Dreams came true

Our love started at their wedding
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15 years later




"Yeah, Tae."


"Tea's ready. Call Jin hyung."




"Jin hyung, tea's ready."


"I'm coming, Jungkook." 





15 years before


Jeon Jungkook's POV


Today is the wedding day. I have been with Tae for five years now. We have had so many memories together. I met his family. They are the nicest people on Earth. No for real, Tae should treasure them. His mum is always looking out for me, she's literally like my own mum and treats me as if I'm her son. And Tae's dad! I'm pretty sure Tae got his perfect rectangle smile from his Dad. The resemblance is too much. He met my family too and they also thought that we were the perfect pair. They accepted Tae happily and I couldn't be more happier today getting dressed for my wedding today. Truly, Tae is the one for me and there would never be anyone else. Tae is my everything and I never want to lose him. I almost did once because of somebody and now, I am going to stick with him all day, everyday. Speaking of that somebody, he, he's just gone. When we came back from Florida to London, no one ever saw him again. Tae and his family tried so much to look for him but there was no sign of him. No one was ready to give any details about him. Since then, Tae and his family have forgotten about him or they say they have forgotten. I know Tae still thinks of his hyung today. He says he doesn't care about him anymore. He might have thrown all of the pictures with him and Jin away but he can't throw the memories away in his head. The thing with truth is that it can be denied, not avoided. He can deny the fact that he doesn't miss Jin but he can't avoid it. And he most definitely cannot lie to me. Through these five years, I have gotten to know Taehyung so much. He tells me everything and I tell him everything. Our jobs have been going very well and we moved in together last year. We bought our own apartment and it's exactly how I wanted my life to be like. Every morning, I wake up earlier because my job starts earlier and I prepare him breakfast waiting for him in the kitchen. I always tiptoe my way into our room and plant a kiss on his forehead before leaving trying my best not to wake him up but as I take a step towards the door, he always holds my hand and pulls me back onto the bed. He twists me over and leaves a trail of his kisses down my neck. The entire day at work, Tae's voice rings in my head. The way he says, "Don't go, Kookie. Don't go." But me being a punctual guy, I always end up leaving him . Hey, I'm not being mean. Tae-tae is mean too. Once he left a hickey, the entire day at work I had to cover my neck. It was so embarassing. This punk, I swear to God. But if I think about it, my best memory with him was our vacation to Barcelona. It was absoultely amazing. I loved the beach. Gosh, Tae looked so hot. His tanned skin and his abs. How beautifully it was just glowing in the sunlight, I was just left like an owl staring at that body of his. I remember him saying, "Gosh Jungkook. Didn't know I was that good." But for real, he looked wow! On the vacation, I ticked so many things off my bucket list. Skydiving, parasailing, going on a banana boat. But out of the three, I liked the parasailing the most. When Tae and I were right at the highest, Tae said the most precious thing to me. He said something he had never told anyone before. Not even his parents. He said,


"Jungkook, no one knows about this. But, me I-i've always been interested in singing and producing music. I didn't take it as a profession, of course but I do still produce some music in my free time. Usually, I just produce songs based on other people's experience but m-my first song based on my own experience, it's about you."

And then he sang with his deep melodic voice. The most beautiful voice I have ever heard in my life. I could hear Tae sing everyday and by God, I would never get tired of him. 

"Kkwak jabajwo nal anajwo. 

Can you trust me? Can you trust me? Can you trust me?

Kkwak kkeureo anajwo. 

Kkwak jabajwo nal anajwo.

Can you trust me? Can you trust me? Can you trust me?

Jebal jebal jebal kkeureo anajwo. "

I held his hand tighter than I already was doing and I just said three words to him, "I trust you." 

It was the best vacation of my life. I spent the best moments of my life so far there and I think that whenever I'm with Tae even if we're somewhere really boring like some sort of museum, things just automatically turn out to be amazing and funny because I'm with Tae. 

I've put on my bowtie now and I'm done. I can hear Jimin calling me.

"Jungkook-ah. You ready."

"Mhm hm."

"Jiminie hyung, how did you feel?"

"Honestly, I fell scared, indeed. But, once you see Tae, you'll forget everything like I did when I saw Hopie."

"Hyung, it was my dream to be in your position and Tae to be in Hopie hyung's position and I just can't believe how fast time flies. I feel like it was only yesterday where you and Hopie got married and i was looking after you but now look, it's me in your position and you in my position."

"Time indeed flies, Jungkook." I heard my Dad say as he walked in. 

"Jimin, could you please excuse us for a minute please?"

"Yes, of course. I'll leave you to it."

I saw Jimin walk out of the door and he shut it after him. It was just me and my Dad left in the room. He took two chairs out and instructed me to sit down before taking a seat himself. 

"Jungkook ah."


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Bidell #1
Chapter 8: Interesting. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story.
hello! i have stumbled upon your story on the graphic request page of asianfanfics and had decided to make you a poster for your story: OUR LOVE STARTED AT THEIR WEDDING! i was not sure of the theme for the story so i just went ahead with a mellowish theme. i hope you will like it as much as i had enjoyed creating it. lol! ah, you most definitely DO NOT have to use the poster that i had created if you don't want too. lol! no hard feelings there mate, i promise! but if you do though, could you pretty please leave a comment on my wall stating something along the lines of you using/taking the poster? that would be awesome as then i will know not to delete the graphic!

link to the graphic: http://i.imgur.com/sitTJ8O.jpg

hope to hear from you soon!
Chapter 43: Great ff <3
Chapter 23: Wow.. I've never imagined Jin being a badass ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 22: WHAT??!! GO TO NAMJOON JIN!!
Chapter 12: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Jin!!!
helloimavkooklover #7
Chapter 43: This fic made my day
vero1347 #8
This is so gooodd!!!!!!
Chapter 43: :DDDDDD Im waiting friend <3 im happy that this story was good! I remember when i first read the first few chapters XD
nostalgia is a nice feeling
AnnabelleRaen #10
Chapter 43: So...yeah, you already know but I love this fic x3
It's been ages since I commented because I had a little (a lot) too many feels and didn't know what to type. "Thanks for the update" and "OHMIGOD" were strong contenders but eventually I just started foaming at the mouth and shut the browser down xD