Kris's Type?

Mystery Twelve

A/N I decided that when ever they are out in public or around the Exo guys Kristy is going to be referred to as a he.  When she is around the rest of the twelve or by herself she's a she.  When it changes I'll make sure to divide them up.


The next morning the floor of boys woke up early for breakfast.  The group of 18 walked down to the cafeteria together chatting.  They got their food and sat down at a long 24 man table.  "Ah now this table makes sense.  Both of our groups can sit here and be good friends."  Chanyeol burst out smiling.  Min looked the table over, "I didn't know that they even made tables this long."  The group sat down with Exo members scattered through out them.  Sang and Kris sat on the end of the group next to the empty chairs.  BaekHyun hesitated to sit down next to Kris but Jong nudged him.  "He is too shy to bite."  Kris turned and bared his teeth and let out a playful growl at the older boys, earning him a giggle from the Exo member.  Jay had watched this exchange and gave a funny look to his younger brother.  "Hey, what did you do with my little shy puppy from yesterday?" He yelled down to the group and Kris blushed.  "I ate him." he whispered and Sang smiled at the kid.   "Jay he said he ate him." The older yelled back to their leader.  Jong turned to the returning 'shy puppy' and asked, "Why do you never say these things loud enough for people to hear.  You could be an awesome comedian too."  Kris smirked back, "I'd much rather be Houdini.  Odd cookie, but amazing."  BaekHyun thought about this, "Wait didn't he die from being punch in the gut?"  Kris snickered a bit, "That's what they say, but technically it was a factor in bursting his appendix."  Sang's head snapped up, "Do you have a death wish?  No Houdini business for you!"  "Mmmm speaking of that business. I told Jay and he did all but wrap me in bubble wrap to preserve my, how did he say that?  Oh poor fragile body."  Kris told them, emphasizing the last three words.


"Hey when does the rest of your guys' group come back?"  Jong asked BaekHyun curiously.  The boy shrugged but looked down at Suho.  "Hey Suho when do the other guys come back?"  "Two days." the leader said and went back to his previous conversation.  BaekHyun turned back to BaekHyun, "Two days."  Kris jumped at the stream of giggles coming from the sear next to him.  Where their table had previously had been empty now held a bunch of giggly girls.  "Hello You guys must be new here.  I'm Haneul.  What is your name?" The girl next to Kris said and grabbed a hold of his arm.  The boy looked back at his friends with wide eyes and his body stiffened at her touch.  Sang leaned forward and slid her hands off of the youngers arm.  Kris jumped up, grabbed his food and left the cafeteria quickly.  The girl named Haneul pouted a bit, "Does he not like me?"  Jong shook his head smirking,  "Don't take it personally.  He is really, really, really shy."  The rest of the girls giggled a bit more at this fact.  Haneul smiled, "Oh okay.  I'm fine with that.  Shy guys are way cute.  By the way what is his name?"  Sang was irritated at the girl's interest in only Kris, so he snapped at her "His name is Kris, but trust me your not his type."  Jong looked at his room mate questioningly, "You know Kris's type?"  Sang turned back like Jong had just said the stupidest thing in the world.  Finally getting the message Jong made an O with his mouth.  "Yeah, definitely not Kris's type."  Haneul scoffed, "Well then what is his type?  I could be it."  Sang smiled slyly back at the girl, "Tall, caring and who wont touch him without reason or warning."  The girl mulled this over in her head before heading the way that Kris had gone.


Kris had dumped her food and went to a practice room.  The group had to be in a meeting in a few hours, but she figured she had enough time to dance around a bit before hand.  She slid out her  iPod and flicked through the songs.  She stopped on one ( ) and started to let her body take over.  She closed her eyes and felt the beat throughout her body.  As the song ended she opened her eyes and was surprised to find the girl from earlier watching her.  'What was her name?  Haneul?'  Kris wondered and the girl started walking towards her.  Kris pulled off her headphones and the other girl reached out her hand.  "I'm sorry for back there, I wasn't thinking straight.  My name is Haneul.  It is nice to meet you."  Kris nodded her head gingerly and let out a soft, "I'm Kris."  She avoided touching the other's hand, still not sure about her.  "Oh you're shy.  That's so cute. Girls around here will just eat that up."  Kris was fed up with this chick and picked up her stuff so she picked up her stuff and started to walk out of the practice room.  Haneul stopped her and whined, "Kris oppa, what is your type?"  Kris really didn't want to say anything that would bring more attention, but if it would keep people away she had to.  "Lay off I'm gay!"  Kris snapped and the other girl froze in her tracks.  "You're Kris right?" a voice said and the girls both turned to find a man in a suit standing there.  Kris smiled sweetly, "Yes."  The man motioned for her to follow and she smirked back at the still shocked girl.


Kris followed the man, wondering where they were going or what they were doing.  The man led her into a room with the rest of the twelve members. He turned to the girl and glared, "Gay?  Why did nobody tell me that there was a gay member to the group.  I know there is a girl, but I can't handle that and a gay kid!"  Kris looked down at herself.  "Yes I like boys, just like any other girl."  She shuffled a bit and the group snickered.  "Oh okay.  I am Han your manager."  The group introduced themselves.  Han looked through a folder he had and looked up at the twelve.  "Instead of Mystery Twelve as you guy have been known, we need to come up with a new name."  The group discussed a few and had no ideas.  They had exhausted most with feasible reasons.  Kris smiled a bit, "What about Z.W.O.L.F.  Standing for Zero Worries Over Life's Factors.  It is also German for twelve"  A wave of agreement ran across the room.  "So it is decided.  We are Z.W.O.L.F.  Fighting!" Their manager yelled with the group repeating.


Zwolf made their way back up to their rooms after some practicing and other brainstorming sessions.  Exo was coming out of their room as they exited the elevator.  Most of Exo skirted around the group without their usual friendliness.  Kris was confused about this until BaekHyun grabbed his arm.  "Are you really gay?" he asked and Kris let out the breath he had been holding.  "No, but if I didn't say anything she looked like she would have made out with me then and there.  Then there would have been problems."  Exo's sighs were heard from down the hall and they smiled happily back at Kris.  Kai gave a confused look to Kris, "Why would that have been a problem?  Haneul is hot and I'm sure she would let anyone hit a home run with her."  He pretended to hit a baseball then his hips in victory at his 'Home Run'.  Kris shook his head, "I'm not giving my first kiss to someone I don't like.  Either way she isn't my type."  All of the boys looked at the boy in astonishment.   Sang spoke up, "Wait, you haven't had your first kiss?"  Kris blushed and shook his head.  Jay walked up and pinched the younger's cheeks, "Aww what a cute little innocent brother I have.  Have you even been in a relationship."  Kris slapped away his older brother's hand and stomped into their room.  Seok laughed a little, "No he hasn't.  I asked him about that the other day."  The group laughed a little bit before going about their night time routines.

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!