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In Class Room

“The assignments I have given you last week should reach my table and no one should be late.” Ms. Shin informed the student. The students nod and the bell rings. “And by the way for some students it is a very special day as the college trustees are going to decide who would get full scholarship for next year. All the best.” Chaerin gives thumbs up sign to Dara.

“Yah right. I mean who needs the scholarship. My parents can afford my education, like some poor charity cases might need it.” Uee taunt Dara.

“Yah they may not be able to afford brain transplant.” Chaerin replied. All the student laugh at Uee. “Unable to find the donor.”


“Yes Ma’am.”

“Dara as a teacher I cannot take sides but I am sure that you will get the scholarship. I have not seen dedicated students like you and you really deserves it.”

“Thank you so much Ma’am. My fingers are crossed I have not received the  scholarship yet.”

“Dara you will be lucky and would win the scholarship. You will definitely get it. You deserve it.”

“Thank you so much Ma’am.”

“All the best.”


Outside the ClassRoom

Dara gets out of the classroom and she hits into a gentleman coming from the corridor and her books fell to the floor. They both bend to pick the books.

“Oh I am so sorry.” Hongjun Park said to Dara. “Take this.” Hongjun hands over the books to Dara.

“Thank you.”

 Dara remembers the confrontation of her mother Sooyoung when Dara was a child with the man who is her uncle.

“ Then where will I go?” Sooyoung asked her brother.

“ I don’t know. Go anywhere! Go to hell! Did you even think of this  family? Did you think of yourself? Do you even know what you are to him? Listen… By staying under my roof you cannot do it. Go anywhere. And  after today do not show your face. Enough!” Hongjun walks away from the room leaving Sooyoung and little Dara there.

“Oppa, Please listen to me!”Sooyoung cried.

Dara looks at Hongjun who is standing with her. He tells her, “Be careful when you walk dear… you may get hurt.”

“ Thank you.”Dara walks off.

“It’s alright! It’s Okay.”

 Ms. Shin come out of the class.

“Hello Sir.”

“Hello Ms Shin.”

“Sir, so you met our star student. She is a scholarship student and is very hardworking.”

“Is that.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Let’s go” Ms. Shin and Hongjun walks away together.

Dara turns and look at them walking.


In Cafeteria

Daesung and Minzy is having some Public display of affection while Uee and friends are watching.

“My Princess my love this table is for you.” Daesung shows her a table decorated with flower.

“This is for you chocolate cake.”

“Oh Chocolate cake.” Chaerin looks at them smiling.

“Oh God so much of PDA is disgusting and tacky. What sort of day has come that even tacky people are having boyfriend.”

Chaerin reaches Uee’s table “Very true! Even Minzy has a boyfriend. But poor Uee was all alone even on the Valentines day with no friends and boyfriend. And too desperate that she had to flirt with a Professor.”

“He is not a Professor he is a Career councilor.”

“Then  it is awesome Uee. As you will required him to find her non existent career.”

“Freak.” T and her friends get irritated and walk away from there.


Chaerin then goes and sits along with Minzy and Daesung who as lost in eachother eyes.

“Daesung and Minzy sitting on a tree KISSING.”Chaerin sing a song.

“You guys are so cute.”

“Chaerin have you seen the time.”

“Yeah.”Chaerin check the time in her watch.

“I think you should be in some other place.” Daesung reminds her

“Oh God I forgot that, I have an appointment with that so called Uee Boyfriend and Career

Councilor. Will find out who will advice whom? You guys carry on.” Chaerin goes from there.


College Campus.

Jiyong is walking along corridor he notice Dara sitting with her back. Dara has tears on her eyes. He goes near. “Dara.” Dara wipes her tears.

“Dara, what happened?”

“ Nothing Jiyong!”Dara walks from there and Jiyong follows her.

“Dara, Dara what happened? What happened?”

“Maybe next year… I would not be able to study in this College.”

“ Why?”

“ Jiyong, This year I got scholarship. But…next year I do not know how will I manage to pay the fees.”Jiyong turns her towards him.

“ Don’t be silly Dara! You are the best student of the college. Apart from you no one can get the scholarship. And I am sure that you would get the scholarship. In fact I heard the Principal telling the Trustee that you are a scholarship student.”

“ Jiyong, Do you know who the trustee is?”Jiyong nods ‘no’ “Hongjun Park Jiyong, my Omma’s Brother. My uncle! Jiyong he threw my Omma out of the house when he came to know about Appa… That relationship was not acceptable for him Jiyong … And he broke all ties with us. He never came to see Omma Jiyong…ever after  she died.”

“Dara, I am so sorry! I can understand your pain. And I know that you have suffered so much. And I promise.. no more! I would make everything right for you.You will not go anywhere.”

“ Thank you Jiyong! Thank you for everything!”

“ Dara, Always remember one thing. I am here for you always. You are  not alone! I am always with you.” They look at each other. Dara keeps her head on Jiyong’s shoulders and Jiyong hugs her.


In Seunghyun’s Office.

Chaerin is sitting in front of Seunghyun.

“So you are not among the top students. This is obivious.”

“As if I am not the bottom students either.”

“True. So will you tell me about yourself.”

“Okay fine, shoot!”

“ You got a Boyfriend?”Chaerin is startled and sits upright. “ How many Boyfriends now … And how many earlier? And what do you see in them?”

“Hold on! Who are you to ask this questions? How can you ask personal questions to me?”

“ I just wanted to see your full personality. I just wanted to know you so that I can understand what sort of a girl you are.”

Chaerin gets up fro her chair and by putting both her hands on the table looks at a smiling Seunghyun and tells him, “Excuse me! What sort of a girl I am …You leave it. I am clearly seeing what sort of a man you are.  If you want to know me better ask my Appa. He would pick me up from the  college. Let him also know what sort of Lecturers come to teach in this  College. Bloody Moron this college is going to the dogs.” Chaerin curses Seunghyun and leave the room.

When she goes out Seunghyun who is still smiling takes a photo from his wallet of Chaerin wearing the gown and says,”My God! She is a firecracker!” and smiles.


In Car.

Jaejoong is driving the car and Bom is sitting beside him.

“I think you should not tell anyone about this trip, especially that nothing happened in between us.”

“ Why?”

“ Look Babes! My reputation is a little too much exciting. No body would believe you. Everyone would tell that you are telling a lie. And without reason you would get into my list. And honestly, You don’t deserve to be in my list. People will tell, ‘What happened to Jaejoong’s taste? When did his taste become so bad?’ It is bad for my reputation.”

“ Excuse me! Please don’t be full of yourself.”

“ Full of myself? You have my diary. You have met my girlfriends. Some are hot … some are super hot… But you are the homely type… The kind of boring!” Bom gets angry.

“ Stop the car!”

“ What?”

“ Stop the car!”

Jaejoong stops the car and Bom removes her seat belt.

“ What do you think?” Jaejoong laugh at Bom. “Someone would give you a lift? Do you know  how terrible you look? Ah…somebody would give you a lift. Definitely some drunk driver who had a cataract operation would definitely stop for  you. And moreover, I do not leave any girl on the middle of the way. It  is not my style. How much ever boring she is.” Jaejoong drives the car.


AKS College.

Hyunsuk Yang sees Hongjun Park. Hyunsuk says in his mind.“This is Hongjun, Sooyoung Brother. He definitely might know about my daughter but may not tell me anything as he hates him. But I have to take a chance and ask him.”

“Where is my daughter Hongjun?”

“ Whoa Mr Yang! You could not take care of my sister and even  you lost your daughter. You are an irresponsible person. First you spoiled the life of my sister and did not even give the girl your name. You even don’t know if she is alive or dead. Even if I know I would never tell you Hyunsuk.” Chaerin sees them and comes closer. “Actually I am thinking that I would tell you so that the High society people in Gyeyang would know what sort of a person Hyunsuk Yang is.”

“Appa?” Hyunsuk turns around and sees Chaerin.

“Is this your Daughter? How many you have?” Hongjun walks off.

“ What the heck was that? What a strange man he was Appa.”

“ Don’t worry about that. It is an old business rivalry. You go and sit in the car.”

“I will kill him Appa. I swear!”

Hyunsuk thinks “Oh God! I hope he doesn’t know anything about my daughter or he may seek revenge.”


In Principal’s Office.

Hongjun Park in the Principal room and looking into the Scholarship File. He looks at Dara’s Application.

“ Sandara Park Daughter of Sooyoung Park.”  

Hongjun says to himself, “So this is Sooyoung’s daughter… Sandara Park.”


Collage Campus

 Jiyong walking and saying to himself, “Dara, Don’t worry! Leave everything to me. I will handle everything.”


Dara’s application is marked as ‘Rejected’ by Hongjun Park.


In Principal's Office

Jiyong gets into the Principals room and checks into the scholarship file on the table  he sees that Dara’s application was rejected.

Jiyong wonders, “Dara’s application was rejected? Mr Kim, you did wrong!”

The Principal then comes into the Room.

“Jiyong!!” Principal comes  near Jiyong.“Can I help you?”

“What is this Mr. Kim? Why did you rejected Dara’s Scholarship Application.?”

 “Jiyong I know that Dara is a deserving candidate but I am helpless, I am just a Principal and  it was the decision of the Trustee to deny Dara Scholarship. If Mr. Park Hongjun has rejected the Application there is nothing he can do about it.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Jiyong I know that Dara is the most deserving candidate for the scholarship and I don’t understand as to why Mr Hongjun has denied Dara the scholarship. I am sure that if Mr Hongjun has done it there sure must be a problem and that he would not be able to do anything.”

 Jiyong tells in mind, “Hongjun Park, I  know why you are doing this injustice with Dara.”

“ Jiyong if you have a problem with the Trustee’s decision, you should go and speak to him.” Principal suggested Jiyong.

“Okay.” Jiyong goes out of the office.


Collage Campus.

Jiyong looks for the Trustee in the college Campus and spots him walking.

 Jiyong’s calls from behind, “Mr Park” and Hongjun stops. Jiyong goes to  him.

“ Yes?”

“My name is Jiyong Kwon. I want to know that on what basis you rejected Dara’s scholarship.”

“ Can I ask you on what basis are you asking me this Question.”

“ You cannot just take a one sided decision. You have to answer the students.”

“Really? As a Trustee I am answerable to such a student who instead  of accepting my decision sends goons to me… threatens me…? Are you telling that such a student should get the scholarship?”

“Please Do not bring Dara in between. Every student in the College would oppose your decision because there is no other deserving candidate than Dara in the College.”

“ Jiyong, You deserve the scholarship.”

“ I am rejecting this Scholarship. I don’t need it!”

“ Okay, Reject it! But because of your rejection Dara is not going to get the scholarship. Your sacrifice would go waste.” Jiyong turns and walk away.


In Yang’s Mansion

Bom is walking inside the house after her trip. Eunju and Hyunsuk Yang are in the sitting room and talking when she gets in.

Hyunsuk sees her and asks, “Hey Fatty! What’s up?”Bom cries and goes from there.

“What did I do?” Hyunsuk ask Eunju.

“Hyunsuk why do you stop calling her fatty.”

“I call her fatty since she was a kid, what happen today?” Eunju gets up and follows Bom.


In Bom’s Room

Bom gets into the room crying.

“Hey Unnie what is wrong.?”

 “Chaerin do you think I am fat, ugly and boring looking.”

“Well…. Comeon Unnie you know that I says such things only to pull your leg. I don’t mean these things and hey why are you crying? I should be the one to cry. Since childhood I have been hearing from people that your sister is beautiful and talented and why you are not like her.  Come on Unnie you should not get an inferiority complex but I should get it.”

Eunju comes to the room and asks Bom “What happened dear?”

“Omma Please leave me alone.”

“Dear I am your Omma. You should share it with me. What happen? Any office tension, any guy….” Bom nods her head ‘no’ “Did someone say anything to you. Tell me.”

. “Omma I don’t know what happen to my self confidence. I don’t know.”

“I know Bom, after what Seunghyun did with you, you lost your self confidence. But why are you blaming yourself. You are not responsible to what had happen he does’nt deserved you. He didn’t rejected you. But you are the one who rejected him. Remember this.”

“Omma its not about him. ITS NOT ABOUT HIM.” Bom goes away from there.


In Kwon’s Mansion

Jaesang and Seunghyun are sitting and looking at a Blue Print.

“Look at it carefully. We need to strike the deal.”

 Jaesang sees that Seunghyun is not paying attention. “ What’s the matter are you alright?”

“Hmmm. Yes Sir.”

“Seunghyun, Hyunsuk would not be bidding for the project this time but we would have a new rival, another Company as volatile as its Owner Jaejoong. He is a young guy and it would be interesting. Whenever there is a new player it changes the dimensions of the game. So, Are you ready?”

“ Yes, Sir! And thank you… I only hope that Jiyong does not create any Drama because of my presence here. After all, he does not want to see me here.”

“Seunghyun, Jiyong is my son at home. What my Office what happens… why  it happens… I decide! You don’t have to worry.” Both of them get up from their seats “And…You are a very important part of my Company.” Jaesang shakes hand with TOP.

Then they hear Jiyong’s voice, “Appa.” Jiyong walks toward them.

“Don’t you think before giving someone an important part in the Company you need to check his criminal record?”

“ Jiyong! I suggest you behave yourself!” Jiyong looks at TOP and goes from there. “ You don’t worry Seunghyun! You concentrate on what you have to do.”Jaesang shakes hand with TOP again. “Right?” TOP nods.


Jaejoong’s Office

Jaejoong is sitting at his room. Bom knocks the door.

“Come in.” Bom enter the office. “Sir your mails.” gives him his mails.

“Okay keep it their. Listen you come after half an hour. I have to collect my thoughts, I need to dictate an important letter.”

“Yes Sir.”

“ You may leave…”

“ Sir did you mean what you said?”

“ Yes, when I said come back after half an hour and that I have to dictate an important letter…I Obviously meant what I said…”

“Sir, I am not talking about that.”

“Then what are you talking about?”

“That day what all you told about me… You told that I am ugly…I am horrible.”Jaejoong tries to suppress a smile… “You did not even think once what I would be hurt?” Jaejoong smiles and gets up from his chair. He comes near Bom.

“My dear little naive Pinky! You really do not know anything about Guys. The number one rule: If any Guy says bad things about a girl in front of her… say she is ugly… or horrible… There can only be 2 reasons. Number 1: He is not interested in the girl at all or He is interested in the girl a little too much.” Jaejoong moves closer to Bom. “You have to decide who I am.” Bom smiles.

“Right.”Jaejoong asks her with an innocent expression, “Now,Can we get to work?”

“Yes Sir.” and goes from there.

“I will see you in half an hour.”


Girls Locker Room

Uee and her friends are in the Ladies locker room. Uee is applying lip-gloss while her friend is watching.

“This had to happen. Why will college waste the money on Dara. She doesn’t have any talent.” Uee tells her friends.

“But still babes Dara!! She didn’t get the scholarship. That strange right.”

“Listen. She is just a waste Poor charity case  I feel so sad she has no money, no parents and know she doesn’t even have the scholarship she should be in some Women welfare type of  place.Fine she is out of the college.”Uee closes the locker door and notices Chaerin and Dara standing there and looking at her.

“You bloody liar, spreading rumors about Dara.”

“Rumors. Truth is bitter.”

“I will kill you.” Chaerin jump on Uee and starts to fight with her. Dara and Uee’s friends try to stop the fight. Seunghyun sees the fight.

“Stop both of you.”

“What are you doing?”

“Leave me.”Seunghyun takes Chaerin away from there.


In College Campus.

“ Chaerin, How can you talk to people like that? Fighting in the locker room…Is that how you behave?” Seunghyun aske Chaerin.

“Go to hell! It is none of your Business.”Chaerin turns to walk away but Seunghyun catch holds of her arm and turns her towards him.

“Your Business is my business.”


“I am telling that I am your Councilor. If a student behaves badly or misbehaves with teacher it is my responsibility to solve it. Got it?”

“Whatever, Okay? What you want to do you do…Don’t give me lectures! She had it coming. Excuse me… I got to call my father.” Chaerin walks off and calls Hyunsuk.

Chaerin dial her phone.“ Appa, Please find out. Uee was telling that Dara will not get the scholarship this year. How can that happen? Appa, please find out… There is no one more deserving than Dara…”

“I understood… I will do… Hello!” Chaerin thinks that she is stuffing the mobile into her back pocket mistakenly leaves it where she was sitting.

Dara notices it and pick up the cell calling out to her . “Chaerin. … Chaerin.”

“I need to talk to you, come with me.” Hongjun tells Dara. Hyunsuk listens to the conversation as Chaerin had forgotten to switch off the mobile phone.


In Hongjun’s Office.

“ Why are you doing this to me? For what are you seeking revenge at me?”

“Your mother blackened our faces in front of the society and spile do

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)