me Mr. Kwon’s number.”


Dara lying on the Hospital bed when she notices Jiyong who had come to the room.“Jiyong.” She gets up. Jiyong goes near her. She hugs Jiyong by holding his waist. Jiyong holds her back.

“You came Jiyong? Thank God! Yesterday night also you were here. Otherwise I would not have been here, is it not?”

“Yesterday night? No Dara, I was not here yesterday night. I just came now.” Dara is stunned

Dara lifts her head from his chest and looks at him. Dara says in mind, “Again lies? I know what happened yesterday. I know that you were here…with me. You only made me alright. Then why this wall of lie Jiyong?”

 Jiyong replies to Dara’s mind talk, “I am sorry Dara. I have to pay a price for what I did yesterday. I have broken so many rules Dara. But for you… to save you… I am willing to take any punishment. But I cannot tell you anything. The lesser you know the better for you. I don’t want to put you in danger.” He sits on the bed and holds her hand.

“Now I am here… near you.” Both of them move their faces forward to kiss. A nurse enters the room. Dara looks at the nurse and when she turn to look at Jiyong she finds him gone. She looks around but he is nowhere.


In Kwon’s new Mansion

“He is not here. I looked everywhere but he is not anywhere. He is just not there.” Jiyeon inform Jaesang.

“ Guards, Drivers… Anyone saw him?” Jaesang asked her.

“No one.”

“ No idea what he is doing. I hope that he does not do any madness. Where the hell is he?” Jaesang said in anger.

“He is not able to forget that girl. We came so far from Gyeyang but don’t know what sort of magic is there in that girl. He is not able to forget her.”

“If he does not forget her he would repent.”

Ring♫♫♫♫ Ring♫♫♫♫ Jaesang’s phone rings

“Yes.” Jaesang answer the call.

“Hello Uncle, Dara has been in an accident and she is very serious and she is asking for Jiyong. Please will you pass your phone to Jiyong.” Youngbae told Jaesang.

“Jiyong is not that home right now when he will come I will tell him and you don’t worry Youngbae she will be alright.”

“Okay uncle but please convey my message to him….Thank you.”

 “Jiyong now I know where he was since last night.” Jaesang says to Jiyeon.


Outside Hospital

Jiyong is standing outside the Hospital. He tries to go back to the incidents before Dara landed in the Hospital. He sees Dara being hit by the car and the car speeding away.

“What was this Dara are you trying to tell me something.”

“Oh this was not an accident someone tried to hurt you.” Jiyong realizes.


Chaerin comes to the Dara’s room calling out. “Dara! Dara!” she find the Hospital bed neat and empty. “Empty bed. Let me sle

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)