Diving experience

Our love started at their wedding
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Jeon Jungkook's POV

"Tae. Tae, let me go. We have to get up now. Tae, we have tutoring lessons for scuba diving today. C'mon."

" that. Dive into my arms, instead." He put both his arms around me and pulled me closer to him as he sniffed my neck. I tried to pull out of his embrace but everytime, I tried he just strengthened his hold on me. Did we end up sleeping like this? I thought we did it, then put our clothes back on but guess not. I mean I have to say, last night was incredibly fun. But seriously, if we don't get up now we're going to be extremely late but my husband, I swear down.

"Tae, c'mon now."

"Nope, nope. I ain't letting go." He said whilst yawning between his words.

"If you let go of me, I'll give you a present whilst we dive."

He looked up at me with a demanding look.

"Really huh?"

He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me closer to him so our noses touched. He touched my nose with his thumb and first finger. He wiggled it around and pulled my cheeks treating me like a child.

"Really Jungkookie?"

"Yes, Tae-tae." I mimicked in a child like voice.

"Ugh, fine then. Let's get ready." 

"Tae, I'm going to brush my teeth and when I'm done, I'll call you and you can brush your teeth whilst I shower."

"Mhm, so I'll be brushing my teeth and you'll be in the shower."

"Yes and that is how it will be."


"Tae! Don't get any other thoughts. We need to reach there. Okay?"

"Fine." He said with his aegyo.

I slipped out of bed after he finally let go of me.  

I quickly went into the toilet and started to brush my teeth. Tae probably went back to sleep. I rinsed my mouth after using my mouth wash too. Then, I exited the toilet and picked out what to wear from my suitcase. It was a simple white t shirt with a blue jacket, black jeans and adidas superstars. Surprisingly, Tae was up and he had choosen his clothes. It was a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves in black and the rest in white with black writing in the middle saying 1924. He chose black jeans but slightly different to mine. He chose Nikes. 

"Wow, Tae. Finally up."

"Lemme brush my teeth now. You shower."

"Okay then."






Finally, both of us were ready and headed to one of the cafes to have breakfast. I was really craving hot chocolate and I'd fancy some croissants too. I ordered exactly that whilst Tae chose to have a complete opposite. He was really craving Korea

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Bidell #1
Chapter 8: Interesting. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story.
hello! i have stumbled upon your story on the graphic request page of asianfanfics and had decided to make you a poster for your story: OUR LOVE STARTED AT THEIR WEDDING! i was not sure of the theme for the story so i just went ahead with a mellowish theme. i hope you will like it as much as i had enjoyed creating it. lol! ah, you most definitely DO NOT have to use the poster that i had created if you don't want too. lol! no hard feelings there mate, i promise! but if you do though, could you pretty please leave a comment on my wall stating something along the lines of you using/taking the poster? that would be awesome as then i will know not to delete the graphic!

link to the graphic: http://i.imgur.com/sitTJ8O.jpg

hope to hear from you soon!
Chapter 43: Great ff <3
Chapter 23: Wow.. I've never imagined Jin being a badass ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 22: WHAT??!! GO TO NAMJOON JIN!!
Chapter 12: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Jin!!!
helloimavkooklover #7
Chapter 43: This fic made my day
vero1347 #8
This is so gooodd!!!!!!
Chapter 43: :DDDDDD Im waiting friend <3 im happy that this story was good! I remember when i first read the first few chapters XD
nostalgia is a nice feeling
AnnabelleRaen #10
Chapter 43: So...yeah, you already know but I love this fic x3
It's been ages since I commented because I had a little (a lot) too many feels and didn't know what to type. "Thanks for the update" and "OHMIGOD" were strong contenders but eventually I just started foaming at the mouth and shut the browser down xD