
Mystery Twelve

Kristy hailed a taxi.  "Seongnam please."  The driver nodded.  As they got closer, she gave him directions to her house there.  She smiled as she stepped out and looked up at the apartment complex.  Kristy quickly paid the driver then walked into the building.  She made her way up the fourth floor and down to door 439 and punched in the code 5747, the numbers coordinating with 'KRIS'.  She walked into a small apartment, but she didn't mind.  It had been her hide away for five years.  She had scraped together the money from odd jobs every month to pay for it.  Her parents knew nothing about it, heck nobody knew anything about it except her.  She had spent countless hours there over the years to escape from the hell that she call home.  As she walked in she flicked on her stereo.  She froze as Exo-M's Angle started playing.  She dropped her stuff and stared at the radio like it was trying to kill her.  A tear rolled down her cheek and she threw a shoe at it out of frustration.  It hit the radio and knocked it clean off the table it sat on.  Kris's mouth dropped open as it shattered on the floor.  "!" she yelled.


After Kris put her stuff away she went out to get food and go job hunting.  As she was walking through the streets, she glanced up at a sign on a bar, advertising that they were looking for an entertainer.  She laughed, knowing that how much that performing might bring back bad memories, it was also her escape  She walked into the bar and the guy behind the counter looked her over.  He set down the rag in his hand and leaned forward on the bar on his elbows, "Hey there cutie.  What can I get for you?"  "Um, can you hook me up with a job?" She asked biting her lip. "I might be able to pull a few strings, but first, do you speak Japanese?" He flashed her a smile and she nodded.  "Alright I'll go grab the owner, by the way I'm Ike"  He shook her hand, before disappearing through a door behind the counter.  He soon returned with a lighter skinned boy, who looked younger than Kristy.  She smiled and the owner held out his hand, "I'm Nagito.  I hear you are looking for a job here." "Kristy and yes I am." she lightly shook his hand and he looked her over.  "Can you sing?" he asked while still examining her.  "Yes." She quickly answered and he motioned for her to begin a song.  She closed her eyes and let the little bit of nervousness she had melt away as the first note came out. (The song she sang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bQP2QPeR_0 )  She kind of forgot there were people there and was startled when the end of her song was greeted with clapping.  She opened her eyes and ran her hand through her hair, feeling a bit embarrassed.  They nodded their heads in approval and she smiled awkwardly.  


"Well, shall we sit down and talk over some stuff."  She followed Nagito into the back room that he had come out of earlier.  They sat down in some chairs and he looked her over again.  "How old are you?" he asked.  "I'll be 20 on Friday."  His eyes widened, "Really?"  She nodded, "Yep. So would I be able to start then?"  He started to nodded then paused, "Wait shouldn't you be spending your birthday out with your friends?"  She rubbed the back of her neck, "Um.  Well you see I really don't have friends right now."  Nagito frowned, but nodded, "If you get paper work filled out by then you get start doing stuff and would you be against possibly being a bar tender too?  It's just Ike and I, but we'll teach you how to do it."  Kristy nodded, "Ya.  That'd be perfect."  He handed her some papers then told her to turn them in asap.  They went back out into the main room and she waved at Ike.  As she walked out the boy called, "Hey Kristy!  Next time look like you belong in a club!"  She noted his words then turned to look some more around the area.


After getting home Kristy looked at all the things she had gotten.  Food that would last her for a while, cleaning supplies, a new stereo, and a tattoo.  She had gotten a star on her left wrist, to remind her about those dreams that she still had.  Also while she was out, she bought some clothes.  They were a little bit girly, but comfortable enough for her to be able to function properly.  As she put her stuff away, she noticed her phone sitting on her bed.  She had forgotten to take it with her earlier and was really thankful for that when she picked it up.  There were at least 30 calls, half from Jay, some from Sang and most of the rest were from the rest of Zwolf.  Kristy was even surprised to find one from Baekhyun among the collection of calls.  On top of the calls were a bunch of text messages.  They started out along the lines of "Where are you?" but the more recent ones were more "Be Safe.", "Don't forget to eat", or "I hope you found some place to stay"  She bit her lip to hold back to tears.  "Sorry," she sent to Jay and hoped that he wouldn't worry too much over her.  She instantly got a reply back, "CHOI KRISTY!!!  DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE HAVE WORRIED OVER YOU!!  EVERYONE HAS BEEN IN A DAZE SINCE THIS MORNING AND ALL OF YOUR NOTES!!!!  YOU HAD BETTER GET YOUR BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!! P.S. You should tell us where you are!!!"  She chuckled at her brother's baseless threats.  She quickly shot one back, "I'm Sorry, but I have to go my own way.  I'll contact you guys when I am ready."  After she hit send, she turned off her phone and tossed it somewhere in her room.  Then flopped on her bed to go to sleep.




So here is Nagito


and Ike


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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!