Tae has to know

Our love started at their wedding
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 Jimin's POV

I really can't see my best friend in this situation. Hopie's just gone to check on him and I'm here sat in our room a day before our honeymoon absoloutley heart broken for my best friend. I have to return Tae back to him. Hopie and I will do something together. But right now, I'm blank. I have absoloutley no idea how to prove to Tae that it wasn't Jungkook but Jin. The only way is Dae and I've been searching for him eversince but geez it's like the guy has just dissapeared. I asked the hotel staff about his room but no news at all. He's just vanished. I have got to do something. How do I prove to Tae? I feel so guilty right now. It's too hard, I thought. If I ought to think of something, I have to stroll around, then an idea might come to me. I made sure our door was locked and I decided to walk around the rooms and down the steps to the main buffet when a man collided into me. His entire meal just fell on the floor. I stared at the pieces of chicken which were now useless and all the rice just scattered around like maggots.

"Omo I am so sorry." I said with an apologetic face. 

The stranger looked up at me and took off his sunglasses. He greeted me with a big smile.

"No worries." He said. "I can go and get myself another meal."

"No, this is my fault. Can I buy you a cup of coffee? Or something to make up for it?"

"No really, it's okay urm?"

"It's Jimin. Park Ji- actually no Jung Jimin." I said showing him my wedding ring.

"Congratulations Jimin, I'm Minhyuk."

"Please allow me."

"Well, if you insist, please lead the way." 

I recongnise the man. I have seen him before. Where though? I can't seem to remember but his face is ever so similiar. Where have I seen him? My mind has just gone blank. I was still so worried about what to do with Jungkook and Tae but I'm not that sort of person to take it out on other people. Moreover, this was my fault so I ought to do some sort of compensation for it. 

I ordered a coffee in a nearby cafe near the buffet and sat down on a table. Minhyuk sat next to me. Just then, I saw Hopie walk past the cafe.

"Hopie!" I shouted.

He stopped walking and faced the cafe. 

"Just a minute, Minhyuk ssi."

I walked up to Hopie.

"Jimin, what are you doing in the cafe?"

"I accidentally dropped the man's meal so I thought I would buy him coffee. Come and meet him. We are all troubled by their situation but right now, maybe taking our mind off it may bring some ideas."

"I get you." He said kissing my forehead and intertwining his hands with mine. I love Hopie. 

"Minhyuk ssi, this is Jung Hoseok or Hopie, my husband. Hopie, this is Minhyuk ssi."

"Nice to meet you." Hopie responded. 

Hoseok's pov

Minhyuk, Minhyuk, Minhyuk. Where have I heard that name before? I have heard that name before. Just then, a scene popped in my head.

"Yes Minhyuk." 

Jin's phone call. I heard him as I started walking. Is it the same Minhyuk? Perhaps, he can help us. 

"Minhyuk ssi, perhaps do you know anyone called Jin?"

"Huh? Jin. No sorry, Hopie ssi. I don't know anyone by that name."

"Oh okay."

Jimin looked at me with confusement but I'd explain to him later. All my hopes just went into complete vain. What kind of hope am I to my friends when I don't have any more hope left in myself? I'm broken from the inside. 

"Jimin ssi, Hopie ssi. I am going to have to leave now. But, thank you so much Jimin ssi for the coffee. I did enjoy it a lot. Have a happily married life. God bless your couple." He said those words and walked off. He seemed like a nice man. If only he could help us. 

"Hopie ah."


"Why did you ask Minhyuk ssi if he knew Jin?"

"The other day when you went to collect your wedding suit with Jungkook-' I was about to finish when Jimin interrupted my sentence.

"That's it."

"Huh, Jimin?"

"That's where I have seen him before. I saw him the shop."

"Did you?"

"Yeah but he gave me and Jungkook pretty weird stares."

"But anyways, I heard Jin say 'yes Minhyuk' on the phone."

"Did you hear their entire conversation?"

"No,I couldn't." 

How can I tell Jimin what Jin did to me? He'd be broken apart. No, I must stay silent.

"So that's why you asked him?"

"Mhm but seems like he's not the same person."

"Anyways hyung, let's go up to our room and continue thinking what to do."

"Okay Jimin-ah."

We walked back up the steps when Jimin asked me a question.

"Did you check up on Jungkook-ah?"

"Yeah, he's asleep now."

"Okay." He said with relief. 

"Don't worry, Jimin-ah. We'll figure something out." I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

Although I have no hope myself, I still have to continue to encourage Jimin. I can't let him down now. We finally reached our room and we unlocked it. Jimin just threw himself on the bed. He was so tired, I could clearly tell but still he sat right back up with a serious face and looked around thinking what to do. Jimin, you are just perfect.

I sat down next to him and held his hand. I leaned in closer to him and his eyelids shut. I looked at his lips and as I was about to connect mine to his, I heard a knock on the door. Jimin opened up his eyes. I told him I'd get it. So, I walked towards the door and opened the door to find a similiar face. 

"Minhyuk ssi?"

"I am sorry."

"Pardon Min

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Bidell #1
Chapter 8: Interesting. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story.
hello! i have stumbled upon your story on the graphic request page of asianfanfics and had decided to make you a poster for your story: OUR LOVE STARTED AT THEIR WEDDING! i was not sure of the theme for the story so i just went ahead with a mellowish theme. i hope you will like it as much as i had enjoyed creating it. lol! ah, you most definitely DO NOT have to use the poster that i had created if you don't want too. lol! no hard feelings there mate, i promise! but if you do though, could you pretty please leave a comment on my wall stating something along the lines of you using/taking the poster? that would be awesome as then i will know not to delete the graphic!

link to the graphic: http://i.imgur.com/sitTJ8O.jpg

hope to hear from you soon!
Chapter 43: Great ff <3
Chapter 23: Wow.. I've never imagined Jin being a badass ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 22: WHAT??!! GO TO NAMJOON JIN!!
Chapter 12: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Jin!!!
helloimavkooklover #7
Chapter 43: This fic made my day
vero1347 #8
This is so gooodd!!!!!!
Chapter 43: :DDDDDD Im waiting friend <3 im happy that this story was good! I remember when i first read the first few chapters XD
nostalgia is a nice feeling
AnnabelleRaen #10
Chapter 43: So...yeah, you already know but I love this fic x3
It's been ages since I commented because I had a little (a lot) too many feels and didn't know what to type. "Thanks for the update" and "OHMIGOD" were strong contenders but eventually I just started foaming at the mouth and shut the browser down xD