War between Vampire and Werewolves

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Outside the Restaurant

Hyunsuk gets into the Driving seat of the Car and is about to drive from there. Two of the Vampire Slayers come there.

“We want to talk to you...” Hyunsuk asks the girls not to get out of the Car and gets down from the Car to speak to the slayer. “Come.” They walk a little forward. “This time you are in danger. Our machine is showing that the man eater Vampire is somewhere here. But we do not know where she is and in which form... but we definitely know that the werewolves and vampires are going to have a fight. In such circumstances... we humans should not be between them.” Hyunsuk takes the machine from the slayer and looks at it.

“This machine is showing a very strong signal.”

“Yeah!” Hyunsuk turns the machine towards the Car and is surprised that the signal is strong. “There? But there is no one...” Hyunsuk gives the machine back to the Guy.

“We will have to go from here... You people also go...”The slayer's go from there and Hyunsuk gets into the Car. “I told you that it is dangerous here... We will have to go from here fast.”


In Car

Minho is driving the Car. He talks to Hyori on phone.

“Mom... If you think that you can hurt Dara... you are very wrong Mom... Mom, I am with you in everything... but not in this... Mom... Nothing should happen to Dara...”

“What nonsense is this Minho? You know whom you are talking to?”

“I know I am talking to my Mom... the Mom who cheated on me... who is cheating on my love... Mom, If anything happens to Dara... You would lose your son Mom... Mom... please don't do anything... Mom...” Hyori is angry and cuts the call. Minho is angry at Hyori.


Outside the Restaurant

Hyori is standing along with the werewolves.

“Minho... Minho has threatened us that we would not touch Dara... and I cannot tolerate that...my son teach me how I will have to handle my enemies... I will not tolerate this... never!”

Hyori comes out of the bushes along with the werewolves. She sees Jiyong with his back on her. “It's time to attack on Jiyong Kwon...” Hyori charges on him from behind followed by the werewolves. Jiyong falls down. The werewolves surround him.

“Jiyong Kwon... How long have I been waiting for this moment.” Jiyong gets up and faces Hyori. “Today you are standing in front of me alone... weaponless and weak... I am going to enjoy killing you...”

“Not so easy Hyori... I am definitely alone but not weak... and that... who would know better than you? You have been through it... haven't you?”

“I know Jiyong... I know that you can face me alone... But today a full army is with me... I am not alone...”

“To hell with your army... The lion hunts alone... whereas the fox hunts in groups... You know which one are you... right?”

“Whatever you say Jiyong... everything is alright in war... You would not escape in any condition...” Jiyong transforms into his Vampire form to attack Hyori.


In Car

Hyunsuk Yang is driving the Car fast. He sees Jiyong been attacked by a group of people through the rear view mirror. He stops the Car.

“What happened Appa?”

“Bom... You take Chaerin and Dara and go home... I will have to get down here... I will have to go...”

“No way Appa... I cannot leave you alone...”

“Don't argue... Just do what I say... You people go home... please...”

“But Appa...Where are you going? If you are in danger... so are you... I mean...”

“Nothing will happen to me... Do as I say... Bom come...” Hyunsuk and Bom gets out of the Car. “Bom, Take Chaerin and Dara home carefully.”

“But Appa... How can I leave you alone?”

“My people will not allow anything to happen to me... I want you Guys to be safe...” Hyunsuk hugs Bom. “Go... go fast!” Bom gets into the driver seat and Hyunsuk goes from there.

“Bom, What is happening? Where has Appa gone?” Yoojin makes a sarcastic comment in mind seeing Hyunsuk's foolishness of leaving his children with her.


Outside the Restaurant

The Wearwolves are hitting Jiyong and he defends and fights with them back. Jiyong falls on the ground with injury marks on his face after being thrashed by the wolves. Jiyong gets up with difficulty and Hyori pushes him and throws him several feet away. Jaesang, Jiyeon and the other Vampires come there. Jieun kneeles beside Jiyong and urges him to get up. Jiyeon also sits by him and calls his name.

“I told you...they would attack... Jiyong... Jiyong, get up!”

“Jiyong... come on... Get up!” A Vampire kills a werewolf by driving a stake into his heart.

Hyori thinks, “Jieun got Jaesang and Jiyeon here? Cheater... Today she will not go alive... I will give her the punishment for cheating...” Hyori pulls up Jieun by hand.

“Jieun... You cheat!” Jiyong opens his eye. Jiyeon also reveals her Vampire Form to Hyori. “Come with me...”

“I am not going...leave me!” Hyori brings Jieun near the Car and pushes her into the front passenger seat.

“You have always given us sorrow. First you made friendship with the murderers of your Brother and then love with that Jiyong... You have always degraded us...” Jieun gets out of the Car.

“I am not like you. I cannot see him in this condition.” Hyori pushes Jieun back to the seat.

“No one can save Jiyong... I will kill him with my own hands...”

“Mom... leave me...” Hyori gets into the driving seat. Jiyong gets up supported by Jiyeon. Jaesang comes near them.


“Appa... Hyori has taken away Jieun... Without Jieun that portion is of no use... We need to get her.” Jiyong turns to go. Jaesang stops him.

“You cannot go behind her... You are weak... They have only one goal... To finish you!”


The Vampire Slayers and Hyunsuk watch the werewolves and vampires fight. One Vampaire slayer suggests that they should take advantage of the opportunity and finish all of them.

Hyunsuk tells that these are their in between fights and the danger for them is the man eater vampire who should be caught. Hyunsuk asks if that vampire is among them. The Vampire slayer who gave the suggestion earlier tells him that the man eater vampire is not part of the fight.

“That vampire is not here...When we were near the Car... we were getting strong signal. Now the signal is very weak. I have a feeling... was that vampire behind the Car?”

“Or else... In the Car? “ Hyunsuk takes his mobile out.


In Car

Bom is driving the Car.

“Unnie... You are telling that there a fight between some dangerous creatures were happening and you left Appa there alone...” Bom has tears in her eyes. “Have you gone mad?”

“Then what could I have done? You saw Appa's face? How scared he was... He was scared for our safety...” Yoojin smiles sarcastically. “He gave me this responsibility that I take you away from this danger...”

“Very good... and you put Appa in danger? You left him there alone? How could you man? How could you be so selfish? He is our Appa.. Unnie... What answer would you give to Omma?”

Yoojin thinks, “I have to go where GD is... So this time I will have to support this girl.”

“Just shut up Chaerin... I know that Appa is in danger... But what will I do? He gave me the responsibility of taking you people home...”

“I feel that Chaerin is right... We should go back and help Appa...”

“You are right Dara...”

Yoojin thinks, “Going back I will kill every wolf who is attacking on GD.”

“See Unnie... Dara is also worried for Appa... She is not like you...”

“Just shut up for God's sake! If you open your mouth again I will hit you... It is not my fault. Appa has given me the responsibility and this time I am taking you both home.”

Yoojin is angry. She thinks, “This human is bothering me. I want to go to GD... and I will go!”


In Car

Hyori is driving the Car with Jieun sitting on the front passenger seat. Jiyeon blocks the way and stops the Car with her hand. Hyori gets out of the Car and confronts Hyori.

“You have not done right by attacking Jiyong... Hyori...”

“So... Have you come here to plead mercy for him? We will finish your Jiyong... Him and your whole family also... You Understood?” Jiyeon shows her fangs and blue eyes. Hyori's eyes turn golden in color.

Jiyeon charges at Hyori and bites her on her neck as Jieun looks on sitting inside the Car. Jieun gets out of the Car. Hyori falls down with Vampire bite on her neck. Jiyeon wipes the blood on her lips with her hand. Jieun is shocked to see it. Hyori gets up again and faces Jiyeon.

“It is not that easy to kill Hyori...” Hyori charges at Jiyeon and they both fight.


The Werewolf and Vampire fight is going on. Jiyong notices that Jiyeon is missing and asks Jaesang about her.

“She was here only...” Suddenly a werewolf attacks on Jaesang and he gets busy.

Jiyong then hears Jieun's voice calling for him. He closes his eyes and concentrates. He sees Jiyeon and Hyori fighting.


Jiyong realizing that Jiyeon is having a fight with Hyori. Jiyong goes near the Werewolf who was murdered using a stake and pulls the stake out from his heart.


Jiyeon and Hyori are fighting. They have their hands on each others necks. Hyori injures Jiyeon and she falls on the ground. Jiyong reaches there and sees this.

“Omma!” Jiyong throws the stake towards Jiyeon and in the process falls down. He extends his hand towards Jiyeon. Jiyeon gets up and sits as Hyori walks towards her. When Hyori comes near her Jiyeon takes the stake from the ground and stabs her with it.

Jieun screams seeing her Mother being staked by Jiyeon. Hyori falls on the ground with the stake on her body. Hyori screams and then becomes still. Jieun runs to her Mother and urges her to get up by kneeling by her. Jiyeon gets up from the ground.

“She is dead...” Jiyeon goes from there.

“This can't happen... Mom, get up! Mom... Get up Mom... Mom...” Minho reaches there. He also kneeles on the ground near Hyori and repetitively calls her name. Minho is angry seeing Jieun crying.

“Why are you crying...”

“Oppa... Mom has left us and gone...”

“It is all because of you... You got them here... and they killed her Jieun...”

“Oppa... I never wished that...”

“Shut up!” Jieun tries to touch Hyori but Minho pushes her away. “Don't touch... don't touch... Mom...” As Jieun bends towards Hyori chain and pendant on her neck is revealed. Looks like it has som

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)