The real Kookie

Our love started at their wedding
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Tae was busy having bacon sandwiches with Jimin and J hope. They seemed to have exciting plans about their wedding ceremony. Taehyung too was very excited for the wedding ceremony and also the fact that Jin his brother was going to come in a few days. He had told J hope earlier and Hopie was also very excited to hear this news. But there was one thing bugging Tae, Jungkook’s behaviour. The younger wasn’t shy anymore. He didn’t blush anymore. In fact, he was dominant, possessive, y, charming. All these qualities just appeared from nowhere. It began to trouble Tae a bit because he wasn’t used to see this sight of Kookie. He sure did love being controlled as in his past relationships, he was always the one starting all the kisses and doing most of the action but now, Tae-tae felt like he was the one being controlled. This behaviour of Kookie made Tae feel a bit weird about the clubbing tonight. As Tae was sat right in front of Jimin and J hope, yup he asked them.

“Hopie, Jimin sshii.”


“Well, Kookie saw this advert about some sort of club at some sort of villa tonight. D’u guys fancy coming with us? We can just take a cab. I don’t know much about the details but I’ll ask Kookie about it and text you.”

“Yeah course, Tae. Why won’t we?” Hopie said joyfully but Jimin was in a deep thought. After he heard Hopie’s statement, his mind clicked and immediately replied,

“No-no-no. Hopie, you pabo. You forgot we have to do the wedding preparations. In fact, we’re really late. In fact, we should get going. Sorry Tae, enjoy your breakfast. And Hopie, get your up.” Jimin quickly replied trying to cover his face and quickly get out of the chair and dragging Hopie along with him outside the buffet. As he walked outside, he saw Kookie outside and winked at him.


Tae smiled at the couple. He did find them adorably cute. Perhaps, he had started to miss the cuteness in the relationships. I mean, it hadn’t been long for Kookie and Tae’s relationship at all but already, he missed the cute kisses and hugs and arguments. I mean, Tae wasn’t in for the . He was in it for Kookie. He loved Kookie, not his body. He looked down at himself but as soon as he glanced up, he found his boyfriend stood in front of him pulling out his chair and getting comfortable with a plate in his hand full with a chicken wrap.


Tae didn’t seem to reply. He was looking down with a glum face. This made Kookie a bit worried.

“Tae?” “Tae, speak to me?”

Again, no response. Jungkook was now full on worried. He clicked ten, twenty, thirty times in front of the boy but still couldn’t grab the boy’s attention. He kicked Tae under the table but the statue was still.

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Bidell #1
Chapter 8: Interesting. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story.
hello! i have stumbled upon your story on the graphic request page of asianfanfics and had decided to make you a poster for your story: OUR LOVE STARTED AT THEIR WEDDING! i was not sure of the theme for the story so i just went ahead with a mellowish theme. i hope you will like it as much as i had enjoyed creating it. lol! ah, you most definitely DO NOT have to use the poster that i had created if you don't want too. lol! no hard feelings there mate, i promise! but if you do though, could you pretty please leave a comment on my wall stating something along the lines of you using/taking the poster? that would be awesome as then i will know not to delete the graphic!

link to the graphic:

hope to hear from you soon!
Chapter 43: Great ff <3
Chapter 23: Wow.. I've never imagined Jin being a badass ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 22: WHAT??!! GO TO NAMJOON JIN!!
Chapter 12: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Jin!!!
helloimavkooklover #7
Chapter 43: This fic made my day
vero1347 #8
This is so gooodd!!!!!!
Chapter 43: :DDDDDD Im waiting friend <3 im happy that this story was good! I remember when i first read the first few chapters XD
nostalgia is a nice feeling
AnnabelleRaen #10
Chapter 43: So...yeah, you already know but I love this fic x3
It's been ages since I commented because I had a little (a lot) too many feels and didn't know what to type. "Thanks for the update" and "OHMIGOD" were strong contenders but eventually I just started foaming at the mouth and shut the browser down xD