
Mystery Twelve

It was finally time for the new trainees to move in.  Jay hugged his parents and they wished him well.  "You be careful my loving son and don't hurt yourself.  Jay fighting!"  His mother said to him and smiled.  Kristy came down from her room carrying her things and stopped in front of their parents.  "Well I think we should get going. Bye Umma and Appa."  She smiled and started towards them to get hugs of her own.  Their mother stomped off into the house and their father just stared at the girl.  "Don't screw this up."  He said coolly before leaving to find his wife.  Kristy looked at her brother, "Why do they hate me?"  He shrugged and gave her a hug.  She pushed out of his arms and swallowed to keep her tears in.  "Lets blow this popcicle stand."  She said smiling, but her voice quivered a bit at the end.  Jay nodded knowing that things weren't going to be pretty if they saw their parents again today.  The past week had been a living hell for his cute little sister anyway.  Their mother had been excited to hear he was going into SM but when Kristy brought it up she would explode.  More than once she had hit her only daughter this week and left a few bruises that Jay didn't know about until he bumped them.


The group had decided to use their bus to take them and their luggage to the dorms.  Jay and Kris boarded to find that they were the first to be picked up as usual.  They sat in their normal spots and chatted a bit before pulling up in front of the appartments Woong and Min lived in.  Kris thought about this, 'They live in the same appartments and see eachother every day but they really don't get along why?'  She had thought this before and even asked if they were gay lovers and didn't want anyone to know, but they had just told her there were family differences.  She understood that much,  Min was raised by his older brother, who later ran off to Vegas and got married to a show girl.  While Woong was with both of his VERY christian parents, who thought that Min and his brother were practically satan's reincarnations.  Well maybe not incarnations, they didn't believe in that.  When both families came out they practically had a compitition to see who loved their boy more.  Kris laughed when Min's family won and did a little victory dance before loading their stuff onto the bus.  The bus proceded in silence after leaving for Sang and Jong's house.


Sang and Jong were university students and room mates.  Sang's family was a well off loving family, who visited their son every couple of months.  When they got the boys' house his parents were there and practically smothering him with their love.  He pulled himself out of their fifth group hug and looked to Jong for help.  The taller boy snickered a bit at his friends predicament before going over and throwing the other over his shoulder like potato sack.  He was about to leave when the other's mother grabbed ahold of his arm and slipped something into his pocket.  Jong said something back and she justshook her head and gave her son one more kiss before letting them leave.  He threw Sang into the seat next to Kristy and she giggled a bit.  "Hey Jong! What you got there?"  Min asked playfully.  The older pulled the bottle out of his pocket and tossed it to the other before sitting in the chair infront of his room mate.  Min looked at the bottle then freaked out a bit, dropping it to the chairs in front of him.  "DUDE!  Why the hell did they give you lube!?!?"  He yelled and Jong stared coldly back.  "Sang's parents are just a bit too set on their son being gay that I have bottles of them laying everywhere in that house.  I am so happy that I don't have parents that do that."  Sang appologized for his parents and Kristy racked her brain for memories of Jong's.  From what she could remember they had bumped into them once and his parents had just brushed him off like they would an old friend.  'They are the type that couldn't care less about what I do or where I am.'  She remembered him saying once.  


"Kris.  Kris. Kris!  KRIS!!"  Sang said, waving his hand in front of the girl's face, but ended up having to punch her arm to get her attention.  She glared at him while he smiled innocently.  "We're at Channie's house."  She rolled her eyes and stood up and ran off the bus.  Channie lived by himself, Kris was pretty sure it was so he could sleep all day every day.  His paretns were loaded and he didn't even have to lift a finger for anything, well except for in the group, because Kris was a slave driver and perfectionist.  She bounded up his stairs and pulled out the key that was hidden under the door mat.  He had only been awake when they got there once and that was still the case today.  Kris was the only one who could get him up and keep him awake.  She pounded on his bedroom door before walking in and jumping on his bed, avoiding pulling his blankets off.  Knowing all too well that he slept in the and that if she made one wrong move she would be scarred for life.  "Channie!  You need to wake up!  We have to go!"  She yelled and he just rolled over.  She got off the bed and walked over to crouch in front of his face.  "Wake up or I will pull the covers off of you."  She whispered and he bolted up to swirl them a bit more around his body.  They glared at eachother until he walked off mumbling something about her being the devil in discise.  "Channie you're gonna need a bit more clothing to come out you know."  She yelled towards the bathroom.  He came out, still with the sheets wrapped around him and mumbling.  He was bright red and said something that resembled a thank you while getting his clothes.  He motioned towards his suitcase and she got the idea.  Durring the elders quick shower she had pulled his couple things of lugage outside and waited for him.


He came out just as the bus was pulling up.  That had always been the routine.  As she woke up Channie (Which took forever)  the bus would leave and come back with the other members.  Kris sat back down with Sang and talked a bit with him and Jong until they got to the dorms.  It was about noon so the building was desrtes of life except for the few employees here and there.  The lady who had given them their tour took them to their rooms.  The hall way had 12 rooms, but everyone was sharing rooms, so they only took up half.  They were soon spit up into their pairs: Kris and Jay, Jong and Sang, Suho and Dong, Min and Heon, Chi and Seok, and lastly Woong and Channie.  "Who lives over there?"  Heon asked, pointing to the oter side of the hall way.  The lady lookedat the doors and back at the boys in front of her, "That is where Exo stays when they are here."  Chi's eyes widened, "Wait you're saying that we're floor mates with Exo.  The Exo."  The lady nodded and he did a little happy dance.  "But you are not to disturb them."  She told them sternly and the group nodded. She started to walk away but Jay stopped her.  "Are we allowed to put suff on the outside of our doors.  I mean I love these guys and all but I don't want them accidentlally in my room."  The group glared at him, but then finally got what he was meaning.  The lady gave them the go on putting stuff on the doors, then left.  Eveyone went to unpack and make their signs.


Kris opened her suitcase.  She put the clothes that she had in her dresser, but didn't know what to do with her underwear.  She had boxers, but always wore them over her regular underwear.  On top of those she also had her compression tank tops that helped flatten her chest out along with her multitude of sports bras.  She sighed and turned to her brother.  "What should I do with these?"  He nodded towards the trunk at the base of her bed.  "Just put them at the very bottom and cover them up.  You can lock it and most people will just figure it's your stash."  She cringed a bit but did as he told her.  She was about to lock the trunk when he threw a couple of magazines at her.  She jumped away from them, discusted.  He rolled his eyes, "You don't have to look at them, just stick them in there to make everything more believable."  Kris slid them in and locked it.  Jay tossed a paper at her that said Choi on it in big letters and his name in small letters in one corner.  She looked at her brother questioningly.  "Put your name on the other corner then got hang it up."  The girl quickly wrote her name and walked to the door.  She could hear people shuffling around outside the door, but figured it was just Seok and Chi wondering when they were going to eat lunch.  She opened the door and was surprised to find a tall dark skinned boy standing in front of her door.


He looked down cheerfully, "Hi I'm Kai."

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Ok I will update when they have the site for the other chapters or whatever they are doing with that :)


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 2: The names honestly f-ed me up already, lol. Gotta bookmark here, 'cause it's 4:27 am, and I need sleep, not to mention the migraine I'm about to have! :P
ch3nya #2
Chapter 32: Ohmuhgosh i love you and your stories, keke sorry if that was a little creepy but i keep reading your stories and yeah i love them
Chapter 32: Love the ending. You quoted The Wanted's Lightning, one of my favorite non KPop groups. ❤
Fanficsftw21 #4
Chapter 32: WOW such a nice ending! :D
O_____O omg it's over??
Via099TOP #6
Chapter 31: Aw that's so sweet xDD updt soonnnnn
Fanficsftw21 #7
Chapter 30: hur hur kristy why u playing with kris hm? XD hopes u update soon!
Fanficsftw21 #8
Chapter 28: kristy u better go and meet ur friends mmk? :) i hope u update soon! :3
Chapter 26: I really hate how Kristy is now... She's just not the cool person I liked in the beginning. she's easy...
Fanficsftw21 #10
Chapter 26: O>O Kristy ur bro is going to give you a long lecture if u keep on smoking and Jong Dae tells him what you been doing working at a club. :( I hope u update soon!