The past

Our love started at their wedding
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Kim Taehyung's POV

I was casually stood outside waiting for my hubby to come out until something caught my attention. There was a lady with an ice cream stall right in front of the museum. It was very hot and so, I decided to get some ice cream for Jungkook and I to have whilst we explore this historical museum. I made my way outside and used €2 to get the ice cream. It looked so delicious. I made my way back to the toilet but Jungkook still wasn't there and so, I decided to go into the toilet.

All the cubicles were free and there wasn't any sign of him next to the sink or hand dryers so I walked outside and decided to look for him. He's probably looking for me too. I looked around the toilet at first and then walked around the different rooms to see if I could find him. I couldn't call him either as the foolish guy didn't bring his phone with him. C'mon Kookie, it's the one thing you need. So, I continued my search. It reached a point where I started to get annoyed, even the ice cream began to melt. Ohh, ohh, I see him and the back of someone's head. 

What's wrong with Jungkook's facial expression?

Why is he looking so pale?

Why is he so shocked?

I took a step forward but Jungkook's eyes didn't move its position. They were attached to this man. He paid no attention to me. I sort of felt rejected. The euphoria I felt when I bought ice cream for Jungkook and I all faded away. I don't know why. It felt like Jungkook's face was narrating a story. A bad story. I sound crazy. How can all my mood change because of one expression? But, no. Just like how one emoji can turn tables around, it was just like that. His expression changed my mood entirely. It felt like the atmosphere automatically went quiet like a graveyard. The sounds of people moving around and speaking began to sound blurry to me. My attention focused on Jungkook and his expression. He was white. The last time I saw this expression was when he saw Jin at the airport. No, no, no. No, don't you dare. No, it's not. No. No. 

I reached about 60 cm away from Jungkook and that man but still, he didn't notice me. His eyes didn't flinch at once. I had to say it,


And he looked at me.

Not Jungkook.










He said my name.

"Hyung. Jin hyung."

Jungkook looked at me and ran to me giving me a hug. My ice cream dropped to the ground immediatly. I came out of the hug and cupped Jungkook as I looked back at hyung again. I hadn't seen hyung in so long. I wanted to hug him. Ask him, how he has been but the scene of Jungkook. The Jungkook covered in blood. Jungkook in hospital kept reminding me of the devious hideous things my older brother did to ruin our relationship. But, why wasn't my heart listening? My heart was telling me something's wrong. For some reason, he didn't look the same. He was physically yes, the same. But, the look I saw in eyes in Florida had somehow vanished. It wasn't the same. Jin hyung wasn't dressed like a rich business man. In fact, he looked like a middle class man. His trousers were bedraggled. In fact, he was dressed like an umade bed. Just as I was about to speak, some children came up to him calling him,


"Appa, appa. I want to buy chocolate." One kid pleaded which made me smile whilst the other child pleaded to go home. He's a Dad? He has children.

"Yes, yes. I will, dear. Just wait a while till we get home, okay? Appa Chung will treat you."

Appa Chung?

As hyung looked at me again about to say something, about ten more children came up to him again saying Appa. Some wanted to go to the toilet, others asked for ice cream.

No way. They're all his children?

A man came after the children and the children ran up to him shouting the name 'Appa Chung.' I grew tired of all these strange events.

"Hyung." I said.

I saw Jin hyung's eyes watering.

"I am so happy to see you again, Tae- tae ah. How have you been?"

"Hyung." It was all I had to say.

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Bidell #1
Chapter 8: Interesting. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story.
hello! i have stumbled upon your story on the graphic request page of asianfanfics and had decided to make you a poster for your story: OUR LOVE STARTED AT THEIR WEDDING! i was not sure of the theme for the story so i just went ahead with a mellowish theme. i hope you will like it as much as i had enjoyed creating it. lol! ah, you most definitely DO NOT have to use the poster that i had created if you don't want too. lol! no hard feelings there mate, i promise! but if you do though, could you pretty please leave a comment on my wall stating something along the lines of you using/taking the poster? that would be awesome as then i will know not to delete the graphic!

link to the graphic:

hope to hear from you soon!
Chapter 43: Great ff <3
Chapter 23: Wow.. I've never imagined Jin being a badass ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 22: WHAT??!! GO TO NAMJOON JIN!!
Chapter 12: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Jin!!!
helloimavkooklover #7
Chapter 43: This fic made my day
vero1347 #8
This is so gooodd!!!!!!
Chapter 43: :DDDDDD Im waiting friend <3 im happy that this story was good! I remember when i first read the first few chapters XD
nostalgia is a nice feeling
AnnabelleRaen #10
Chapter 43: So...yeah, you already know but I love this fic x3
It's been ages since I commented because I had a little (a lot) too many feels and didn't know what to type. "Thanks for the update" and "OHMIGOD" were strong contenders but eventually I just started foaming at the mouth and shut the browser down xD