
Mystery Twelve

Kris rounded the corner as the front door to the building swung closed.  She quickly followed, but cursed the boys long legs for he was already half way down the street.  Regardless she kept running hoping that he would eventually stop or slow down.  Soon he had gotten too far ahead of her and she lost him in a busy clubbing section of town.  Kris scanned the crowd, but didn't catch a glimpse of the Chinese boy any where.  She leaned up against one of the buildings and touched her face, only to find that it was all wet.  She caught sight of herself in a car window and realized that there were tears pouring down her face.  Her breaths were now shaky and she sunk down to sit on the ground next to the building.  She sobbed for a while  until hearing her name be called out.  Kris looked up, but couldn't quite make out the figure through the tears.  Whoever they were squatted down and wiped away some tears, not particularly helping because they were just replaced with new ones.  They sighed and helped her to her feet.  They started to walk towards what Kris hoped was the dorms, but she had abandoned all sense of direction hours ago.  The person kept a tight grip on her hand and tugged her ever so slightly out of the way of oncoming people.  As they walked along Kris' tears began to run out and her vision started to clear.  


Kris took the chance to look over at her savior.  She froze to her place, "DongHae?"  She pulled her arm away from him and looked around, wondering what way the dorms are, or the police station.  DongHae raised his hands over his head and stepped back away from her.  "I promise that I won't hurt you.  I was just figuring that you would like to go home."  She sighed, knowing that out of that entire group DongHae was the only one she could trust, "Are we actually going back to the SM Dorms?"  He nodded, "Yes we are, unless you don't want to go there."  Kris nodded, "Then lets go.  I have to pack and talk to some people before I leave."  They started towards the dorms and he eyed her cautiously, "How come every time I see you you're running away from there for one reason or another?"  The corners of her lips curled up into a bitter smile, "Because I don't belong there."  A tear streaked down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away.  He threw an arm over her shoulder, but she pulled out of it.  "I might trust you, but that doesn't mean that I have forgiven you for what you did."  He nodded, knowing very well that he deserved it, if anything he didn't even deserve her trust.  They walked along, not really talking because they were too busy with their own thoughts.  As the SM building came into view DongHae stopped walking, "Well this is goodbye and good night for now.  Have a nice life Choi Kristy.  Good luck."  He waved then walked off.


Kris caught her inhaled deeply before walking in the building.  Inside the door was a panicked looking Jong Dae.  He jumped up and examined her, "Are you ok?  What happened?"  The girl brushed off the questions and looked around,  "Alright.  Uh, you know how I want that song right?"  He nodded and she smiled sadly back, "Good.  I'm counting on you for it."  He was confused, but she left him to head up to her floor.  She took the stairs two at a time, knowing the sooner she was gone the less of a mess she would make.  When she got to her floor she took another deep breath before walking out into the hall.  She took in every door as she walked past them and opened her own.  She quickly and quietly put her stuff in her trunk, trying not to wake Jay up.  As she finished packing everything she sat down at the desk, writing letters to a few people that she felt needed explanations, but couldn't handle telling them to their faces.  A few tears fell as she was writing, but she knew that now was not the time for this, when she desperately needed to be leaving soon.  She stood and softly pecked her brother's forehand.  "I'm sorry"  She whispered and left one of the letters on her bed.  She picked up her trunk and drug it out into the hall.  She paused at Sang and Jong's door and slid the second letter underneath it.  She also paused at Baekhyun's door to tape one on the the outside with his name written on it.  


Finally Kris got to Kris and Chanyeol's room.  She knocked and listened to the little bit of rustling around before it opened revealing a sleepy Chanyeol.  The girl bit her lip, "Is Kris there?" The boy shook his head and she sighed, "Well could you give him this when he gets beck please.  And tell him I'm Sorry"  Kris handed him the envelope and Chanyeol eyed her and then her trunk.  "What are you doing?"  He asked and she smiled bitterly, "Playing Houdini."  His eyes widened, "No."  He grabbed a hold of her arm, but she just pushed him off, "This won't be the last that you guys see me. I'll be around, just understand that this is evidently not the place I belong."  Before he could argue any more she grabbed trunk and started walking towards the elevator.  I opened up in front of her and she stepped in, surprised to find Chanyeol follow in. She pressed the lobby button, while he pressed every one on the way down.  He turned to her, his typical goofy self long gone.  "What about Kris?  Hmmm?  How do you think that he is going to feel about this?"  Chanyeol growled.  Kris looked away, "Kris won't mind that I'm gone.  In fact he might be happy."  He slightly laughed at her answer, "You really are an idiot.  He's head over heels for you and you think that he would want you gone.  I mean he decided he was gay for you and only you Kris and you're going to walk out on him just like that?"  She looked up and a tear slid down her face, "That's the problem Chanyeol.  He's not gay."  The giant smacked her on the head, "No it's more like his type is you.  I have never seen him like that around anyone."  


The door opened to the lobby and Kris walked out with her trunk in tow.  Chanyeol was still yelling at her when the door to the lobby opened and the tall blonde figure that Kris had chased around Seoul stepped in.  The girl held her breath and suppressed the tears threatening to fall.  Chanyeol turned to his room mate, "Kris will you tell your boyfriend that he's being stupid and that you really do like him."  The elder just glanced at the girl then turned so he was looking away.  She couldn't hold it together anymore and began to cry softly as she tugged her stuff out the door and hailed a taxi.  Chanyeol just stared at the boy in front of him in disbelief, "Why?"  Kris closed his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat, "We don't need that tainting our image."  Kris hoped that Chanyeol didn't notice the puffy eyes and water trails down his face, but the younger saw everything and decided that everybody just needed some rest for the night.

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!