First Meetings

Mystery Twelve

Exo-K got back from practicing and there were people moving into their hall.  "We should greet them." Sehun told Suho but the older rejected him saying, "They are probably too busy unpacking to deal with us."  Just as he finished saying this two of them came out of their room giggling and taped something to their door.  They high-fived and the brown haired one noticed the group of boys standing in the hall way.  He turned the other around and forced them both to bow.  The black hair one in his forced bow had smacked his head against the door and was now yelling at the other, still not noticing Exo.  "Hey! Heon!  What was that for?  Who are you in cohoots with?"  The black haired started to look around to find the youngers partner in crime when his eyes fell on Exo.  They widened and he quickly bowed, hitting his head again.  The other laughed, "That's what you get for thinking that I was working with someone else Min!"  The six watched this happen and chuckled a bit.  Chanyeol was the first to approach them.  "Hey.  I'm Chanyeol.  I am the rapper for Exo-K."  They gave a slight bow, "Ah a man of the trade.  I'm HyukMin, but everyone here calls me Min."  Said the one who had hit his head.  The other smiled, "I'm SeungHeon, but I go by Heon.  I also rap."  Chanyeol breifly introduced each of the other six then the three began talking and rapping.


The next group to come out bowed to Exo almost immediatly.  "Hello, I'm Woong.  I am a dancer."  The short one said smiling.  The taller one shifted, "I am SeungChan.  Painfully known as Channie, I also dance."  Kai and Sehin introduced the group and started talking with them.  "So how long does it take you guys to choreoraph your stuff?"  Kai asked them and they shrugged.  "If you want the real deal go talk to Kris.  He's kind of awkward and shy, but he is the master of the madness."  Woong said.  Kai wanted to meet this Kris kid, he sounded interesting.  Just then another two doors opened up with two boys comin out of each.  The group of taller guys walked up to join the other group to introduce themselves.  The taller brown haired one started, "Hello I'm SangGon.  Known as Sang.  I dance for our group."  He turned to the taller and elbowed him.  The other groaned, "I'm JongJin, otherwise known as Jong.  I also dance."  The short reddish haired kids spoke up cheerfully, "I am ChiHoon.  You may call me just Chi. I sing."  The last of their little group spoke happily too, "I'm HyunSeok, but everyone just calls me Seok.  I sing."  BaekHyun and D.O. introduced Exo (Including the ones they had lost along the way to other groups.)  Suho and Kai were now the only two not really chatting with the other group.  The leader turned to Kai, "Have you seen that guy that has the same name as me.  I want to meet him."  Kai shrugged and another two came out.  He groaned, still not seeing Kris.  Suho walked over and the others started introducing themselves.  "I'm DongHun, known as Dong.  I am a singer."  He bowed, taking the other down with him.  The other glared for a second at Dong before turning back to Suho and Kai.  "I'm Suho.  Maknae and singer."  He added a bit of aegyo at the end to make the other two smile.  Suho pointed out the members of exo, breifly introducing them before introducing himself.  "I'm Suho also.  I am Exo-K's leader."  The three began talking and Kai was impatient.  The last door wasn't opening and it was killing him.  He wanted to meet this Kris kid and talk over dancing stuff with him.


Finally Kai's patience broke and he walked down to the door.  'I want to meat this Kris kid so much and he just thinks it is fine to sit in his room being lazy.  I wont stand for it.' he thought as stood in front of the door.  After reaching it he became a little timid and debated actually knocking.  As fate would have it he wouldn't and the door swung open.  A short boy stood there with a peice of paper in his hand, looking confused.  Kai smiled, "Hi I'm Kai."  The boy looked back at the other in the room, slightly surprised.  "Ah sorry about him.  He's really shy and probably won't speak to you for another two weeks."  The other smiled and I recognized him as their group leader.  "Oh sorry, I haven't introduced myself.  I am Jay, the leader of our group and also a rapper.  That little fuzz ball in front of you is my little brother Kris.  He is our, well, jack of all trades, but I guess that doesn't really describe Kris.  More like God of all trades."  The younger glared at the other, blushing a deep red.  He stuck the paper on the door and ran down the hall towards the entry way, a wake of the name Kris following him.  Kai looked back at Jay, "Is he really that shy?"  Jay just nodded, "Afraid so.  Always has been, always will be. But I hope he'll get over it soon, if any of us are going to end up on stage it's that kid."  Kai raised an eyebrow, "Will it really take two weeks?"   The older nodded again.  He groaned, "I just wanted to ask him about the dance routines."  Jay smirked, "What about the dances?"  "How long do they take to put together and who does the choreography?"  He said bluntly.  "Kris does all of that in about, what I know of a week.  I'm sure his head is ticking with ideas all the time but he teaches us all and perfects it in that time.  All while playing to each of our strong points and working around everyone's schedual."  the brother shrugged and looked back to the stunned Kai whose mouth was practically on the floor.  "A week?  Your guys' stuff looks really complicated, how can you do that in a week?"  Jay snickered a bit, "I don't know how he does it.  But I do know that seprately our stuff is really simple and is made to be practiced anywhere at anytime.  With or without the group."  Kai shook his head, "That shouldn't be possible."  Jay smiled widely, "That kid is a genius, or an alein set to perfect us.  But then again I did watch his birth and the only thing extraterestrial about it was my mother's bug eyes."  He made his eyes as big as possible, making Kai laugh.


Kris ran down from her room, out the door and down the block to a park.  She shivered a bit, thinking back to the exchange that had happened moments earlier.  She had opened her door, saw Kai and panicked.  Then Jay had to go and say something embarassing like that great older brother he is.  She went and sat on a swing, swaying back and forth.  This week was just hard in general.  Her mother had taken to beating her again.  The girl pulled up her pant leg to examine the bruises underneath.  Most were a good golf ball size but there was one on her right thigh that was the size of a small watermelon.  It was by far the biggest and most painful she has had in years.  Kris leaned back letting the swing go as it wished.  She smiled a bit and swung higher.  Closing her eyes, she felt like she was flying.  She kept at it for a while, enjoying the momentary bliss, until a jolt of pain ran through her body.  She had turned her hip slightly and the seat had brushed against her thigh.  She quickly hopped off the swing and attempted to walk.  Another surge of pain left her sitting on the ground.  She pulled out her phone and found Sang's number.  "Kris what's the matter?" The boy answered almost immediately.  "I am at the park down the street and I kind of can't walk."  Kris stated calmly and let her boyish persona come over her.  "Why didn't you call Jay?"  The other asked and Kri could hear people talking in the background.  "Because he would blow this way out of proportion.  Could you please not tell him?"  The boy on the other end groaned in agreement then hung up.


Sang and Jong started towards the park with a curious BaekHyun following them.  Sang turned to the outsider and hardened his gaze, "If you say anything about this without Kris's permission I will make your life a living hell, so help me god."  BaekHyun nodded, a little scared and peered up at the other.  His eyes sent the same message.  They turned back and he followed immediately.  Kris was sitting on the ground in front of the swings and waved a bit when the boys were in sight.  He had on a weak smile when Sang ran to him.  "What did you do?"  Kris gulped and peered up at BaekHyun, then back to his friends.  He held his breath, puffing out his cheeks a bit.  Jong looked at BaekHyun and realized the problem.  He kicked Sang lightly on the back and nodded towards the other boy and Sang glared at the injured Kris.  "Are you really going to be like this now Kris?  I have been your best friend for 15 years, do you really think that I would bring someone with me that I didn't trust?"  BaekHyun looked around, feeling like he was not wanted he started to walk off only to be stopped by Jong.  "You're fine."  He said and then smiled a bit at the Exo member.  Kris leaned up and whispered something in Sang's ear.  Sang stared down at the boy.  "Again?" he asked, his voice clouded with concern.  Jong let go of BaekHyun's shoulder and squatted down next to the other two.  BaekHyun not knowing what to do, did the same and smiled a bit to the injured to lighten the mood.  Kris tried to smile back but had shifted a bit onto another bruise and it just came out as a grimice.  "Sorry.  I am not normally like this." He said trying to not scare off the new found friend.  BaekHyun nodded his head in acceptance.


Sang grabbed ahold of the younger's pant leg and pulled it up slightly revealing to the others the dark blue and black skin underneath.  BaekHyun stiffled a gasp, feeling that it would just make the situation more awkward.  He decided to look up at the leg's owner and saw that him and Sang were sharing an intense stare.  Jong cleared his throat, bringing them back to reality.  BaekHyun silently thanked him, he thought that if they had stared any longer he would feel like he was intruding on more of a personal moment than what he already was.  Sang looked down at the leg and back at Kris, his eyes scolding the younger.  Kris pouted a bit before giving up.  "If you flip out about that leg then you might die if you see my thighs."  He tried to make light of the situation but Sang gripped onto his arm.  "Why didn't you say anything?  Jay would have stopped her.  We could have let you stay at our house if you really needed it."  Kris shook his head and all of them could tell Sang was flustered.  Jong swiftly picked up the injured and started to carry him away with Sang and BaekHyun following a few steps behind.  BaeHyun stopped the other.  "What exactly is going on with him?"  Sang sighed, "His mother is a demon and his father is on the verge of disowning him." They walked in silence all the way back to the rooms.  "Oh hey.  BaekHyun, could you not say anything about what you saw today.  It would be a whole lot easrier if we all just said that I rolled my ankle or something.  I'm sorry we had to meet under this situation.  I hope we can be good friends."  Kris said and BaekHyun agreed to the rolled ankle bit.  They said their good nights and went to their own rooms.




I am sorry about the total seriousness of the ending of this chapter so I shall make up with BaekHyun flipping out on a light switch,


hehehehehe this makes everything ok I hope :)

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!