
Mystery Twelve

Jong Dae walked into the SM Building the next day.  He was torn between telling the guys about Kristy and letting her tell them herself.  When he would start to lean towards the first, the image of her pained face after talking about Kris came to his head.  "Aish, what am I going to do?"  He said, but had been too caught up in his thoughts, that he failed to notice the person in front of him.  He ran into the tall blonde, "Ah, sorry."  Kris looked down at the person who ran into him and instantly regretted it.  Memories that he had been hiding from came rushing back and greeted him with a sting to the heart.  He quickly ran out the doors of the building, leaving a confused Jong Dae behind.  Kris ran to the park and sat down on the bench that he had found Kristy playing her guitar.  He sighed and recited her words from that night, like he did every time he went to the park, "Love is so bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.."  No matter what he did he couldn't forget anything about 6 months ago.  He remembered her smell, her voice, the gentleness of her touch and the way her eyes would sparkle every time that he would be around.  And he missed it.  He missed her soft giggling and red face when she would get caught staring at him.  He missed the seductive side of her that came out ever so often.  He missed how she would whisper sweet nothings at him when he hugged her.  He miss it all.


Kris sighed and looked over the people in the park.  There were children playing in the grass and a little ways away a group of girls were giggling and pointing his direction.  But they didn't catch his eye like the short haired girl sitting on one of the swings.  She was letting the swing sway back and forth, but didn't particularly look interested in it.  Her eyes were glued to him and showed a glint of something that he had seen in his own too many times.  He managed to make eye contact with her and she brought the cigarette that he hadn't noticed in her hand to .  She closed her eyes and he saw the relief wash over her face before she dropped her hand.  She exhaled and glance back at Kris.  Her face contorted into one of extreme pain for a second, then she looked away and stood up.  Kris couldn't help but think that he knew the girl and stood also.  She walked away from him and he had to jog to catch up.  "Hey." He said, as he stepped next to her.  When she looked at him, her eyes widened then she smiled devilishly.  "Hello beautiful."  She said in Japanese and he furrowed his brows.  "Uh sorry I don't know what you said."  "That's okay babe.  Just let me tell you that I love you before I leave again."  She said in Japanese then leaned up to plant a peck on the boy's cheek.  The girl then ran off and Kris watched.  He was confused as to what just happened and touched the place where she had kissed him.  That spot seemed to be radiating more heat than the rest of his face and  he felt as if this had happened before.


Suddenly it hit him like a brick.  He ran in the direction she had gone, but couldn't find her.  "God damn it Kristy!  Why couldn't you be normal and just say it was you!"  He yelled and hit a wall.  People gave him weird looks and distanced themselves a bit further.  Kris touched the spot where she had kissed him again.  In his heart he knew that she really didn't want to be away and hoped that she would turn up like this again.  But, he also knew Kristy well enough to know that it isn't going to be that simple and he is going to have to find her.  He groaned and scanned the crowd again before heading back to the dorms.


Kris walked into the cafeteria to find the guys at their normal table.  Jay was sitting at the end next to Jong Dae, and Kris thought that he would be the best person to talk about Kristy with.  He quickly went and sat across from the Zwolf member.  Jay felt the gaze come upon him and looked up, "Yes?"  The Chinese boy twiddled his fingers for a second before asking, "Have you seen Kristy lately?"  Jay was shocked at the question, "No.  She still refuses to tell us anything about where she is.  Why do you ask?"  Kris shrugged, "I guess I saw someone today that kind of did everything like her.  I thought it was her, but she was different."  Jong Dae's eyes shot up, "Like how different?"  "Well you see I was at the park, and there was this girl who was sitting on the swings.  She was watching me, but she looked, I don't know, sad?  And then before she left she looked hurt.  And I thought I knew her so I caught up with her and tried to talk to her, but she was speaking in Japanese and I didn't know what she was saying.  Then she kissed my cheek and vanished.  It came out of nowhere, but I could have sworn it was her." Kris explained and Jong Dae had to suppress his giggles.  'Oh Kristy.  Maybe you are coming around.' he thought and noticed the smirk on Jay's face.  "Sounds like my sister.  I had to learn like 5 different languages without her knowing, because when she is being direct and straight forward she would always say it so nobody understood.  It was a real pain in my if you ask me."  


Kris bit his lip, "She was also smoking."  Jay openly laughed, "Swings and cigarettes.  Definitely my sister."  Jong eyed him, "Are you being sarcastic or serious?"  The boy just chuckled, "Dead serious.  That girl's favorite place has always been a park, but it always had to have swings.  Something about flying away or some crap like that."  Jong shook his head, "I was meaning the smoking parts, but alright."  Jay scratched the back of his neck, "Well you see.  Kristy is kind of like a, well, water balloon I guess.  She bottles everything up inside until she explodes.  So after the explosion or even before, she gets self destructive.  I mean she is dying emotionally, so her mindset is why not die physically too?  She did this a while ago after one of our cousin's died.  He was the only person in our family besides me that acknowledged her existence and enjoyed being around her.  He died and she almost went with him, luckily Sang found her passed out at none other than a park.  She O.D.ed on... God I don't even remember what she was doing at the time, but it was bad.  At least now it is just cigarettes and hopefully nothing worse."  Jay gave off that vibe, saying not to ask any more questions.  He finished his food then ran off to his room.  Kris sighed, "I wish that she would just come back.  I am over the whole girl boy thing.  I just want her to be here now."  Jong suddenly had a wonderful idea, "Why don't you just say that.  I mean if she still cared bout you, wouldn't you think that she would still be watching you through the media?  Just say something like you had a crush on this girl recently and she cut off all contacts with you and you wish to see her again.  She'll get the idea."  Kris thought this over before nodding, "Maybe."









So I kind of forgot to put up the picture of what Kristy looks like now.... So I am going off this picture


And P.S. I'm sorry if you don't like her now.  I promise she'll get better as the the story gets better again!

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!