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At Police Station.

Mrs.Choi enters the police station along with lawyer.

“Yes.” Officer ask them

“We are here to bail Choi Seungyhun.” Mrs Choi told the officer.

“But he has already been bailed.” Officer inform them.

“Already been bailed? Who bailed him?” Mrs Choi ask the officer.

“Mr. Kwon’s son came last night and bailed him.”

Mrs Choi thinks “But if he’s already been bailed, then why did’nt he come home yet? Where could he be?”


In Bus

The bus stops before the river. Jiyong gets alerted remembering his Omma's words.

That museum is on the otherside of the river. We are not allowed even step foot over there. They’ll recognize you by your smell.

 “Guys, one second I’ll just check. Hold on” Bom assured the students.

“Okay teacher.” Bom get down the Bus.

After some time Bom enter the Bus.“Guys, it’s a bad news. Our driver is an idiot because there is a flat tire and he doesn’t have a spare one. So that means that we are camping here tonight. So set up everything.” Bom inform the students.


“It’ll be fun!”

“Come on.”

Students get down from the bus and Jiyong gets out last.

He hears his Omma’s warning

 “What are you doing Jiyong? I warned you not to go there. How many times do I have to explain that we are not allowed to be there.”

“Sorry Omma. I’m helpless I had to come.”Jiyong says in his mind.

“Hey Jiyong! Dude, what are you doing over there? Come on lets go!” A random student called him

Jiyong scans the surrounding“Nothing will happen. Everything looks alright.” Jiyong say to himself.



The students have set up the tents and now sitting around the fire.

“I found the bottle!” Youngbae came with the bottle. “Okay so it’s time for some truth or dare.



 Youngbae spin the bottle and it stops at Minzy.

“So the first victim is Minzy! Okay Minzy, truth or dare?” Youngbae asked her.

“I don’t want to do a dare, so I’ll choose truth. And I swear that I will tell the truth.”Minzy replied.

“Alright Minzy, so look into your boys diary and tell us who the hottest boy in the college is.” Chaerin asked her.

“Hey don’t embarrass me, okay? Please.” Youngbae told Minzy.

“For me it’s Jiyong.” Minzy replied shyly. Jiyong turns his face to other side.

Dara wonders “What’s wrong with Jiyong? Why is he behaving so cool? Whatever.”

“Alright, let me spin it again.” Youngbae told them.

 It stop at Youngbae.

“Youngbae! So tell us Youngbae, truth or dare?” Sohyun asked.

“Alright, alright truth.”

“Oh, so tell us what’s going on in your heart right now.” Yuna asked.

“Dara, Dara and only Dara.” Youngbae replied. Jiyong closes his eyes. “Thank you. Dara, ever since I first saw you I’m in love with you.“ Jiyong open his eyes and look at Youngbae. “Yeah guys, I knew that love is blind, but now I know that love is stupid as well. Okay Dara seriously I didn’t trust you, I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. I’m very sorry for that Dara. Dara will I ever get your love back?” Youngbae hopefully ask Dara. Everyone is eagerly looking at Dara waiting for her reply. Dara keeps silence.

“Yuck ! These PDA’s! Public display’s of affection! I mean, if you can’t control your emotions then why don’t you take them some where else!” Uee said irritatedly.

“Come on Uee.”

“Anyways lets see, who else can entertain us.” Heazn said.

;Okay, here we spin again.”

“Alright, alright.”

The bottle stops pointing to Jiyong who is standing.

“Okay Jiyong, truth or dare?” Yuna asked.

“Truth.” Jiyong looks at Dara. “Forget it.”

“Okay, so you don’t want to tell us the truth. Alright, fine it’s a dare then.” Heazn told him.

“Alright Jiyong, kiss a girl.” Sohyun told him.

“Yes! Yay! You have to kiss a girl now.”some of the students cheer for him.

Jiyong passes Dara and go and kneels beside Uee. He kisses Uee on the cheeks and Uee hugs him. Dara watches it and is not happy.




 “Jiyong, I want to talk to you.” Dara tried to stop him.       

“Not interested!” Jiyong walk pass her.

“Where were you Jiyong? We’ve been looking for you? Where were you?” Uee’s friends asked him. “Come on, let’s go and explore.”

“Let’s go.”Jiyong told the girls.

“Excuse me! Where are you guys going? I told you that no one is allowed to leave the campsite. Everyone needs to stay together.” Bom stop them.

“I can take care of myself. Back off.” Jiyong rudely replied.

“Shut up.”

“Jiyong you can’t talk like that to Bom. Jiyong turns and looks at Dara. ”She has been appointed by the college authorities. So you better listen to her and respect her.” Dara told him.

“Just a minute, Who are you? This is between me and Bom. Oh yes. You are Dara Park. You HAVE to interfere in everyone’s life. Whatever  Dara. Don’t interfere with my plans. And take your big innocent eyes and your I’m so lost attitude somewhere else. Get that?”

“Jiyong? you’re speaking so rudely! Can’t you talk properly? I’ve had enough from you Jiyong! Enough! I can’t take it anymore! I wish I was dead! I hate you Jiyong! I hate you!” Dara goes from there and Bom follows her.

 Jiyong thinks “Dara, What are you saying Dara? Please don’t do anything stupid.”

“Come on Jiyong. Let’s go.”


“I’m not in the mood.” Jiyong refuses to go with the girls and walk away from there.


In Tent

“50 bucks! 50bucks! Get drunk for 50 bucks!” Chaerin is merrily drinking.

“Chaerin you’re drunk again?” Daesung asked. “Are you mad?”

“Man up? Come on guys, 50buck for one drink and a free Daesung.”

“Chaerin! You want to sell me too!” Daesung walk out of the tent.

“Hey loser!” Chaerin tried to stop him.

“Where is your bimbo queen?” Chaerin asked Uee’s friends

“She’s busy. You see, during the game of truth and dare, Jiyong kissed her. So she’s re touching her make up. She’s so cool you know?”


Uee is climbing into the Bus which is park away from the camping site.

“Wow Jiyong! Nice kiss! And it was a double bonus, because of Dara’s reaction. Oh Jiyong Kwon, your  jealousy game is perfect for Uee. I like.” Uee says to herself.

Uee is alone in the bus re touching her make up.  Suddenly she sees a hand stain with blood on the window.

“Help! Help!” Uee starts screaming. “Help somebody! Please help! Help me!” Uee tries to get down from the bus but the door gets locked.

A beast peek inside through the bus window.“Help! Help!”

Uee is terrified seeing the beast she hides  herself under the seat.


The person wearing the mask starts laughing.

Mizny comes towards the bus searching for Chaerin


“Omma.” Mizny get frighten seeing the person wearing the Beast mask. She turn around and starts running.

“Minzy.” The Person with the Beast mask waves at her.”Minzy it’s me Chaerin! Come here! Minzy comeon.” Chaerin remove the mask revealing herself. “Come see!”

“Chaerin what are you doing? And why are you laughing?” Minzy ask her.

“You know Uee was doing her make-up in the bus and I gave her a whole make-over!”

“In the bus?”

“Help me! Help me! Please help me!” Uee is still shouting.

“Oh my God!”Chaerin and Minzy starts laughing.

“Chaerin you are so funny!” Minzy said.”Chaerin how much did you drink?” Chaerin signal her one bottle.

“Really?” Minzy asked doubtfully, as she holds her hand dragging her towards the tent.” Come.”

“But, what about Uee?” Chaerin protested.

“Yeah yeah shut up! Don’t you remember what happened last time you drank so much? You almost got married to Seungri.”

“Just shut up okay? Don’t kill my buzz.”

“Oh, you need to sleep and kill your own buzz. Idiot!”


Minzy comes out of the first tent.



“Have you seen Chaerin?” Dara asked her.

“As usual, she drank the whole bottle and now she’s sleeping in the tent.” Minzy told her as she walked towards the groups who were sitting near the fire. “Hey guys!”

Dara made her way towards the second tent which is unlit and sits by the lantern.

“Chaerin? Chaerin I know that you are sleeping but if I don’t tell anyone about what’s in my heart, then I will go crazy! I’m dying Chaerin. I don’t know what’s happening between me and Jiyong. Chaeirn how does he have the power to hurt me so much? Whydo I let him break my heart over and over again, Chaerin? Chaerin the only reason I fight with him is so that I can talk to him. I’m normal around everyone, but I don’t know why but in front of him I become so irrational Chaerin! I don’t know what stubbornness this is that doesn’t let me stay away from him Chaerin. And when he treats me badly, tears flows from my eyes Chaerin. And when he speaks nicely to me, my heart starts to beat faster Chaerin.What is this Chaerin? What’s happening? Am I…am I falling in love Chaerin? But, I should hate Jiyong. Right Chaerin? Then wh

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)