Good Riddens

Mystery Twelve

Kris was laying on his bed when a knock was heard faintly at the door.  He walked over and opened it up to find Jay.  "Hey are you planning on being up for a while." He nodded and Jay smiled, "Good, could you go check on Kris in a few hours or so.  He is still working on the song, but I don't want him up all night and if someone doesn't tell him to go to bed while he's working on stuff he won't go to bed."  Kris chuckled a bit, but nodded again, "No problem.  Good night."  Jay waved and headed towards his own room.  Kris closed the door and flopped back on his bed.  Chanyeol looked up from his book and eyed him curiously, he had been out of it since after lunch.  The boy closed the book and asked "What's up with you?"  Kris said something into his pillow that Chanyeol couldn't make out.  "Damn it Kris if you are going to speak, actually say it so I can hear you."  He scolded the older who rolled over and glared at him.  "I was really hoping to spend some time with Kris today before we leave, but he had stuff going on all day."  Chanyeol snickered, "Awe.  Poor love sick puppy didn't get his Kris fix today. Poor thing, do you need a hug?"  He started to stand up, but was stopped by the incoming pillow.  "Will you listen to me you giant derp?  Or should I just mumbled into my pillow again?"  Kris asked and the Korean motioned for him to continue with his story.  "You see, he's been busy with practicing a bunch lately and I haven't been able to see him.  I mean, I am happy that he is getting ready to go out on the stage.  I think it is where he belongs, but I wish that I could hide him away and keep him for myself at the same time.  And then, for today, not being able to see him before I leave for 3 weeks is kind of driving me crazy."  Kris turned to the younger, looking for some sort of sign that would ease his nerves, but it never came.  Instead Chanyeol smiled, "You should talk to your boyfriend about this and not me."  Kris groaned and glanced over at the clock, it was nearing one in the morning and he remembered what Jay had told him.


Kris walked with a little bounce in his step down to the recording booths.  Despite his sour mood earlier, he was still quite happy to see Kris and hoped that they could talk for a while before going to bed.  Secretly, the Exo boy just wanted to snuggle with him all night, but he wasn't counting on it, knowing the younger.  He paused for a second in front of the door to get his thoughts under control.  As he stood there, someone in the room started an instumental.  Kris smirked, knowing who the soft strumming of the music belonged to.  The boy decided to quietly sneak into the room, so he wasn't disturbing them while they listened.  He slid open the door and stepped in side.  There was Kris leaning back in a chair, but what surprised Kris was that the guy, the boy couldn't recall his name, went and sat next to the Exo member's boyfriend.  Kris thought nothing of it besides that they were going to talk a little more about the song.  


"Yes?" the younger said, but Kris was not expecting the guy to grab a hold of his lover's neck and lightly the front.  He was pissed, thinking that Kris was cheating on him with this random guy, but nothing could have prepared him for the next words.  "You're a girl."  Jong said, yes Kris now remembered his name, and he was now waiting for the younger to deny it.  But it didn't come, instead Kris leaned over and whispered, so quietly that the older had to strain his ears to hear it.  "Please don't tell anyone."  As soon as it was said, it reverberated in Kris's ears, but really didn't make any sense.  He stared blankly ahead until his wits came back and he realized that he was still standing in the room with his, boyfriend? girlfriend? lover?, no his Ex, who apparently didn't trust him enough to tell him that he was a girl.  Kris fumed and stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him.  He could hear the door open as he turned the corner and knew that she would be coming for him, but he wasn't ready to talk to her.  Instead he quickened his pace, using his long legs to his advantage.  Kris made his way out into the streets and could still hear her behind him.  Quickly, he headed towards a busy section of town, hoping the crowd would cover him.  


As they got further into the hustle of people, Kris ducked into a club and flashed his I.D. at the security.  They let him in, no questions asked and he headed towards the bar.  The bartender came to him and asked about what he wanted, "Whatever you got.  I've got people to forget."  He nodded and mixed him something.  Kris wasn't quite sure what it was, but it stung on the way down.  Normally he wouldn't have liked it, but tonight it complimented his stinging heart perfectly, so he ordered another.  After about his third, a girl approached him and leaned into him, with her too little dress and her overly fake s.  "Hey there handsome." she whispered in an attempt to be seductive, but to Kris it sounded like she had a cold.  He raised his eye brow as she smiled at him.  "Do you want to have some fun with me?"  she asked and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.  "No."  He said bluntly and she whined, "But oppa."  Kris rolled his eyes and leaned down so he could look her in the face, "I'm sorry, but I'm apparently only into cross dressers, who are shy as hell and have natural s."  They girl look offended and slapped him across the face before walking off.  He glanced down at his phone and noticed that it was nearing 2 and the bar would soon be closing.  He stumbled slightly out in the street and started heading back to the dorms.  He got lost  few times and found that it took forever to get places when you are drunk.


As the building came into sight Kris got nervous.  'What if she is still there?  Will she leave?  How exactly am I supposed to call her? Is Kris even her real name?  Is she actually Jay's younger sister?  Heck does the company know about this?  Who all knows?  How come she didn't tell me?' He tugged at his hair as she thought these and earned some strange looks from the people passing by.  He finally decided that he should probably go in and hope that he could avoid the other until about noon.  As he opened the door to the dorms the elevator opened, revealing the one person he was hoping not to see and Chanyeol.  Chanyeol was yelling at her, telling her not to go, but she ignored him and stopped when her eyes fell on Kris. He could tell that she wanted to say something so badly, but he knew that if he heard that voice that he wouldn't be able to hold himself together anymore.  Kris was thankful when Chanyeol spoke, "Kris will you tell your boyfriend that he's being stupid and that you really do like him."  The older's heart hurt knowing that this wasn't the case anymore.  He took the chance and glanced at the girl, before turning away, regretting looking at her.  Her face looked like she was in so much pain and Kris couldn't take it, especially when he heard her soft sobs.  Chanyeol's eyes were wider than D.O.'s as he stared down his room mate, not knowing what is happening.  He let out a feeble, "Why?"  Kris swallowed the lump in his throat and worked to keep his voice from cracking, "We don't need that tainting our image."  As he said this, the door was heard and he silently thanked the heavens that she was leaving before he could come to his senses.  


Kris turned from Chanyeol, hiding the remains of his tears and started walking towards the elevator.  Chanyeol followed his and they walked in silence into their room.  Before Kris could even get two steps in, the younger already had him pinned to the wall.  His eyes reflecting a light shade of blood red, "What the hell?"  Kris bit his lip to keep from crying again, then commanded "Could you put me down?"  Chanyeol let go of him, making him drop to the ground.  The boy then leaned over and slapped him, "Don't you village idiots understand that you love each other more than anything?  I tried to tell your boyfriend that you were gay, just for him, but no he tells me you're not gay.  Then you go and ing chase him off?  What the hell happened between you two?"  He felt like the bad guy today yelling at these two, but it had to be done.  Kris glared at him, "I'm not gay and that is not my boyfriend.  I never had a boyfriend."  He started to get up off the ground, but the Korean pushed him back down, "Then what was he to you?  Huh? You told me earlier that you wished that you could keep him all to yourself and not share him with the world, and now you're making sure the door hits him as he walks out?"  "KRIS IS A ING GIRL!"  Kris roared back and Chanyeol just stared at him.  "No he's not.  He can't be." the younger replied, but took a step back out of shock.  Kris was hot again, "Oh hell yes he can.  Just think about it Yeol.  Never had a , didn't particularly care for girls, always took showers up here in the dorm rooms instead of in the changing rooms like everyone else, did his own laundry, and the other Zwolf members were pretty protective over her.  Wonder why?"  The younger sat down on his bed, trying to take everything in.  He glanced over and saw the letter from Kris laying there and tossed it at his room mate.  "I'm guessing there is your answers."  he whispered.

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!