
From Prince to Top Spy (Sequel to Undercover Princess) 

Wind blew through a man's hair as he soared through the air and landed gracefully on the roof of a building. He quietly made his way towards the door. Twisting the doorknob, he found that it was locked.

He pulled out a pocket knife and fidled with the lock, unlocking it easily. He shut the door silently, keeping it unlocked so he could escape easily later.

Tiptoeing through the halls, he made his way towards his destination. He slipped under the cover of a shadow as one of the workers walked by. Once they had passed by, he snuck out of his hiding spot and darted down the hall in the opposite direction.

He reached a door and punched in the code. Hearing the click of the lock opening, he swung the door open gently and closed it after walking inside. His eyes searched the room, landing on a cabinet.

The guy strode across the room towards the cabinet and opened it. He rifled through the files and found the one he was looking for. He heard voices on the other side of the door. 

Closing the cabinet quickly, he fled into a dark corner of the room right when the door swung open again and five people walked in. His eyes widened in recognition when he saw you and SHINee.

"Hey, you guys." He heard you whisper. While they were distracted, he stealthily made his way towards the door. He had almost made it out the door but he accidentally kicked a cabinet. The sound was very quiet but you had heard it and turned towards him.

The guy dashed out of the room, hearing your footsteps in pursuit. He reached the roof and ran towards the edge. "Freeze! Don't move and give me the file." He heard you say.

He turned around slowly and faced you. He recognized you but he knew that you couldn't recognize him. Once SHINee appeared by your side, he jumped backwards and slid down the rope he had set up earlier.

The rope wasn't noticeable, he had set it up so that only he would be able to find the rope. Once he landed safely on the ground, he pressed himself against the wall. He looked up and saw you staring down into the alley.

He sighed in relief once you and SHINee had left. He sprinted through the alley and back to his car a few blocks away. The guy got into his car and drove back to his headquarters.

Back at his headquarters, several people bowed and greeted him respectfully. He opened a door and walked in. A man was sitting in a chair at his desk. He looked up when the guy entered.

"I retrieved the file you asked for." The guy said. The man smiled. "Thank you. This is exactly what we need to take SHINee and SM down once and for all." The man replied.

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Chapter 17: Awww.... >u< This is so adorable~ and if Boyfriend cafe existed, I would definitely go there.
Ahhhhhhh!!! So SWEET!!! I love it!!
Taemin22 #3
Ehhh? How come they became friends?
this is my eight time reading this fanfic and UNDERCOVER PRINCESS<3
Love this <3 Its nice ... <3<3
-ily_4ever #6
Awe I love this story!! It's a happy ending .,, they're so cute in the bonus chapter I hope Taemin and Haneul got to be together! :] hope to read your future stories!!
huskylover200 #7
That sounds interesting, I'll think about it. But it'll be more of a spin-off rather than a sequel. I might write it once I finish my other two fics. For right now, the spin-off is still an 'if' though. :)
Maybe you should write a sequel to hanuel and Taemin? Don't know, just a suggestion.
huskylover200 #9
Hmm I probably won't right a sequel, I think there really isn't anything to add to the story. Sorry if it disappoints you, I hope you still continue to love and support FPTTS and Undercover Princess. Also, I hope you read some of my other stories too. Thank you all sooo much for reading :)
Shineebambi #10
Aww the bonus chapter was great! So cute!! but are you going to make another sequel or no?