Running From Lions [Part 2]

Mystery Twelve

After Kris finished his s'more hot chocolate he paid a tip and took note of the place to bring Kristy back to later.  He looked down at the map and the next thing looked like it was right on the corner.  He glanced down that way and saw a boy selling news papers.  Kris walked that direction and the boy pulled out a piece of paper.  "Are you the guy that I need to give this to?"  Kris nodded and the boy smirked and picked up a paper too, "Here she told me to give this to you too."  The Exo member thanked the boy and looked at the piece of paper, 'Sell me out I'm yesterday's old news'.  Kris raised an eyebrow and flipped through the news paper until he found a picture of the Zwolf member's with Kristy up on stage. 


The map on the back of the paper pointed him towards a art museum.  Kris walked in and spotted Min and Heon hitting on some girls.  Kris stepped up and rested his arms on the boys' shoulders.  They turned around and smirked at him.  "Sorry ladies but we have to help prince charming find his princess"  The girls went away and the two boys pulled Kris around the exhibits.  They often kept going past a painting that said I hate you over and over again with a single I love you in the bottom corner, and Kris was tired of it.  "Is there any particular reason that you two are here?"  He asked and the two looked at each other.  "Well we were supposed to be stalling you,"  Heon started.  Then Min sighed, "But Kristy gave us the okay that you could start going again,"  "But that was 10 minutes ago."  Heon finished and then tailed off.  They both then snapped their heads up to look at Kris. "How are you so dense?"  They both asked and pointed toward the bottom corner of the painting.  Kris took a closer look and noticed that the I love you was a totally separate piece of paper.  He walked over and peeled it off to find the same thing underneath, but that the piece that he had pulled off had words on the inside and a map on the back.  He felt embarrassed as he read, 'Phrases left on paper'  The map just pointed him towards another room that the group of boys had avoided.  Kris looked around the room, that was filled with ink blot tests.  In the center of the room was a single stool with a paper on it.  Kris walked over and opened it, 'Black ink bleeding through'.  Min and Heon handed him an envelope with some cash and waved as they ran out of the building.  Kris looked down at the map and hailed a cab to take him there.


Kris entered the novelty shop and looked around.  He didn't know what he was looking for and the old shopkeeper stopped him.  "Could you be that boy that I need to give this to?"  She held up a journal.  Kris looked down at it and flicked it open 'The pages where we made our history' was printed on the first page, but there was no map.  Kris flicked through the rest of the pages the first one he came to said, 'Call me foolish...'  He sighed and kept flipping until he got to the last page, 'I feel hopeless...'.  Still no map, he groaned and snapped the journal shut.  The old lady tapped him on the shoulder and pointed towards the back door. 


Kris ran out the door, to find a sign just outside of it, 'Running from lions never felt like such a mistake' There was an arrow pointing down the alley and he sprinted down it.  The next sign said the same thing and pointed him down another narrow street.  The one after that still had the same saying, and pointed towards another alley.  Kris almost missed the next one because he was running so fast.  It was on a door 'Running from lions never felt like such a...'.  Kris lightly opened the door and the voice that he had been craving sounded through the halls, "And don't forget we've got unfinished business,"  Kris waked down the hall, "Stories yet to unfold,"  He opened the door at the end of it, "Tales that must be retold"  He took a deep breath and stepped through the door way... into the kitchen, "And I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness,"  He was at the kitchen door, "Keeps me wanting"  he opened the door, "Keeps me wanting more."  He turned to find Kristy staring at him from the small stage.  (Well the entire group of Zwolf and Exo members were staring at him too, but he didn't really pay much attention to them.) 


Kristy set down her mic and walked over to him.  Then hesitated a couple steps away from him.  Kris wasn't so hesitant with those last few steps, nor scooping her up in his arms and planting a kiss right on her lips.  It was the perfect mix of urgency and sweetness, with a hint of forgiveness in there.  "Alright!  That's enough!  Kristy you are still my little sister and Kris, I will kick your later like a brother should do."  Jay said and slid his arms in between the two.  Kristy's face was that beautiful red color that Kris had missed so much and she s her hand into his, "I'm sorry, for everything."  She pulled him towards a staircase and the group of boys started to follow until they were stopped by a piercing glare from her.


Before Kristy opened the door to the roof she covered Kris's eyes.  She kicked the door open with one foot and hopped out with him.  She lead him out a little ways before taking her hands from his eyes and resting them on his shoulders.  When he opened them up she was standing in front of him.  He glanced around to find a blanket a couple steps away with the hat he had picked up in the middle.  Kris looked curiously at the girl and she smirked as they sat down.  


"Can I show you the magic that I learned while playing Houdini?"  Kristy asked and pulled the hat towards her.  The older nodded slightly and she pulled out a candle.  "I hear that you met a fire breather today."  She said nonchalantly.  He nodded, "He said that you also play with fire."  Kristy chuckled, happy that he had played right into the next part.  She took the candle wick between her fingers and snapped, igniting a flame.  "A little bit." She peeked up at the boy, who looked amazed.  She set the candle down in between them and reached into the hat again.  This time she pulled out the flowers that Kris had picked up earlier.  Now they were in a vase and she set them down.  Kris clapped and she held up a finger, "Wait I believe that I also have dinner in here too."  Kristy put her hand in and felt around before huffing angrily.  She brought her hand back out.  "It should be in here somewhere."  She said as she stuck her head into the oversized hat.  When she pulled it off, a phone fell out of it onto her head.  She stuck her lip out and pouted, "Well I guess that will work."  Kris was thoroughly amused and laughed a bit when she call and said, "The magic word is please!"  She hung up and he raised an eyebrow at her, "Any more tricks up your sleeve?"  She shrugged.  The door opened and a guy that Kris had never seen before came out and set down a plate of spaghetti in between the two.  Before he could leave Kristy grabbed a hold of his pant leg.  "Kris this is Nagito.  He's my boss here and let us use the place."  Nagito waved and then ran back into the building.


The two ate happily, until Kristy paused.  "Okay so I might have a couple more fire tricks,"  She said and grabbed the forgotten journal that Kris had laid next to him.  She opened it to the last page that had said 'I feel hopeless'.  She waved the page over the candle's flame and a x appeared through feel and above it said felt.  She peered up to make sure that Kris was understanding that she was talking about her leaving.  When she was sure he got the message she flicked to the 'Call me foolish' and went to work on it.  It ended up saying 'Call me foolish for leaving, but I was never really wanted anywhere before after something even minor happened.'  Kris placed his hand on her thigh and smiled, "Why wouldn't I want you?  Even after that."  Kristy smiled and turned to the front page that  soon said 'These pages where we made our history start...'  Kris didn't understand, until the girl grabbed the page from the museum that said I love you on it and waved it over the fire.  Behind the words now had the word here and Kristy smiled at him and whispered, "I love you."


Kris leaned forward and caught Kristy's lips in a sweet kiss.  Fireworks went off and the girl giggled as he pulled away.  "I told you I had a few more tricks."  They watched the fireworks go off and she laid her head on his shoulder.  "You picked well." She whispered and he nodded.  "I know I have the best girlfriend in the world."  One hand rested on her waist and the other took a hold of her chin and turned her face so he was looking her directly in the eyes.  She bit her lip, "I'm out of actual fireworks but,"  She sat up and kissed him again then pulled away, "But, I like these fireworks better."  They continued 'making fireworks' until there was an awkward cough by them.  They glanced up to find another guy Kris didn't know.  "The rest of the guys already left and Nagito and I would like to go home, are you guys almost done?"  Kristy blushed, "Ya, do you need us to help clean up?"  The guy shook his head, "No, just take whatever your taking home with you.  That means the candle and the hat and books and the boy."  She giggled, "Thanks Ike.  Oh by the way Kris this is Ike my co-worker.  Ike, my boyfriend Kris."  Ike smiled, "You are one lucky bastard, ya know?"  Kris nodded and helped Kristy pick up their stuff.  


After they had gotten everything they walked out the front doors.  Kris turned in the direction of the SM Building, but was stopped by the hand in his.  "Please stay, just for tonight."  He turned to see the puppy dog eyes and melted and let her lead him to her place.









So the song that Kris was running around to was Running from Lions by All Time Low.   Link is here:

So this story is soon coming to a close... ( ; _ ; )  And there may or may not be in the next chapter.... This all depends on how devious I am feeling while writing it ^.^

And I didn't plan for my back picture thing to ever work into the story and it just happened!!  My mind was blown!!

... Anyways Love You Lots Like Tater Tots! and I appreciate you reading my story!!  You all just make my day!! ^.^

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!