U-turns of the Heart

Mystery Twelve

Kristy walked back into the club after her talk with Jong.  She knew that she was being unreasonable about everything.  She knew that she should go back, or at least tell them where she was. She knew that she shouldn't assume Kris was over her before she knew anything for certain.  She walked into the back room to clean herself up again.  As she walked back out and towards the people waiting for drinks, Nagito stopped her.  "Take tomorrow off.  Go see who you need to see and start straightening stuff out.  You don't have to interact with them, but at least think about how you are going to make up with them."  Kristy smiled and whispered, "Thank you."  "And for god's sake tomorrow is your last light got it.  I am tired of seeing you depend on those damn things.  If you pity yourself that much that you can't go that long without a smoke then you might as well just go start treating your lung cancer now."  He yelled and snatched the box out of her pocket and pulled out a single one and handed it to her.  "Use it wisely."  He said and tossed the others into a trash can.  The girl chuckled and turned so she could get back to work.


After Kristy left to go back home she looked once again at her phone.  she decided that she would call Sang and take him up on the offer of her coming to their stage.  "I'll call him tomorrow."  she mumbled as she punched in her code.  She walked in and flicked on her radio.  "We have with us here now Exo-M"  It sputtered out and she turned towards the thing and was tempted to shut it off, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.  She just sat down on the floor and closed her eyes.  As the voice that she craved to hear came on she sighed, "Maybe I do need to talk to him."  She laid back and listen to the boys go on about life in SM, life on the road with the other guys, home life, and they even mentioned Zwolf in their interview.  Soon they left and Kristy stood back up and headed into the bedroom.  She laid down and got the first good nights sleep in a long time.


The next morning Kristy woke up and wondered what exactly she would do.  She decided that she would head towards the SM building and hope for the best.  As she walked she passed a little cafe that was selling stuff to eat.  Her stomach grumbled and she glanced over the pastries in the window before she walked in.  She grabbed a cinnamon roll and some tea before going on her way.  As she walked past the park, she glanced over and saw the open swings and smiled.  She hadn't visited a park since the time Kris had found her and snapped her guitar string.  Kristy giggled a bit before taking a spot on a swing.  She swayed back and forth and munched happily on her breakfast.  She had just sat back down after throwing her trash away, when she heard a few girlish squeals coming from the other side of the park.  She glanced over to where they were coming from and saw a tall blonde figure come into the park.  Kristy's eyes widened as he sat down at the bench.  I mean it wasn't that she just sat down at any bench, and he wasn't any tall blonde.  It was THE bench that THAT blonde kid had become friends with her on.  It was THE bench that THAT blonde had offered to buy her ice-cream.  It was THE bench that THAT blonde and her had had their first official conversation.  


Kristy sighed inwardly and was happy that she had one cigarette for the day, but she wasn't expecting to need it this early on.  Her eyes never left the boy as she pulled it out of her pocket and lit it.  She quickly took in a drag and let it out.  She watched as Kris said some words.  His low voice carried across the park to her and sent chills up her spine.  "Love is so bad, bad, bad, bad, bad."  Kristy bit her lip, knowing that she had totally set herself up to hear those words again at this place.  She continued to observe him from the swings.  His face held a mixture of pain and pleasure.  Kris opened his eyes and glanced around the park, then stopped on her.  She was surprised, sad, guilty and felt undeserving of his gaze.  She felt dirty and couldn't think of a way to rid herself of it.  'Ah cigarette' she thought as their eyes connected.  She brought it to and closed her eyes.  She believed that if she couldn't see him, that the small does of nicotine would make the pain that was taking over her cease.  It helped, well, for a second until she turned her head and he came back in her sights.  The pain came back, tenfold.  Not only was it the pain of seeing him and knowing that she hurt him too, but it was also the pain of knowing that running away was only temporary relief, just like this cigarette.


Kristy stood up, knowing that she need to figure a few things out before she could really face him.  First she really had to stop smoking.  As she walked out the park she exhausted it on a trash can lid before tossing it in.  She smirked, feeling lighter and decided that she also needed to clean up a bit of her acts at her job.  She felt pretty good about that, knowing that her performances were just like the nicotine.  Distraction from the pain.  "Hey" that low voice said next to her and she jumped.  ' !  How am I going to deal with this?' she thought, but then remembered that didn't have to deal with it quite yet. "Hello Beautiful."  She said in Japanese, letting a devilish smile grace her lips.  "Uh sorry I don't know what you said."  He said and she couldn't help but mentally fangirl over how hot his confused face was.  "That's okay babe.  Just let me tell you that I love you before I leave again."  She said and her body had already leaned forward to land a peck on his cheek before  she had really noticed it.  Kristy pulled away and quickly ran off before he could see the blush on her face.  She ducked into the cafe she had gotten her stuff from earlier and turned her back towards the front.  She jumped when she heard someone yell from outside the cafe, "God damn it Kristy!  Why couldn't you be normal and just say it was you!"  There was a thump from the other side of the wall next to her and she jumped again.  Then laid a hand over the top of the spot, "I'm sorry, but not yet."  She glanced over her shoulder and watched him look over the group of shopper in the area before heading back towards the SM Building.


Kristy sigh as she stepped back into her apartment.  She picked up her phone and punched in one of the few numbers that she knew by heart.  It rang twice before an eager but weary voice picked up, "Kristy?"  "Hey Sang." she replied softly.  "KRISTY!!  IT IS SO NICE TO HEAR YOUR VOICE!!  I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL YOUR BROTHER THAT YOU CALLED!!  HE'LL REALLY WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!"  He yelled and the girl held the phone away from her ear.  "Please don't.  I was kind of wondering if I could take you up on your offer.  But don't tell anyone, I kind of want it to be a surprise."  She pleaded.  "If you wanted it to be a surprise why did you tell me?  What if I wanted to be surprised too?"  Sang pouted.  Kristy giggled, "Well you are my best friend and I trust that you won't tell anyone if I tell you not to."  She heard the light laugh that she has known to represent safety and all thing good.  "Of course I'll give you the tickets, but you have to give me something in return."  He sounded like he was up to something.  Kristy bit her lip, "What?"  "You need to tell us where you are living." He said bluntly and she let out the breath that she had been holding, "Promise."  Sang squealed into the phone.  They made small talk for a while until Sang told her that Jong had just come back and that he had to go.  Kristy smiled as she snuggled into her bed and whispered, "Maybe it'll be alright."





A/N:  Oops... Didn't notice that I had two Jong's also..... Oh well..

BTW the one at the begining is the one that had helped compose the song (He was the one at the club) and the one at the end is Jong as in Jong and Sang... just so you know....

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!