
Mystery Twelve

A week had passed and Kris did nothing to get rid of his crush on the older boy.  In fact it had kind of manifested as they got to know each other.  Somehow they had ended up spilling everything about themselves, well except for Kris being a girl.  That fact was still under wraps, quite literally too.  He had to start wrapping his chest better now that he was around the guys more often.  'Tch this is so annoying, I was already under average for a girl my age and now I have to press them in more.  Might as well just have it all removed.' He thought as he slid his compression shirt over the wrappings and then the rest of her outfit.  ( ) They were going to see Exo off at the airport and with all of the pictures being taken there, everybody had to look presentable.  The boy came out of his room to find all of Exo standing in the hall with their luggage.  "Hey, am I the first out?" He asked the group curiously.  "Yeah, I knocked on a few of the other doors but no one answered."  Lay said.  Kris smirked evilly, "Give me half a hour and I'll have everyone dressed and ready.  But I need to borrow one of you for about five minutes."  Chanyeol volunteered and Kris whispered the plan in his ear.  He smiled, "You are one devious person.  I couldn't imagine what you would do if someone messed with you for real."  Exo glanced at the two giggling people, slightly scared at what they were going to do.  "Don't you guys have bags to pack or something?  I would suggest leaving before we start."  Kris looked at them mischievously and they quickly left before they could get caught up in whatever was about to happen.


Exo was sitting at their breakfast table when Woong and Channie came in, both looked shook up.  "What happened to you guys?" Sehun chuckled.  Woong shook his head, "I don't even want to know why he has a pair of underwear that big and what he dipped them in to make that smell."  Channie laughed, "Oh I watched them make that. There was some vinegar and cologne and I think that they added some tomato juice too.  It was disturbing to watch, but I'm happy he woke me up like normal."  Jay stumbled out next. "So I take it Kris woke you guys up too.  I mean I could smell Kris's wake up works from your room.  God I don't know how he makes that stuff, but it has been perfected to hold every wrong smell in the universe."  Woong turned to the older, "What did he do to you?"  The other shivered, "I had ten rubber snakes in my bed.  I hate snakes and I don't know why he has ten or where they came from."  Exo stared at the boys, wondering what exactly was happening on their floor.  "Jay, why in hell does your little brother have ten whoopee cushions, every time I would roll over one wold go off.  And poor Suho had whipped cream all over him when I woke up."  Dong said as he walked over to the table.  Jay shrugged and Min and Heon walked in.  "Man, they are more trouble than us.  Our beds are somehow on top of each other, and I don't understand how Kris and Chanyeol did that, neither appear that buff."  Heon said with wide eyes, still unable to fathom what had happened.  Suho came down with Chi and Seok. "Those two are quite the team, we had a pitched up Barney cd playing in our room.  It was bad."  Chi chuckled and finally the culprits came down laughing with Jong and Sang.  Kris looked down at his watch, "Oh look Chanyeol it only took us twenty minutes."  The received death glares and that made them laugh harder.  Chanyeol pouted a bit, "We put everything back the way it was, no worries."  The group finished their breakfast and started heading out to the vans.  As repentance Chanyeol and Kris had to clear the table.


They made their way out to the vans and headed towards the open one.  Chanyeol slid into the seat next to Min and began chatting.  In the back of the van was BaekHyun and Heon who were beat boxing.  The only spot left was the one next to Kris.  Both Krises sighed in unison, the younger because he was once again forced to sit next to his crush, and the older because he really didn't want to leave.  He had just started to get to enjoy the young boy's company and weird quirks and now he was going to be gone for two weeks.  They stared at each other, not quite sure what to say.  "Hey you two up there!  Stop staring at each other like that!  It looks like you guys are going to like randomly make out, it's really weird."  Heon teased from the back and both looked away, embarrassed.  The van laughed at their reactions.  Chanyeol leaned forward and patted the younger Kris on the shoulder, "Do you wanna trade rooms with me so you can sleep with him too?"  He asked jokingly and the boy turned.  He raised an eyebrow and teased back, "Why sure. I'd love to."  The boys in the van let their mouths drop and looked at the boy.  Kris practically choked on the air and the other just laughed.  "My god, can you guys take a joke?  I am not that desperate."  The group chuckled awkwardly.  Kris decided to tease the younger a bit more, "What?  Am I not satisfactory for your tastes?"  Kris hoped the blush didn't reach his cheeks as he thought, 'More than satisfactory. Heck more like dream guy!'  contrary to his thoughts he said, "Sorry Kris but I don't think we're compatible.  You're a great friend and all but, no.  Just no."  The rest of the ride was slightly awkward but they soon arrived at the airport.


At the airport there were fans galore.  They snapped pictures, took videos and asked for autographs from Exo.  A couple even approached Zwolf, asking who they were.  When they told them they were a soon to debut group many said that they would support them.  Some even asked for signatures and pictures.  Kris, still not okay with attention, stayed towards the center of the group.  Exo's Kris went over and slung his arm around the younger.  "Intimidated?"  He nodded his head, "I don't think I'll be able to do this."  The other shook his head, "You'll get used to it, eventually."  "Ha you're telling this to the introvert.  You saw how I acted the one day when we preformed in the park.  And that was before I had to show my face to people."  The older stopped pulling the other off balance, "Wait you knew that we were in the park?"  Kris giggled, "Of course I knew you were in the park.  How could I not notice?  A group of twelve guys kind of stick out in a crowd of girls.  Even if there had been more guys, you have a very distinct look."  They started walking again and Sang came from behind, setting his head in between theirs and throwing his arms around them.  "Do you guys think you can handle two weeks away from each other?"  The younger pulled out of both of their arms and ran over to chat with BaekHyun.  Sang laughed a little, "That kid is to adorable for his own good."  Kris nodded back, "If I was gay he'd be my target."  Sang turned to the Exo member, "Are you serious?  You guys would be the cutest little couple ever!  I'm sure his door would swing that way for you too."  Kris blushed, "I don't think you're supposed to tell people that.  Especially people who have already questioned their uality around the kid."  Sang's mouth dropped, "You're kidding right?"  The other shook his head and turned, "Well I've got to go through security now. So I'll see you guys in two weeks."  The group gave their rounds of goodbyes and Zwolf waved as Exo disappeared through security.  Sang turned to Kris, "Seems you're not the only one having issues with your situation."  Kris stuttered a bit, "W-what?"

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!